3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering
October 2-4, 2017
Chicago, Illinois ,USA

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Chemical Engineering 2017
Chemical Engineering 2017 Report

Thanks for attending Chemical Engineering 2017!!

Another Chemical Engineering has been successfully completed- The 3rd edition – and we must Thank the attendees, Executive Doubletree by Hilton Chicago & Conference Centre Staff, and the Organizing Committee, Ad-Sponsors & Media partners and everyone else that helped to make this 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering with the theme: The Future of Chemical Engineering - an Optimistic View a successful conference.

To Attendees,

We hope that you obtained the kind of advance technical information in the arena of Chemical Engineering and Biomolecular Engineering that you were seeking, and that your role in the field has been enhanced via your participation. We hope that you were able to take part in all the sessions and take advantage of the tremendous advancements in Chemical Engineering that scientists are working with.

If you have any feedback for us for future consideration or enhancements of this Conference, please provide your feedback to Conference Manager.

Katherine Rose at chemicalengineering@chemseries.com

The meeting covered various sessions, in which the discussions included the scientific tracks:

Chemical Engineering
Advances in Renewable Chemicals
Chemical Polymer Technology
Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
Applications of Chemical Technology
Organic Chemistry
Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
Unit Operations and Separation Processes
Environmental and Sustainable Chemical Engineering
Biochemical Engineering
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical Industry and Market Analysis

The Keynote presentations were given by:

Nicolas Abatzoglou| Université de Sherbrooke | Canada
Ignacio Gracia | University of Castilla-La Mancha | Spain
Davis L. Ford | The University of Texas | USA
Adango Miadonye | Cape Breton University | Canada
Ramesh Agarwal | Washington University | USA
Melaz Tayakout Fayolle | University of Lyon | France

The Best Poster awards for this year:

Anna Kapranova | Yaroslavl State Technical University | Russia

Bookmark your dates: We hope to see you at Chemical Engineering 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada during September 17-18, 2018

Organizing Committee
Chemical Engineering 2017

Expert Presentations


Conference: Chemical Engineering 2017, Conference Series Conferences
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Contact: contact@conferenceseries.com
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology, Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering and Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques
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