2nd World Congress on Biopolymers
August 04-05, 2016 Manchester, UK

Theme: Recent advances and future trends in Biopolymers

2nd World Congress on Biopolymers


Biopolymers are chain-like molecules made up of repeating chemical blocks and can be very long in length. The prefix bio means that they are produced by living organisms and thus are biodegradable. Biopolymers can be classified in three groups, depending on the nature of the repeating unit they are made of: (i) polysaccharrides are made of sugars, (ii) proteins of amino acids, and (iii) nucleic acids of nucleotides. The following substances are example-biopolymers for each group: cellulose (found in plants), myoglobin (muscle tissues), and DNA (genetic material of a given organism). At Novozymes, we produce macromolecules belonging to the two first classes, namely polysaccharides and proteins.

Biopolymer Congress 2016 is an event delivering the concept of biobased world across the globe. In the present world where the use of conventional plastics, the consequences of plastic products use and the waste management of these products when they become waste, is a current and pressing issue. Concerns focus on the potential impact of conventional plastics they cause to the environment.

For more details please visit: http://biopolymers.conferenceseries.com/

Importance and Scope:

The history of Biopolymer is not a long one. They are beginning to emerge as a result of needing to be more responsible in taking care of the world we live in. Thus, the recent emergence of bio-based products rather than petroleum or natural gas based products. Various reasons are associated with the research and development of Biopolymers. The use of biopolymers could markedly increase as more durable versions are developed, and the cost to manufacture these bio-plastics continues to go fall. Bio-plastics can replace conventional plastics in the field of their applications also and can be used in different sectors such as food packaging, plastic plates, cups, cutlery, plastic storage bags, storage containers or other plastic or composite material items you are buying and therfore can help in making environment sustainable.

Why in Manchester?

The United Kingdom has consistently been the largest producer of biopolymer and the synthetic plastic market is engrained in the UK and world economy, but now the focus has been shifted to Bioplastics as plastics are having many adverse effects. The biopolymer market is miniscule in comparison to the plastics marketplace; however, bioplastics are gaining in capital and popularity. Europe is the 2nd biggest market for biopolymers, consuming more than one-third of the total global demand for biopolymers.

Many institutions and departments in UK are encouraging the research for biopolymers. Departments such as Department of Defense (DOD), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) , Department of Energy (DOE), University of Manchester, University of Nottingham, University of Westminster etc. are involved in the research for Biopolymers and Bioplastics. Various companies like Biopolymer Solutions, Fmc Biopolymer Uk Ltd,etc. are now a part of UK and their product services are entirely based on Biodegradable Plastics i.e., Bioplastics.

Apart from Research and Industrial point of view, Manchester is a beautiful city, and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, in North West England, with a population of 514,417 in 2013. It lies within the United Kingdom's second most populous urban area, with a population of 2.55 million, and third-most populous metropolitan area. Manchester is fringed by the Cheshire Plain to the south, the Pennines to the north and east and an arc of towns with which it forms a continuous conurbation. The local authority is Manchester City Council.

Why to attend?

    Biopolymer Congress 2016 is an event delivering the concept of biobased world across the globe. In the present world where the use of conventional plastics, the consequences of plastic products use and the waste management of these products when they become waste, is a current and pressing issue. Concerns focus on the potential impact of conventional plastics they cause to the environment.

 Conference Highlights:

  • Advances in the Biopolymers
  • Natural polymers
  • Green Composites
  • Biomaterials and Biopolymers
  • Biopolymer Feedstock Challenges & Opportunities
  • Biofibers and microbial cellulose
  • Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering
  • Recycling, compostability & waste
  • Future and scope of Biopolymers

 Biopolymers Universities in Uk

  • Glyndwr University
  • Newcastle University
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Westminster
  • University of Manchester

 Target Audience:

  • Eminent Scientists of Polymer Science & Chemical Engineering, Green Chemistry
  • Polymer Research Professors and research fellows
  • Students from Material science, Polymer Science and Technology & Chemical Engineering
  • Directors of Polymer Manufacturing companies, Green Chemicals Companies
  • Biopolymer Engineers, Polymer Science Engineers & Chemical Engineers
  • Members of different Bioploymers, Waste Management, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering associations

Biopolymers Research Worldwide:

Biopolymers and Bioplastics are available for the last decade or so has the potential to reduce the petroleum consumption for plastic by 15-20% by 2025 Improved technical properties and innovations open new markets and applications with higher profit potentials in automotive, medicine and electronics. Biopolymers & Bioplastics are biodegradable and can be made from a wide range of different plants.
When Biopolymers & Bioplastics  companies change their strategy from just replacing current products to new applications, product conceptions and production processes, profitability and salability increase dramatically. In 2025, Europe will count for 31% share, USA for 28% share and Asia will be the major market with 32% share of the total global demand. Asia has the advantage that genetically modified plants are easier to realize and new outlets for agriculture are faster to build up. Biopolymers & Bioplastics markets grow at 8-10% pa. Biopolymers & Bioplastics cover approximately 10-15% of the total plastics market and will increase market share to 25-30% by 2020. The market itself is huge, it reached over US$1 bln in 2007 and is expected to cross US$10 bln by 2020. A growing number of companies are foraying into and investing in this segment. New applications and innovations in the automotive and electronics industry lead to market boom. Over 500 Biopolymers & Bioplastics processing companies are currently on stream, with the figure expected to grow beyond 5000 by 2025. 



 Biopolymers companies in Uk

  • Biopolymer Solutions
  •  FMC Biopolymers UK Ltd
  •  Biome Bio plastics Ltd
  • Marine Biopolymers Ltd
  •  Mentor Biopolymers Ltd
  •  Sea Biotech
  •  A&O Filmpac Ltd
  • Amcor Flexibles
  • Matrix Polymers
  • Packing Films
  • Plaxica Ltd

 Major Associations around the Globe:

  • British Plastics Federation
  • European Council for Plasticizers and Intermediates
  • American Coatings Association
  • American Chemical Society (Division of Polymer Chemistry)
  • American Physical Society Division of Polymer Physics (APS DPOLY)
  • Polymer Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI Polymer Division) 
  • Belgian Polymer Group (BPG)
  • Brazilian Polymer Association
  • European Polymer Federation
  • Bioenvironmental Polymer Society    

Biopolymers Market Analysis:

As there is need for eradication of polymers, there is increase in growth of industries for Biopolymers. Biopolymers have found wide acceptance in various industries, on account of its distinguished environment friendly properties. Biopolymers are now an important part of every sector Food tech, nanotech, chemistry, medical, agriculture etc.

There is an increase of 20% (approx.) in the production of biopolymers products and bioplastics per year. Market of around 1.2 million tones in 2011 may see a five-fold increase in production volumes by 2016, to almost 6 million tones. By 2020 Bioplastics   production could rise to 12 million tones.



This conference is focusing on all the major aspects in the fields of  Biopolymers. It would be beneficial for all the students and Researchers who ever willing to enter into corporate worlds targeting to the respective fields.


    Be a part of it!!!


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