Brain Disorders-2018 Report
6th International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics was held during September 13-15, 2018 at Copenhagen, Denmark.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our Organising Committee Members and Keynote speakers who supported for the success of this event. All gave their energetic and fruitful contributions at Brain Disorders 2018.
All the keynote sessions, plenary speeches, workshops, symposium, and student poster presentations focused on the specific theme of the conference “New Horizons and Global Perspectives in Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research”. We received active participation from brilliant researchers, scientists, academia and business delegates & talented students across the globe representing more than 22 countries, which have driven this event into the path of success.
The conference proceedings were carried out through various Scientific-sessions and plenary lectures, of which the following Speakers were highlighted as Keynote speakers:
John L Merritt, RehabMed South, USA
Wilhelm Eisner, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
Philip Kennedy, Neural Signals Inc, USA
A valuable and learning workshop was been organized by one of our OCM:
Kim Baden Kristensen, Brain+, Denmark
We appreciate you sharing your time, talent, and expertise with us. We are sure that Brain Disorders 2018 would not have been a great success without your contribution. Thank you for sharing your unique and inspirational insights with us.
Conference Series LLC ltd offers its heartfelt appreciation to all the Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Brain Disorders & Therapy, Journal of Neurological Disorders, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology who supported the conference in every aspect.
After the huge optimistic response from renowned personalities across the world, we would like to announce 7th International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics which will be during September 19-20, 2019 at Brussels, Belgium. With the overwhelming support and acknowledgement from all the participants of Brain Disorders 2018, we wish to pioneer a way to another outstanding event.
To know more about 7th International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics visit: Brain Disorders Conferences