Broadcasting Media-2014 Report
The International Conference on Broadcasting Media and Film Industry hosted by the OMICS Group was scheduled on October 20, 2014 in Baltimore, USA.
Globally reputed movie makers, production houses, journalist media personnel & consultants have extended their support towards the world congress by designing the theme "An Era of Revolutionized Television and Film Industry” which comprised of 10 Tracks offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in the of Broadcasting Media & Film Industry. This annual conference brought together eminent experts from USA in which many modern issues were discussed in depth to provide up-to-date information to the world. On the other hand, the meeting provided a best platform to share their ideas and experiences.
The conference was greeted by the welcome message by our moderator Mr. Jason Kolucki, HomeGrownRadio NJ, USA and welcomed Honorable guests Daniel Smith, Mt. San Antonio College, USA, Laurence W Norjean, Norstar Media and Entertainment, USA, John V Pavlik, Rutgers University, USA and Buck Allen, Executive Producer, USA. Then after initiated with a keynote series of well known speakers John V Pavlik, Rutgers University, USA, followed by Frank A Aycock, Appalachian State University, USA, Buck Allen, Executive Producer, USA and Kevin Wilson, Sylvester Enterprises, USA and it was followed by oral presentations. The sessions are Chaired with Frank A Aycock, Appalachian State University, USA and Lakshmi Srinivas, University of Massachusetts, USA and Co-chaired with Maria Mayenzet, Saddleback College, USA and Kevin Wilson, Sylvester Enterprises, USA
OMICS group wishes to acknowledge all the organizing committee members, moderator, chair and co-chair, editorial board members of OMICS group journals, speakers, delegates in making this event a great success. We are also obliged to various delegate experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating active discussion forums. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support, and assistance with the unique feedback from the conference.
Expert Presentations