World Summit on Bioengineering
November 7-8, 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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Bioengineering 2016
Bioengineering 2016 Report

Bioengineering 2016

We gratefully thank all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners, Associations and Sponsors for making Bioengineering 2016 Conference the best ever!

The World Summit on Bioengineering, hosted by the Conferenceseries LLC held during November 7-at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA based on the theme Expanding new horizons in advances of Bioengineering". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Medicine, Nanotechnology, pharmacy, who made this event a grand success.

Conferenceseries LLC expresses its gratitude to the conference Moderators, namely Annelis O Sánchez, University of Puerto Rico, USA, Las Vegas for taking up the responsibility to coordinate during the sessions. We are indebted to your support.

Similarly we also extend our appreciation towards our Poster judges namely, Zodwa Dlamini, Mangosuthu University of Technology, South Africa

We also offer our sincere thanks for the support given to the conference by Organizing Committee members by suggesting topics and speakers:

  • Dr. Bhanu Bahl, Director, Harvard Medical School, USA
  • Robert DiLuccio, professor, University of Virginia, USA
  • Dr. Fenniri, Professor, Northeastern University, USA
  • Dr. Zodwa Dlamini, professor, Mangosuthu University of Technology, South Africa

We extend a very special Thanks to our Sponsors to have bestowed and their faith and invested in us to make this event a fruitful one. We hope you continue your support in our future endeavors.  

The conference was initiated with the Honorable presence of the Keynote forum. The list includes:

  • Dr. Zodwa Dlamini, professor, Mangosuthu University of Technology, South Africa
  • Petr Sifta, Charles University in Praque, Czech Republic

The meeting reflected various sessions, in which discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

  1. Bio-systems engineering
  2. Biomedical engineering
  3. Biochemical engineering
  4. Bio-molecular engineering
  5. Bioprocess engineering
  6. Genetic engineering
  7. Food and Biological Process Engineering
  8. Health and Safety engineering
  9. Microbiological engineering
  10. Systems Biology
  11. Tissue engineering

We also express our sincere thanks for chairing the sessions to:

  • Dr. Zodwa Dlamini, professor, Mangosuthu University of Technology, South Africa
  • Petr Sifta, Charles University in Praque, Czech Republic


Conference Series LLC offers its heartfelt appreciation to organizations such as BREC Solutions LimitedAllied Academies, Bentham Science, Andrew John Publishing Inc., New York private Equity Forum and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by promoting in various modes online and offline which helped the conference reach every nook and corner of the globe. Conference Series LLC also took privilege to felicitate the Keynote Speakers, Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and sponsors who supported this event

With the grand success of Bioengineering 2016Conference Series LLC is proud to announce the "World Summit on Bioengineering" to be held during September 27-28, 2017 Chicago, USA.


For More details visit:

Expert Presentations
Zodwa Dlamini

Mangosuthu University of Technology

South Africa
Petr Sifta

Charles University in Praque

Czech Republic
Eric T Holt

University of Michigan

Maytham Abdala Ali Al-Shanawa

University of Basra

Jason Tait Sanchez

Northwestern University

Zaid Abu Rajab Altamimi

Hamad Medical Corporation

Stephen Newton

University of Colorado

Annelis O Sánchez

University of Puerto Rico

Nadja E Solis-Marcano

University of Puerto Rico

Myreisa Morales Cruz

University of Puerto Rico

Diana C Diaz Cartagena

University of Puerto Rico

Yeon-wook Kim

Keimyung University

Republic of Korea
Conference: Bioengineering 2016, Conference Series Conferences
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