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Recommended Conferences for HIV


As per available Reports about HIV, OMICS International has 1134 Open Access Articles, 1286 Conference Proceedings, 1 Press Release, 2 e-Books, 2 e-Book Chapters, 7 Journals, 4 Upcoming Conferences, 392 Editors, 5 Editor PPTs, 610 Speakers, 63 Speaker PPTs, 4 Media Partners, 4 Universities, 408 National symposiums, 95 Useful Links related to HIV.

Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:
HIV infection represents a spectrum of disease that can begin with a brief acute retroviral syndrome that typically transitions to a multiyear chronic and clinically latent illness. Without treatment, this illness eventually progresses to a symptomatic, life-threatening immunodeficiency disease known as AIDS. In untreated patients, the time between HIV infection and the development of AIDS varies, ranging from a few months to many years with an estimated median time of approximately 11 years (123). HIV replication is present during all stages of the infection and progressively depletes CD4 lymphocytes, which are critical for maintenance of effective immune function. When the CD4 cell count falls below 200 cells/ μL, patients are at high risk for life-threatening AIDS-defining opportunistic infections (e.g., Pneumocystis pneumonia, Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis, disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease, tuberculosis, and bacterial pneumonia). In the absence of treatment, virtually all HIV-infected persons will die of AIDS.

Market Analysis:
Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the most widespread, catastrophic, incurable diseases among humans throughout the world. According to the 2013 report by World Health Organization (WHO), HIV ranked 6th among the global deaths throughout the world, with approximately 1,776,270 deaths in 2009 itself. HIV presents itself as a complex mix of symptoms, all related to severe immune compromise. The global HIV market, according to the Financial Times 2015, was around USD 20 billion in 2013, which ranks it along with the global insulin market. High quality global journalism requires investment. Globally, the annual deaths from HIV/AIDS have fallen from 2.3 million in 2005 to 1.5 million in 2013, according to the UN AIDS report.

List of Best International Conferences:

   Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs Conference
      May 12-13, 2016 Chicago, USA
4th Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Conference 
      May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, USA
 2nd Retroviruses and Novel Drugs Conference 
       June 30-July 01, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
2nd Infectious Diseases Conference 
      August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
3rd Hepatitis and Liver Diseases Conference 
      October 17-19, 2016 Dubai, UAE
2nd Flu Conference 
      November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA
6th Euro Virology Conference 
      March 10-12 Madrid, Spain
Conference on Bio threats & Biodefense 
     October 17-19, 2016 Dubai, UAE
 5th Virology Conference
      December7-9, 2016 Atlanta, USA  
20th AIDS Conferences
      August 25-27, 2016 Texas, USA
15th European AIDS Conference 
     August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
Social Work and HIV/AIDS Conference 
      November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA

Relevant Society and Associations
1. International AIDS Society
2. Global HIV/AIDS Organizations
3. The children’s AID Society
4. Ontaria Association of Children’s AID Society
5. International Association of providers AIDS Care
6. HIV Medicine Association
7. European AIDS Clinical Society
8. Global HIV/AIDS Organization
9. AIDS United Organization
10. HIV/AIDS World Health Organization
11. International Council of AIDS Service Organization
12. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies
HIV/AIDS: The Coca-Cola Company

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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