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Recommended Conferences for Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine

As  per  available  reports  about  49 Relevant Journals, 39 Conferences, 102 National  Symposiums are  presently  dedicated  exclusively  to  alternative  medicines  and  about  32  articles  are  being  published  on  alternative  medicines.

Alternative  medicines means  any  form  of  medicine  that  is  outside  the  mainstream  of  western  medicine  or  conventional  medicine  as  practiced  a  majority  of  doctors  today.  This  term  is  loosely  used  to  over  all  forms  of  medicine  except  allopathy.

Every  country,  region  or  area  has  its  own  traditional  system  of health  and  medical  care such  as  for  the  Chinese  it  is  acupuncture,  for  the  French,  magnetic  healing;  for  the  Germans,  Heilpraxis;  for  the  English,  Herbalism;  for  India,  Ayurveda  with  Siddha  being  widely  practice  in  the  southern  part  of  the  country;  for  Japan,  Shiatsu  etc.  The  most  popular  forms  of  alternative  medicine  are  Ayurveda,  Homeopathy,  Naturopathy,  Yoga, Accupressure, Magneto therapy,  Shiatsu,  Herbalism,  Meditation,  Aromatherapy,  Bach  Flower  Remedies,  Chromotherapy,  Diet  therapy,  Hydropathy  and  Reiki.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

The following is a guide to some alternative therapies

Acupressure: Similar  to  acupuncture,  but  using  finger  pressure  rather  than  fine  needles  on  specific  points  along  the  body  to  treat  ailments  such  as  tension  and  stress,  aches  and  pains,  menstrual  cramps,  arthritis.  Acupuncture  Fine  needles  are  inserted  at  specific  points  to  stimulate,  disperse,  and  regulate  the  flow  of  vital  energy,  and  restore  a  healthy  energy  balance.

Aromatherapy: Using  "essential  oils"  distilled  from  plants,  aromatherapy  treats  emotional  disorders  such  as  stress  and  anxiety  as  well  as  a  wide  range  of  other  ailments.  Oils  are  massaged  into  the  skin  in  diluted  form,  inhaled,  or  placed  in  baths.  Aromatherapy  is  often  used  in  conjunction  with  massage  therapy,  acupuncture,  reflexology,  herbology,  chiropractic,  and  other  holistic  treatments.

Auto-Urine  Therapy: This  practice  comes  from  Yoga  and  is  the  use  of  one's  own  urine  as  food,  medicine,  restorative,  transforming  agent  and  immune  system  booster.  It is sometimes called 'Your Own Doctor'.

Organo-Therapy:  Refers  to  various  procedures  in  which  processed  tissue  from  animal  embryos,  fetuses  or  organs,  is  injected  or  taken  orally.  Products  are  obtained  from  specific  organs  or  tissues  said  to  correspond  with  the  unhealthy  organs  or  tissues  of  the  recipient.  Proponents  claim  that  the  recipient's  body  automatically  transports  the  injected  cells  to  the  target  organs,  where  they  supposedly  strengthen  them  and  regenerate  their  structure.

Chromo-Therapy  or  Color  Therapy:  The  use  of  colour  (  usually  in  the  form  of  coloured  light)  to  produce  beneficial  or  healing  effects. 

Dance/Movement  TherapiesDance  and/or  movement  therapy  uses  expressive  movement  as  a  therapeutic  tool  for  both  personal  expression  and  psychological  or  emotional  healing. 

Herbalism:  An  ancient  form  of  healing  still  widely  used  in  much  of  the  world,  herbalism  uses  natural  plants  or  plant-based  substances  to  treat  a  range  of  illnesses  and  to  enhance  the  functioning  of  the  body's  systems.  Though  herbalism  is  not  a  licensed  professional  modality  in  the  United  States,  herbs  are  "prescribed"  by  a  range  of  practitioners.

Yoga  Therapy:  The  use  of  yoga  to  address  mental  and  physical  problems  while  integrating  body  and  mind.

Scope and Importance:

Alternative  medicine  is  a  conventional  method  of  healing  the  disease  by  examining  the  symptoms  without  collecting  clinical  evidences.  An  integrative  approach  to  medical  treatment  is  a  broader  approach  to  healing  by  allocating  more  time  and  attention  to  the  patient  and  not  solely  based  on  the  biomedical  western  model  of  treatment.  CAM  (Complimentary  and  alternate  medicines)  therapies  have  been  extensively  demonstrated  and  recognized  as  safe,  effective,  and  nontoxic  additions  to  conventional  healthcare. 

It  is  basically  aimed  at  the  Clinical  Practitioners,  medical/health  practitioners,  students,  professionals  and  researchers  and  professional  bodies  and  institutions.

