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As per available reports about 5 relevant Journals and 11 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to Machines science and about 287 open-access articles and 496 conference proceedings are being published on Machines.
A machine is a tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action. A simple machine is a device that simply transforms the direction or magnitude of a force, but a large number of more complex machines exist. Applications of machines are numerous like Machines and Drives, Automotive Industry, Aerodynamics, Industrial Engineering, Construction Engineering etc.
OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.
Scope and Importance:
Machines Conference provides the scope for opportunities to learn progressed by international scientists and academicians. Machines are the basic tools of any mechanical engineering operations. Machines Conference offers excessive quality content to suit the diverse professional development of global industrial sector. It is a perfect platform to discuss the current discoveries and developments in the field of mechanical engineering.
With the advent of modern technology and with the diversification of applied sciences, nowadays machines can be anything although they can be roughly categorized into the following types:
Mechanical: The word mechanical refers to the work that has been produced by machines or the machinery. It mostly relates to the machinery tools and the mechanical applications of science. Some of its synonyms are automatic and mechanic.
Simple machines: The idea that a machine can be broken down into simple movable elements led Archimedes to define the lever, pulley and screw as simple machines. By the time of the Renaissance this list increased to include the wheel and axle, wedge and inclined plane.
Engines: An engine or motor is a machine designed to convert energy into useful mechanical motion. Heat engines, including internal combustion engines and external combustion engines (such as steam engines) burn a fuel to create heat, which is then used to create motion. Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical motion, pneumatic motors use compressed air and others, such as wind-up toys use elastic energy.
Electrical machine: An electrical machine is the generic name for a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, converts electrical energy to mechanical energy, or changes alternating current from one voltage level to a different voltage level.
Electronic machine: Electronics is the branch of physics, engineering and technology dealing with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The nonlinear behavior of active components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification of weak signals possible and is usually applied to information and signal processing. Similarly, the ability of electronic devices to act as switches makes digital information processing possible. Interconnection technologies such as circuit boards, electronic packaging technology, and other varied forms of communication infrastructure complete circuit functionality and transform the mixed components into a working system.
Computing machines: Computers store and manipulate the flow of electrons, with patterns in this storage and flow being interpreted as information manipulation. Charles Babbage designed various machines to tabulate logarithms and other functions in 1837. His Difference engine is the first mechanical calculator. This machine is considered a forerunner of the modern computer, though none were built in Babbage's lifetime.
Market Analysis:
Growth in global automotive production is likely to remain at around+4% per year in 2014 and 2015,with an increase in production in China, India, and Mexico at the expense of Europe. Production is even expected to exceed 100 million vehicles by 2017. The major component manufacturers, which are essential for auto makers, have relocated to follow production and register healthy levels of profitability.
BCG predicts that, by 2016, one-third of world demand in automobile industry will be in the four BRIC markets (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Other potentially powerful automotive markets are Iran and Indonesia.
According to a J.D. Power study, emerging markets accounted for 51% of the global light-vehicle sales in 2010. The study expects this trend to accelerate. Emerging auto markets already buy more cars than established markets.
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This page was last updated on March 15, 2025