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Recommended Conferences for cardiology


Today various countries of the world are campaigning for heart care. Heart day is celebrated in various corners of the world. Its being made clear that consciousness is the best healer to this disease. Thus the study and understanding of cardiology as a subject and its exposure as a conference comes into limelight. Cardiology is a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the heart be it human or animal. The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. The target audience of Cardiology conferences, workshops, symposia should be composed of medical professionals, including physicians, surgeons, nurses and technologists, who are involved in the treatment of supporting services to cardiac patients.

OMICS Group International is an amalgamation of Open Access productions and overall worldwide science meetings and occasions. Secured in the year 2007 with the sole point of making the data on Sciences and innovation ' Open Access'. OMICS distributes 400 online open get to academic diaries in all parts of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology diaries. ConferenceSeries has been instrumental in taking the learning on Science & engineering to the doorsteps of common men and ladies. Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, Educational Institutions, Research focuses and the business are principle stakeholders that profited incredibly from this information scattering. ConferenceSeries likewise arranges 300 International meetings yearly over the globe, where learning exchange happens through level headed discussions, round table examinations, blurb presentations, workshops, symposia and displays.

• The Annual International Conference on Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine Research (CCMR) organized by Global Science and Technology Forum aims to be a platform for researchers, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and educators all over the world to present, share and exchange new medicine studies, research results, research analysis, innovations and advances in dealing with heart disorders or cardiovascular disease.
• The World Heart Federation organized the World Congress of Cardiology 2014 (WCC 2014) which acted as a global platform for cardiovascular disease specialists and public health professionals to share knowledge and network with their peers where World leading experts presented around 150 sessions on cardiology, policy and public health.
• The Annual Caribbean Cardiology Conference organized by the Caribbean Cardiac Society has become the premier cardiovascular meeting in the region featuring the latest innovations in cardiovascular science and medicine.

1. Mayo Clinic American Heart Association
2. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
3. British Heart Foundation
4. Citizen CPR Foundation
5. Pierre DuPont-Life Sciences
6. Torrance Memorial Medical Center
International Major Companies
1. Pacific Blue Innovations, LLC.
2. Propepgen Biostrategies Inc.
3. Nextremity Solutions, Inc.
4. Vitae Pharmaceuticals
5. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
6. Genentech DermTech
7. NIDDK Retrophin
8. Shanghai Sandai Pharmaceutical R & D Co.,Ltd.

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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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