4th Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence
July 19-21, 2018 Rome, Italy

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Multimedia 2018
Multimedia 2018 Report

Conference Series llc LLC is delighted to announce victorious consummation of the 4th Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence which was slated at Rome, Italy during July 19-21, 2018. The theme for the conference this year was “Building a Better World: Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence Technologies”.

Multimedia & AI, taking advantage of computer software system and faster technological advancements arena — Virtual Reality and Simulations, Computer Graphics, Animation, Education and Training, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Image processing, Neural Networks, Health Care, Leisure and Entertainment. The main purpose of this conference was to offer a view of the state of the art and present a selected group of emerging technologies.

Multimedia-2018 welcomed academicians, professionals, animators, artists, game developers and researchers around the globe to the Rome City. It was an astounding 3-day event addressing the sessions with key issues and research highlighting; Imaging and Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Multimedia in Computer Games, Computer Vision and Mobile Multimedia, Virtual reality, Neural Networks, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Multimedia Signal Processing, Multimedia Health Computation and its Applications, Multimedia Systems and Applications.

The main Highlights of the conference enclosed by the Keynote Forum: Dr. Vijayan K Asari , University of Dayton, USA; Christl Lauterbach, Future-Shape GmbH, Germany; Andreas Greilhuber, Anyline GmbH, Austria, Dr. Daphne Economou, city of Westminster University, UK & Aniello R Patrone, Anyline GmbH, Austria. world renowned computer scientist. Followed by the Keynote Forum, the conference witnessed fascinating talks and presentations of eminent speakers from Academia, Industry and business. All accepted abstracts are indexed within the Computer Engineering & Information Technology as a special issue.

For more details about the sessions and speakers please follow the below link:


Our sincere thanks to Honorable Conference Chairman, Prof. Dr. K Asari Vijayan, University of Dayton, USA & Moderators Daniel San Martin, University of Bologna, Italy for their gracious presence, support and assistance towards Multimedia-2018, and with their unique feedback, Conference Series llc LLC would like to announce the "5th Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia, Blockchain technology & Artificial Intelligence” June 17-18, 2019 in Berlin, Germany.

                                                Let us meet again @ Multimedia-2019


Expert Presentations
Jaehyun Park

Incheon National University

South Korea
Andreas Greilhuber

Anyline GmbH

Christl Lauterbach

Future-Shape GmbH

K Asari Vijayan

University of Dayton

Haipeng Peng

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Qaysar Salih Mahdi

Ishik University

Byung-geun Lee

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

Republic of Korea
Lixiang Li

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Hanmin Jung

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information

South Korea
Michael Robert Doran

Queensland University of Technology

Ozge Cagcag Yolcu

Giresun University

Tian Tian

China University of Geosciences

Alfonso Iniguez

Swarm Technology

Daphne Economou

Westminster University

Aniello R Patrone

Anyline GmbH,

Hector Perez-Meana

National Polytechnic Institute

Benjamin Seide

Nanyang Technological University

Shi-Jinn Horng

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Kai-Lung Hua

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Xiaodong Huang

Capital Normal University

Daijin Kim

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Republic of Korea
Yaqi Mi

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Conference: Multimedia 2018, Conference Series Conferences
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