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Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates, located within the emirate. The emirate of     Dubai is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and has the largest population in the UAE (2,106,177) and the second-largest land territory by area (4,114 km2) after Abu Dhabi. There are 52 institutions in Dubai that offer higher education programs, and they are grouped into three categories; federal institutions, institutions in the Free Zones and institutions outside the Free Zones. The most popular field of study among students in Dubai is Business (42% of students), followed by Society, Law and Religion (19%). Significant numbers are also studying Engineering (9%), Information Technology (6%) and Media and Design (7%). There are very few students studying Health and Medicine (2%), Education (1%), Natural and Physical Sciences (1%) and Tourism and Hospitality (1%). Around 7% of all students are in Foundation programs that prepare school leavers with necessary skills for university study.

 Conferenceseries Ltd is an amalgamation of 500 Open Access Journals and worldwide International conferences. Conferenceseries Ltd has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on Science & technology to the doorsteps of researchers.  Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, Educational Institutions, Research centers and the industry are main stakeholders that benefitted greatly from this knowledge dissemination. Conferenceseries Ltd organizes 1000+ Global Events annually across the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, panel discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions. Conferenceseries Ltd Conferences have the special features like: Well organized workshops, events and symposia, Poster presentations and world class exhibits, renowned speakers and scientists across the globe, Panel discussions & interactive sessions. Perfect platform for global networking, B2B meetings, Alliances and associations, Collaborative Research opportunities. Conferenceseries Ltd conferences are supported by several reputed 1000+ associations and societies and organizes Medical Conferences, Engineering Conferences, Healthcare Conferences, DiabetesConferences and many more
 A conference is a gathering of people with a common interest or background, with the purposes of allowing them to meet one another and to learn about and discuss issues, ideas and work that focus on a topic of mutual concern. Conferences may be held in places other than the workplaces and neighbourhoods of their participants, so that the people attending can focus on the topic at hand without distractions. There are a number of reasons you might organize a conference, some practical, some idealistic, some political, and some with elements of all three.
1. The field needs a conference. 2. Your organization or group wants to start an annual gathering. 3. There’s a crisis or opportunity that should be addressed.4. You may want to establish the legitimacy of the field. 4. Feedback from the field or the community may demand it.
There are probably as many answers to this question as there are workshops and workshop presenters but, in general, a workshop is a single, short (although short may mean anything from 45 minutes to two full days) educational program designed to teach or introduce to participants practical skills, techniques, or ideas which they can then use in their work or their daily lives. Dubai workshops have several features in common: They're generally small, usually from 6 to 15 participants, allowing everyone some personal attention and the chance to be heard. They're often designed for people who are working together, or working in the same field. They're conducted by people who have real experience in the subject under discussion.
Symposium: a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience. Dubai Symposiums are  the world's most important gathering of Researchers and experts. Dubai conferences 2014 agenda offers sessions, workshops, roundtables and mastermind keynotes across three full days. With role-based tracks and industry tracks, the agenda targets your specific title responsibilities and ways to adapt new ideas and strategy.
Business to Business Meetings or B2B meetings is called in popular management parlance is one of the most critical aspects in today's business environment. In simpler words B2B meetings means networking with potential companies with whom a business would like to partner in some form.
Scientific partnering: Association of two or more Organizations or entities that conduct a business for profit as co-owners. Except in the case of the limited liability partnership, which shares with the corporation the characteristic of being treated as a single entity whose members have limited personal liability. Dubai Conferences and Dubai Workhsops traditionally viewed as an association of individuals rather than an entity with a separate and independent existence.



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