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Molecular medicine

As per available reports about 1 relevant journal, 184 Conferences, 23 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Molecular Medicine and about 12 articles are being published on Molecular Medicine

Molecular medicine is a broad field, where physical, chemical, biological and medical techniques are used to describe molecular structures and mechanisms, identify fundamental molecular and genetic errors of disease, and to develop molecular interventions to correct them. The molecular medicine perspective emphasizes cellular and molecular phenomena and interventions rather than the previous conceptual and observational focus on patients and their organs. Personalized Medicine in Animal Models, Gene sequencing that entails predicting the probability of disease and instituting preventive measures in order to either prevent the disease altogether or significantly decrease its impact upon the patient (such as by preventing mortality or limiting morbidity).

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Molecular Medicine was solely a print journal designed to serve as a forum through which biomedical researchers and clinicians could communicate recent discoveries to a multidisciplinary, international audience interested in understanding and curing disease. Over two decades later, Molecular Medicine has expanded its presence and increased the ways in which researchers and clinicians communicate in today’s technology-driven age.

The application of the power of molecular genetics to the problems of human disease plays an important role in many of the research programs in the Department of Biology. The range of disease areas which are actively studied includes cancer, atherosclerosis and heart disease, neuromuscular diseases, as well as diseases affecting many other specific organ systems.

Market Analysis:

The global bioinformatics market accounted for $4.2 billion in 2014 and is poised to reach $13.3 billion by 2020 at a CAGR of 20.9% from 2015 to 2020. The bioinformatics platforms product segment is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. 

International symposium and workshops:

1. Genomics and Personalized Medicine

     February 7-11, 2016, Canada

2. Genomics in Medicine

     February 19-20, 2015, USA

3. Symposium: Personalized Cancer Medicine

    June 29 - 30, 2015, France

4. JIM Symposium in Personalized Medicine

    August 5, Sweden

List of Best International Conferences

1. 6th Genomics and Pharmacogenomics Conference

     September 22-24, 2016 Berlin, Germany

2. Molecular Genetics Conference

     November 28-30, 2016 Chicago, USA

3. 5th Translational Medicine Conference

     November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA

4. Genomics and Personalized Medicine Conference

     April 25-27, 2016 Valencia, Spain

5. Human Genetics Conference

     October 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain

6. 5th Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine Conference

    September 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany

7. 4th Integrative Biology Conference

     July 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany

8. Molecular Biology Conference

    October 13-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE

9. 10th Biotech Congress

     July 25-27, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand

10. 2nd Bio Summit and Expo Conference

     October 10-12, 2016 Dubai, UAE

11. 4th Plant Genomics Conference

       July 14-15, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

12. Personalized Medicine World Congress

       January 24-27, Silicon Valley

13. Realizing Personalized Medicine through Integrative Medicine, Science and Technology

       July 10-15, 2016

Relevant Society and Associations

1. The European Personalized Medicine Association


3. European Alliance for Personalized Medicine

4. Biotechnology Industry Organization

5. American Medical Association

6. Society of general Internal medicine

7. International society of internal medicine

8. Canadian society of internal medicine

9. Internal medicine professional societies

10. Cornell internal medicine associates

11. Wake internal medicine associates


1. Fierce Biotech

2. Lilly

3. PM coalition

4. Wikinvist

5. Chapel Hill Internal Medicine

6. Erland Internal medicine

7. Comprehensive internal medicine

8. Dillon internal medicine

9. Annapolis internal medicine

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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