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Recommended Conferences for Virus


As per available reports about Virus, OMICS international has 664 Open Access Articles , 1778 Conference Proceedings, 1 Press Releases, 2 e-Books, 4 e-Book Chapters, 6 Journals, 2 Upcoming Conferences, 371 Editors, 12 Editor PPTs, 835 Speakers, 72 Speaker PPTs, 6 Media Partners, 268 National symposiums.

A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms. Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and Achaea. When found outside of host cells, viruses exist as a protein coat or capsid, sometimes enclosed within a membrane. The capsid encloses either DNA or RNA which codes for the virus elements. While in this form outside the cell, the virus is metabolically inert. Viruses are strange things that straddle the fence between living and non-living.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance :
Viruses cause a number of diseases in eukaryotes. In humans, smallpox, the common cold, chickenpox, influenza, shingles, herpes, polio, rabies, Ebola, hanta fever, and AIDS are examples of viral diseases. Even some types of cancer -- though definitely not all -- have been linked to viruses. On the other hand, because viruses can transfer genetic material between different species of host, they are extensively used in genetic engineering. Viruses also carry out natural "genetic engineering": a virus may incorporate some genetic material from its host as it is replicating, and transfer this genetic information to a new host, even to a host unrelated to the previous host. This is known as transduction, and in some cases it may serve as a means of evolutionary change -- although it is not clear how important an evolutionary mechanism transduction actually is. Within that hierarchy reside 82 families, 307 genera, 2083 species. There are numerous mechanisms by which viruses induce disease in an organism, chiefly depending on the viral taxon. At the cellular level these mechanisms often include cell lysis, the breaking open and subsequent death of the cell. In multicellular organisms, if sufficient numbers of cells die, the whole organism may suffer gross metabolic disruption or even mortality. Although viruses may cause disruption of normal homeostasis, resulting in disease, in some cases viruses may simply reside inside an organism without significant apparent harm. An example, termed latency, is the ability of the herpes simplex virus, which includes cold sores, to remain in a dormant state within the human body.

Market Analysis:
Global respiratory syncytial virus diagnostic market is anticipated to witness remarkable growth over the coming seven years owing to rising prevalence of childhood pneumonia. In addition, unhygienic environmental conditions (unhygienic premises and eating places) and increasing population density are further expected to result in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection thereby boosting demand for RSV diagnostic tests in near future. According to the data published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010, globally over 1.1 million people were diagnosed with pneumonia and it had around 4.5% mortality rate. This trend is further expected to grow which will drive the market for RSV diagnostic tests. However, unavailability of specific treatment methods may pose hindrance to the growth of respiratory syncytial virus diagnostic market over the forecast period.

List of Best International Conferences: 

4th Clinical Microbiology and Microbial Genomics Conference
October 05-07, 2015 Philadelphia, USA
Human Papillomavirus Conference
May 02-03, 2016 Chicago, USA
5th Virology Conference 
December 07-09, 2015 Atlanta, USA
Water Microbiology and Novel Technologies Conference
July 18-20, 2016 Chicago, USA
Infectious Diseases and Diagnostic Microbiology Conference
October 3-5, 2016 Vancouver, Canada
3rd HIV / AIDS, STDs and STIs Conference
November 30-December 02, 2015 Atlanta, USA
Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs Conference
May 12-13, 2016 Chicago, USA
Retroviruses & Novel Drugs Conference
June 30-July 01, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
2nd Infectious Diseases Conference 
August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA

Relevant Society and Associations
1. Viruses: National Multiple Sclerosis Society
2. Infectious Diseases Society of America
3. American Cancer Society
4. Herpes Viruses Association
5. International AIDS Society
6. Global HIV/AIDS Organizations
7. The children’s AID Society
8. Ontaria Association of Children’s AID Society
9. International Association of providers AIDS Care
10. HIV Medicine Association
11. European AIDS Clinical Society
12. Global HIV/AIDS Organization
13. AIDS United Organization
14. HIV/AIDS World Health Organization
15. International Council of AIDS Service Organization
16. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

SRI International
NCBiotech Company
Scientific Companies
Hepatitis B Foundation
Gilead Sciences
CMC biologics

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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