Virology-2013 Report
The 3rd World Congress on Virology took place in Baltimore, USA on November 20-22, 2013.The conference was titled: “Exploring Novel Approaches in Virology” and hosted by the OMICS Group. Generous response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of OMICS Group Journals, Organizing Committee Members, scientists, researchers, clinical experts and leaders from the field of Virology.
The conference was carried out through various sessions, in which the discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:
- HIV Vaccines
- Therapeutic Approaches and Targets for Viral Infections
- Human Viral Diseases Affecting Afro-Asian Continents
- HIV and Other Retroviruses
- Respiratory Viral Infections
- Viral Hepatitis
- Viral Immunology
- Agriculture and Plant Virology
- Recent Advances in Drug Discovery
The conference paved its way by the introductory speeches from Honourable guests and members of the Keynote forum such as;
Marc H.V. Van Regenmortel, University of Strasbourg, France
Dimiter Dimitrov, NIH, USA
Ruth M. Ruprecht, Texas Biomedical Research Institute, USA
Jean-Marie Andrieu, University of Paris-Descartes, France
Hiroshi Ohrui, Yokohama College of Pharmacy, Japan
All the speakers gave their fruitful contribution in the form of highly informative presentations which made the conference a great success. OMICS Group is also obliged to various outside experts, representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating the discussion forums and sincere appreciations to Organizing Committee Members and Editorial Board members for their gracious presence, support and assistance towards Virology-2013.
With the huge optimistic response from scientific fraternity, renowned personalities and the Editorial board members of OMICS Group from across the world, OMICS Group is pleased to announce the "4th World Congress on Virology" to be held during Oct 06-08, 2014 in San Antonio, USA.
Expert Presentations