Importance & Scope:
The study of biomarkers may be where the future of biomedical research is headed. Since a 1973 paper first mentioned the term “biomarker,” there has been a two-fold increase in the number of NIH-funded grants that deal with biomarkers.
Most aspect of Biomarkers depends upon the vital role in efficiency of the therapeutic process and establishing the standardization of drug development. The major role for the development of disease pathway in biomarkers is done by active connectivity from clinical research to clinical discovery. Diagnostic labs and automated assay development are big players. Research portfolio of biomarkers discovery has an application in all the major scientific studies.
They provide a window into disease, a way to peer into an organism and mine its secrets. They can illuminate the inner workings of a heart muscle or indicate the presence of infection, and interest in how they work has been growing.
Between 2000 and 2011, the NIH gave out nearly $10.7 billion worth of grants to roughly 30,000 studies that all had some form of biomarker science, a tenth of which pertained to biomarker discovery, with another 10 percent dedicated to the validation of pre-existing biomarkers. [1]
Why Toronto, Canada?
In recently published article, scientist in Canada conducted a study to evaluate a change in symptoms, spinal mobility and radiographic features in patient with the help of Biomarkers. They identified that the maximum research related to biomarkers and healthcare use to be conducted in Toronto, Canada. There are more than 100 research firms in Canada which helps in growing the field of research and healthcare. Also according to research from Toronto, studies of human inflammatory diseases can be aided with the help of better biomarkers.
The Central Facility functions in Toronto works as the nexus for the network and its academic and industry partners by providing numerous support services for their clinical and basic research scientists in the conduct of their research. Various researches are going on in university of Ontario, University of Toronto related to biomarkers and Healthcare which results in the hub of researchers all around the world to share their knowledge.
Residing at the core of the network is the OCBN Central Facility, located at the MaRS Incubator in the heart of the biomedical research community in Toronto, one of the most vibrant research hubs in the world which works on the most dreadful disease like Cancer and HIV. [2]
There are several self-sustaining, not-for-profit, research support organization focused on facilitating the identification, quantification and validation of biomarkers for use in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diseases in Toronto.
Conference Highlights:
- Types of Biomarkers
- Functional Genomics and Cytogenetic Biomarkers
- Functional Transcriptomics and Profiling Techniques
- Biomarkers in Clinical Research and Development
- Omics Technologies in Biomarkers Discovery and Validation
- Biomarkers of Exposure Response and Susceptibility
- Biomarkers for Disorders
- Techniques to Maximize Biomarker Identification
- Biomarkers and Nano particles
- Biomarkers for Data Statistics
Why to attend Biomarkers?
With members from around the world focused on learning about Biomarkers and Clinical Research, this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from various eminent speakers. Conduct demonstrations, distribute information, meet with current and potential speakers/Delegates all around the world which are working on the very emerging field of Biomarkers, and receive name recognition at this 3-day event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, tactics, and the newest updates in Biomarkers and Clinical Research fields are hallmarks of this conference.
A Unique Opportunity for Advertisers and Sponsors at this International event:
Major associations and media partners around the globe:
Biomarkers Profile corporation
International society for oncology and Biomarkers
The Biomarkers consortium
World molecular imaging society
Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
European society of molecular imaging
Biomarkers consortium
Biomarkers Society
Genetic engineering and Biotech News
Insight Pharma
Bio IT World
Major associations and media partners around Canada:
Alliance for commercialization of Canadian Technologies
University Health Networks
Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network
National Research council
Canadian association of Neuroscience
Clinical Research association of Canada
Hypertension Canada
Biotechnology Canada
Statistical Analysis of number of researches in Biomarkers Market value - Technology wise involvement:
Figure 1: Biomarkers Market value of researches in particular field
Target Audience:
For Biomarkers mainly the target audiences are Universities, Research institutes, Hospitals, Industries, Medical device manufacturing companies, CROs and Associations.
Universities for the following technologies:
Cancer Biomarkers
Pharmacogenomics Epidemiology
Imaging Biomarkers
Preclinical Research
Differential Co-Expression
Industries for the following products:
Microarray Technology
Tissue and Genomic Micro Arrays
Fluroscent Markers
Figure 2: Number of Companies, Hospitals, Associations, Universities and CROs
Top Universities in Canada:
Ontario University
McGill University
Brock University
University of Guelph-Humber
Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology
University of Western Ontario
McMaster University
Figure 3: Statistics of Top Universities all around the world-Canada-Toronto
Companies associated with Biomarkers and Clinical Research:
Figure 4: Companies Associated with Biomarkers and Clinical Research
Hospitals associated with Biomarkers and Clinical Research:
Figure 5: Hospitals associated with Biomarkers and Clinical Research
Glance at market of Biomarkers and Clinical Research:
Total market value of Biomarkers in 2014 is $5.95 Billion and it is expected to reach $30 Billion in 2020 growing at CAGR of 16% from 2014 to 2020. Biomarkers major verticals are usually supplied by market of application and market of services. Common Annual Growth Rate of more than 37% is gained by market for application and Common Annual Growth Rate of more than 39% are gained from the market of services. Thus the common annual growth is 49% by revenue. Nowadays scope of biomarkers has a vital role in efficacy of the therapeutic process all around the world. Establishing the standardization of drug development has a major role for the development of disease pathway. Also, Research portfolio of biomarkers discovery has an application in all the major scientific studies. [3] [4]
Market Growth of Biomarkers and Clinical Research in Billions:
Figure 6: Market Growth of Biomarkers and Clinical Research in Billions
Reference [5]
Statistics of Institutions, Researchers and Academicians working technology wise:
Figure 7: Statistics of Institutions, Researchers and Academicians
Reference [6]
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