Polymer Chemistry 2017 Report
Polymer Chemistry 2017 Report
We gratefully thank all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners for making Polymer Chemistry 2017 Conference the best ever!
The of 2nd International Conference on Polymer Chemistry, hosted by the Conference Series LLC Ltd was held during November 15-17, 2017 San Antonio, USA based on the theme “Current Trends in Interfacial Polymerization Chemistry". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Pharmacy, who made this event a grand success.
Conference Series LLC Ltd expresses its gratitude to the conference Moderators, namely Dr. Gyu Leem for taking up the responsibility to coordinate during the sessions. We are indebted to your support.
The conference was initiated with the Honourable presence of the Keynote forum. This list includes:
- Diane R Bienek, ADA Foundation, USA
- Kazuo Akagi, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
- Joseph D. Lichtenhan, Hybrid Plastics Inc., USA
- Soren Hvilsted, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Shouke Yan, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
- Michael Wells, Reynolds Polymer Technology, USA
The meeting reflected various sessions, in which discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks::
- Polymer Synthesis and Polymerization
- Recent Advances in Polymer Chemistry
- Polymer Nanotechnology
- Synthetic Polymers
- Macromolecular Polymeric Structure
- Functional Polymers
- Polymers for Catalysis and Energy Applications
- Bio catalysis in Polymer Chemistry
- Bio-related Medical Polymers
- Polymers in Biochemistry
- Polymers for Separation
- Polymer Technology
- Polymer Therapeutics: Concepts and Applications
- Biochemical Degradation of Polymers
- Characterization of Polymers
- Solid Waste Management of Polymers
- Marketing of Polymers
Last but not the least Conference Series LLC Ltd wishes to acknowledge with its deep sincere gratitude to all the supporters from the Editorial Board Members of our Open Access Journals and special thanks to the Media Partners (Select Science, nanobay, BREC, Haptic, JSB Conferences, Chemical Search, Manuscript Edit and Crowd Reviews) for their promotion to make this event a huge success.
With the enormous feedback from the participants and supporters of 2nd International Conference on Polymer Chemistry, Conference Series LLC Ltd is glad to announce its 5th International Conference on Polymer Chemistry, August 27-28, 2018 Toronto, Canada
For More details visit: https://polymer.conferenceseries.com/
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