Annual Congress on Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France | Holiday Inn Paris – Marne La Vallée

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Euro Psychiatric Nursing 2018
Euro Psychiatric Nursing 2018 Report

We would like to thank all of our wonderful and eminent speakers, conference attendees who shared their research knowledge and made Psychiatric & Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke – 2018 Conference as memorable and our best event ever!

International Conference on Psychiatric & Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke, hosted by the Conference Series LLC Ltd was held during November 19-20, 2018 at Holiday Inn – Marne La Vallée Paris, France with the two main themes “A Spectrum of Opportunities to meet Mental Healthcare experts” and “Pre and Post Life-Lets Make it Happier for them and their Family”. Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of Conference Series Group Journals as well as from the Scientists, Doctors, Professors, Lecturers from Psychology and Geriatrics, Pharmaceutical Industries, Biotech Industries, Researchers and Students from the fields of Psychiatry Nursing, Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke, who made this event successful.

The conference was initiated with a series of lectures delivered by both Honourable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The list included:

          Hanze University, Netherlands

          The Happiness Center, USA

          EPRTH™, France

          North East London NHS foundation trust, UK

          British Psychological Society, UK

         Change Challenge and the Adaption Apex Lab, Australia

          Advance Telehealth Consulting Services, LLC and One TeleMed, LLC, USA

Our committee would like to thank Olessia Gorkovenko, University of South Africa, South Africa and Torill Kristine Landgraff Bratlie, University of Oslo, Norway for their constant support in successful organization and moderation of the event.

Lastly, with the unique feedback from the Conference attendees, we would like to announce the commencement of the “2nd Annual Congress on Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing” and “11th International Conference on Geriatrics Nursing and Palliative Care” during July 22-23, 2019 at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

For more information please visit:        

Expert Presentations
Pat Gwyer

British Psychological Society

United Kingdom
Satwant Singh

North East London NHS foundation trust

United Kingdom
Olessia Gorkovenko

University of South Africa

South Africa
Ambre Kalene


Elia Gourgouris

The Happiness Center

United States
Aram Cargill

Change Challenge and the Adaption Apex Lab

Charles Edwards

Advance Telehealth Consulting Services, LLC and One TeleMed, LLC

United States
Torill Kristine Landgraff Bratlie

University of Oslo

Zidan Khalaf Murad

University of Duhok

Conference: Euro Psychiatric Nursing 2018, Conference Series Conferences
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Operated by: Editors - Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, Journal of Psychiatry and Journal of Nursing & Care
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