Oceanography Congress 2017 Report
The 5th International Conference on Oceanography and Marine Biology hosted by the Conferenceseries was organized greatly, during October 18-20, 2017 at Seoul, South Korea.
The conference was organized around the theme “Contemporary challenges and innovative solutions for sustainable oceans” which comprised of 13 Tracks designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in the field of Oceanography. This annual conference brought eminent scientists together from all the nations and in which many critical issues were discussed in depth to provide updated information to the world. On the other hand, the meeting provided a best platform for all the young researchers to share their ideas and experiences.
The conference was greeted with a welcome message by our moderator Dr. Zane Zhang, Pacific Biological Station, Canada and lay first stone with the keynote series by an eminent speakers Dr. Hyo Choi, Atmospheric & Oceanic Disaster Research Institute, South Korea and Dr. Hans-Uwe Dahms, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan and Dr. Zane Zhang, Pacific Biological Station, Canada and Dr. Luo Ping Zhang, Xiamen University, China and followed by the oral presentations.
It’s really an honor to have the speakers and participants from all over the world and it’s been a great moment to hear on different research papers at the time of oral presentations and also the young research fellows has given a great talk about the current impacts on oceanography. Finally, the program has been closed with panel discussion and certificate distribution.
We will get back to you all with Oceanography Congress 2018, initial announcement and hope to see you all at our upcoming conference.
Expert Presentations