Support Program for Students
OMICS Group, the largest Open Access Publisher and Scientific Events Organizer, publishing more than 200 Open Access journals and organizing more than 80 scientific events per year offers membership to students.

The “OMICS ECUMENICAL STUDENT WINGS” is designed to enrich the educational captivity of students, encourage students to actively participate in International Conferences and foster globalism by presenting posters/papers, support interaction with overseas researchers, and at the same time create a competitive environment among students and their contribution towards stimulation of research.

Criteria for Student Fellowship
  • Candidates should be pursuing Masters Degree or at least should be in the final year of Bachelors Degree
  • Interested students should submit a recommendation letter from at least one faculty member of the corresponding department of the University
  • Interested students must complete the application form below for the 2013 Student Fellowship
  • Fellows are required to present a scientific poster; a poster title and abstract at the time of application
  • All applications will be reviewed by the scientific review committee and the selected students will be notified for 2013 Student Fellowship
Roles & Responsibilities
  • Communicate with peers of the University and serve as an active voice of support for membership in OMICS Group Conferences
  • Track the strength of relationship between students and dignitaries
  • Coordinate with chairs of scientific sessions to connect students with corresponding Young Professional Groups
  • Promote awareness of conference theme/tracks/benefits/scope to student members
  • Set, execute and evaluate the goals of OMICS Group Conferences on an ongoing basis
  • Promote the conference onsite at college, and throughout the social media networks
Benefits to Students
  • Selected 2013 Student Fellows will be felicitated with a cheque of $100 each at the Conference Venue
  • Student Fellows will be given an opportunity to meet professionals worldwide to discuss and design their research career
  • Interactive sessions will be organized for all the students with global delegates

Student Application Form

Work Phone:
E-Mail Address (please use academic email addresses):
Research Adviser (name and email):
Anti spam code: *
(Type the black colored code displayed below)