13th European Pathology Congresswas organized during August 02-03, 2017 in Milan, Italy with the support and contribution of theOrganizing Committee Members. The conference was organized around the theme “Emphasizing the Modernizations in Pathology”.
We would like to thank all of our wonderful speakers,conference attendees, students and guests for trusting us andparticipating atEuro Pathology 2017, a global platform to discuss various important aspects of Pathology.
Keynote Speakers of Euro Pathology 2017:
E. Blair Holladay, CEO, American society for clinical Pathology, USA
Jianhua Luo, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA
Jim Zhai, Professor of Pathology, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, USA
There are infinite reasons to extend our gratitude to you for making theEuro Pathology 2017outstanding conference. We couldn’t have done it without your continuous support and believe towards our organization, which mutually made to achieveEuro Pathology 2017new height in the field ofPathology.
Theconferencewas marked with workshops, multiple sessions,Keynote presentations, panel discussions and poster sessions. We received active participation from scientists, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities, who have driven this event into the path of success.