Veterinary-2020 Report
Veterinary 2020 marked with the attendance of honourable keynote speaker, Honourable guests, delegates, Academic researchers, Organizing Committee Members, Physicians, and talented student communities representing more than 20 countries, who made this conference a remarkable and productive.
This Global Summit on Healthcare & Technologies was based on the theme “A Step towards Animal Security Leads Healthy Living” which has covered the below scientific sessions:
- Veterinary Epidemiology
- Camel Science
- Animal welfare
- Veterinary Toxicology
- Veterinary Surgery & Radiology
- Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Diseases
- Veterinary Vaccines
- Veterinary Care & Management
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary & Animal Science
- Poultry Production
- Animal Reproduction
- Veterinary Research
- Wildlife Management
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Biotechnology
The conference was initiated with a series of lectures delivered by both Honourable Guests and members of the Keynote forum.
With the grand success of Veterinary - 2020, Conferenceseries LLC Ltd is proud to announce the " 16th International Veterinary Congress” is going to be held in June 14-15, 2021 Webinar
Expert Presentations