Old content:

Alternative medicine can be defined as the practice having the healing effects of medicine but not based on evidence gathered using the scientific method. It involves a wide range of health care practices, products and therapies, alternative medical diagnoses and treatments which typically have not been included in the degree courses of established medical schools or used in conventional medicine. Examples of alternative medicine are homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture. Homeopathy is a branch of science that deals with curing a disease by administration of a very low dose of substance that creates similar symptoms in a healthy person. These ideas are called as 'like cures like' and the 'law of the minimum dose'. It is widely considered as a pseudoscience. Naturopathy is based on vitalism, which puts forward a special energy called vital energy or vital force that governs the bodily processes such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, and adaptation. Naturopathy is a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and it is similar to conventional medicine which encourages minimal use of surgery and drugs. The term "naturopathy" is derived from Greek and Latin, which means "nature disease. Acupuncture involves penetration of the skin with needles to stimulate certain points on the body. It is part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is based on removing pain or curing diseases by correcting the imbalances in the flow of energy called as qi through its channels called as meridians. Chiropractic deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neuromusculoskeletal disorders and their effects on health.

Market Analysis:

The  global  alternative  medicines  market  is  to  hit  $93.15  billion  by  2015.  According  to  research  from  Global  Industry  Analysts  the  global  alternative  medicines  industry  is  forecast  to  exceed  $105  billion  by  2017.  Over  the  past  ten-year  period,  the  market  has  recorded  strong  growth,  relatively  unaffected  by  the  economic  recession.

List of Best International Conferences :

  1. 3rdTraditional& Alternative Medicine  conference
    August  03-05,  2015, UK
  2. Sports Medicine and Fitness  conference
    March  23-25,  2015, USA
  3. 3rd Physical  Medicine and Rehabilitation  conference
    May  18-20,  2015, USA
  4.  Pain  Medicine  conference
    June  08-10,  2015, USA
  5. Retroviruses and Novel  Drugs  conference
    June  08-09, USA
  6.  Drug  Discovery  and Designing  conference
    August  11-13,  2015, Germany
  7. Drug  Delivery  conference
    August  17-19,  2015,  USA
  8. 5th Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems conference
    March  16-18,  2015,    UAE
  9. Herbals and Natural Remedies conference
    October  26-27,  2015,  USA
  10. Pediatric Cardiology conference;
    August 25-27,  2015; Spain
  11. Clinical and  Experimental Cardiology conference
    November 30-December 02, 2015, USA
  12. 7th Diabetes and Medicare conference
    November  23-25, 2015, India
  13. 3rd Endocrinology  conference
    November  02-04,  2015, USA
  14. Healthcare  conference
    October 05-07,  2015, India
  15. 4th  Translational  Medicine  conference
    October  26-28,  2015, USA
  16. Medical Physics conference
    August  03-05,  2015, UK
  17. 5th  Holistic  Medicine  conference 
    11-13  September  2015, India
  18. 3rd  Traditional  and  Alternative  Medicine conference; 
    3rd  to  5th  August  2015, United  Kingdom
  19. 13th  Restorative  Medicine  Conference; 
    October  1-4; Washington
  20. Medicines  Optimization  conference; 
    21  September  2015, United  Kingdom

        Relevant Society and Associations:

  1. Alliance  for  Natural  Health  USA
  2. The  Alternative  Medicine  Foundation
  3. American  Academy  of  Medical  Acupuncture  (AAMA)
  4. American  Association  of  Oriental  Medicine  (AAOM)
  5. The  American  College  for  the  Advancement  of  Medicine  (ACAM)
  6. Drug  Dangers
  7. Burton  Goldberg
  8. Institute  for  Functional  Medicine  (IFM)
  9. International  Cellular  Medicine  Society
  10. The  Mayo  Clinic
  11. National  Center  for  Complementary  and  Alternative  Medicine  (NCCAM)
  12. National  Center  for  Homeopathy  (NCH)
  13. National  College  of  Naturopathic  Medicine  (NCNM)
  14. National  Institute  of  Ayurvedic  Medicine  (NIAM)
  15. Natural  Healers
  16. International  Alternative  Medical  Association
  17. British Complementary Medicine Association
  18. British Holistic Medical Association
  19. Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
  20. Complementary Medical Association


  1. Meadow
  2. Matchmyspirit
  3. Wellyfish
  4. Ganozi  SD
  5. Modern  AlkaMe
  6. HealthMJ
  7. VapeXhale
  8. OptiMantra
  9. AyurvedaFirst,  PBC
  10. The  Rising  Phoenix  Group
  11. Herbalist
  12. Sativa  Medicinal  Marijuana  Center
  13. Kamagrathebest
  14. Medicinal
  15. Paragon  Laboratories
  16. NuDay  Integrative  Health  Solutions
  17. HealthMed
  18. Truth  Theory
  19. The  Meditation  Gym
  20. The  Yoga  of  Sound



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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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