3rd Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials
March 05-06, 2018 Berlin, Germany

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BioMaterials 2018
BioMaterials 2018 Report

Biomaterials 2018 Report

Thanks to all of our wonderful speakers and conference attendees Biomaterials 2018 Conference was our best ever!

The 3rd Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials, hosted by the Conference Series LLC was held during March 05-06, 2018 at Berlin, Germany with the theme An initiative to make Materials live". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the scientists, engineers, researchers, students and leaders from the fields of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, who made this event successful.

The meeting was carried out through various sessions, in which the discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

·         Advanced Biomaterials

·         Polymer Biomaterials

·         Dental Biomaterials

·         Properties of Biomaterials

·         Biomaterials Applications

·         Biomaterials and Nanotechnology

·         Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

·         3D Printing of Biomaterials

·         Biomaterials in Delivery Systems

·         Biomaterials Engineering

The conference was initiated with a series of lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum .The list included:

Regine Wilumeit-Romer, Helmholtz-Center Geesthachat, Germany
Yongmei Zhang, Beihang University, China
Bernhard Mingler, Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austriax

Conference Series LLC offers its heartfelt appreciation to Organizing Committee Members, adepts of field, various outside experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating the discussion forums .Conference Series LLC also took privilege to felicitate the Organizing Committee Members who supported this event.

With the grand success of Biomaterials-2018, Conference Series LLC is proud to announce the "4th Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials" scheduled during February 25-26, 2019 at Berlin, Germany.

For More details visit:  Biomaterials Conferences


Expert Presentations
Giuseppe Tronci

University of Leeds

Eddy Eddy

Kyushu University

Dmitry Volodkin

Nottingham Trent University

Bernhard Mingler

Austrian Institute of Technology

Alexandre Morel

Institute for Biomechanics

Helen Reveron

University of Lyon

Hung-Bin Lee

Dayeh University

Je-Ken Chang

Kaohsiung Medical University

Kunio Ishikawa

Kyushu University

Laszlo Sajti

Austrian Institute of Technology

Maria Helena Gil

University of Leeds

Mei-Ling Ho

Kaohsiung Medical University

Mohamed Ansari M. Nainar

University of Tenaga National

Qianqian Cui

Dalian University of Technology

Raisa Chetcuti

University of Malta

Regine Willumeit-Romer

Helmholtz-Center Geestchacht

Sandra Elizabeth Rodil

Magnesium Innovation Centre

Susanne Staehlke

University of Rostock

Tae-il Son

Chung-Ang University

Republic of South Korea
Yongmei Zheng

Beihang University

Tzong-Yuan Juang

China Medical University

Conference: BioMaterials 2018, Conference Series Conferences
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials, Journal of Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering and Journal of Tissue Science and Engineering
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