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Recommended Conferences for Polymers


As per available reports on Polymers 7 Relevant journals, 607 Conference proceedings (i.e. Smart Materials, Wireless Communication, Industrial Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics) are presently dedicated  to Polymers and about 77 Open access articles are being published and 78 National Symposiums.

Biopolymers are polymers produced by living organisms. in other words, they are polymeric biomolecules. Since they are polymers, biopolymers contain monomer units that are covalently bonded to form larger structures. There are three main classes of biopolymers, classified according to the monomer units used and the structure of the biopolymer formed: polynucleotide’s (RNA and DNA), which are long polymers composed of 13 or more nucleotide monomers; polypeptides, which are short polymers of amino acids; and polysaccharides, which are often linear bonded polymeric carbohydrate structures. Cellulose, starch and chitin, proteins and peptides, and DNA and RNA are all examples of biopolymers, in which the monomeric units, respectively, are sugars, amino acids, and nucleotides. Some biopolymers are biodegradable. That is, they are broken down into CO2 and water by microorganisms. The present world is now concerned about the use of biopolymer to control and prevent soil pollution and to protect the environment.

The use of biopolymers has now spread worldwide in different sectors starting from medicine to food industry. Even in the petroleum industry, biopolymer has proved to be the efficient alternative and causes less harm to the environment as well. Corporate sectors are investing a huge finance for developing and supporting this new era of biopolymers and this development in the market also inspiring the young entrepreneur to put forward their step in this sector of biopolymer. Some of the leading corporate sectors in this field are Metabolix, FMC Biopolymer and Biopolymer product. A major defining difference between biopolymers and other polymers can be found in their structures.

All polymers are made of repetitive units called monomers. Biopolymers often have a well-defined structure, though this is not a defining characteristic .The exact chemical composition and the sequence in which these units are arranged is called the primary structure, in the case of proteins. Many biopolymers spontaneously fold into characteristic compact shapes (see also "protein folding" as well as secondary structure and tertiary structure), which determine their biological functions and depend in a complicated way on their primary structures. Structural biology is the study of the structural properties of the biopolymers. In contrast most synthetic polymers have much simpler and more random (or stochastic) structures. This fact leads to a molecular mass distribution that is missing in biopolymers. In fact, as their synthesis is controlled by a template directed process in most in vivo systems all biopolymers of a type (say one specific protein) are all alike: they all contain the similar sequences and numbers of monomers and thus all have the same mass. This phenomenon is called monodispersity in contrast to the polydispersity encountered in synthetic polymers. As a result biopolymers have a polydispersity index.

In Worldwide a number of genuine conferences have been scheduled and also being commenced at times related to biopolymer and its use in different sectors. These international conferences inviting medical practitioner, researchers, pharmaceutical and allied corporate sectors, public as well as govt. societies to take part for creating awareness about the contemporary development in avoiding chemical polymers and replacing it by the use of Biopolymers. 2014 Biopolymers. Mechanisms of Bimolecular Interactions: From Physical Principles to Biological Insights is in June 1-6, 2014Salve Regina University Newport, RI ;Biopolymers - In Vitro, In Silico, and in the Cell is in June 3-8, 2012 Salve Regina University Newport, RI; Biopolymers -From Folding and Function to Engineering and Design is in June 6-11, 2010 Salve Regina University Newport, RI; 23-24 April 2012 NH Laguna Palace Hotel, Mester-Venice, Italy; , Organized by Gordon Research Group, USA and 2nd International conference on Bio-based polymers and composites; The public and government sectors are creating the awareness by organizing worldwide conference and events One such conferences, Biopolymers Conference 2014 was being conducted by SMITHERS RAPRA in USA.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Polymerization is the process of combining many small molecules known as monomers into a covalently bonded chain or network. During the polymerization process, some chemical groups may be lost from each monomer. This is the case, for example, in the polymerization of PET polyester. The monomers are terephthalic acid (HOOC-C6H4-COOH) and ethylene glycol (HO-CH2-CH2-OH) but the repeating unit is -OC-C6H4-COO-CH2-CH2-O-, which corresponds to the combination of the two monomers with the loss of two water molecules. The distinct piece of each monomer that is incorporated into the polymer is known as a repeat unit or monomer residue.

Laboratory synthetic methods are generally divided into two categories, step-growth polymerization and chain-growth polymerization.The essential difference between the two is that in chain growth polymerization, monomers are added to the chain one at a time only,such as in polyethylene, whereas in step-growth polymerization chains of monomers may combine with one another directly,such as in polyester. However, some newer methods such as plasma polymerization do not fit neatly into either category. Synthetic polymerization reactions may be carried out with or without a catalyst. Laboratory synthesis of biopolymers, especially of proteins, is an area of intensive research

Market Analysis

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We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository.

List of Best International Conferences

1.      2nd Smart Materials and Structures Conference

         February 29-March 02, 2016-Philadelphia, USA

2.      4th Wireless Communication and Network Conference

         September 21-23, 2015-Baltimore, USA

3.      2nd Ceramics and Composite Materials Conference

         July 25-27, 2016-Berlin, Germany

4.      2nd Industrial Engineering Conference

         November 16-18, 2015-Dubai, UAE

5.      Design and Production Engineering Conference 

         July 25-26, 2016-Berlin, Germany

6.      5th Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics Conference

          October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA

7.       Electronics and Electrical Engineering Conference

         November 03-05, 2015-Valencia, Spain

8.      3rd Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Conference

         October 05-07, 2015-San Francisco, USA

9.     Polymer Chemistry Conference

         November 14-16, 2016-Atlanta, USA

10.    5th Nanotek Conference

       November 16-18, 2015-San Antonio, USA

11.    2nd Automobile Engineering Conference

         July 11-12, 2016-Cologne, Germany

12.    Biometrics and Biostatistics Conference

         November 16-18, 2015-San Antonio, USA

13.    2nd Biomedical Engineering Conference

         November 30-December 02, 2015-San Antonio, USA

14.     Wind Energy Conference

         July 28-30, 2016-Berlin, Germany

15.     Construction and Steel Structure Conference

         November 16-18, 2015-Dubai, UAE

16.     4th Materials Science and Engineering Conference

          September 14-16, 2015-Florida, USA

17.    BIT's 2nd World Congress of Smart Materials-Singapore

18.    SECTOR 2nd Smart Materials and Surfaces-Korea

19.     ASME Conference on Smart Materials-USA

20.     SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2016- USA

21.     CIMTEC 5th International Conference Smart and Multifunctional Materials Structures & Systems-Italy


Relevant Society and Associations

  1. Materials Research Society
  2. P/M in Aerospace, Defense and Demanding
  3. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management
  4. Silicon Nitride Ceramics Scientific and Technological Advances
  5. Smart Materials Fabrication and Materials for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
  6. Solid State Ionics III
  7. Solitons in Liquid Crystals
  8. Structure and Properties of Energetic Materials
  9. Submicron Multiphase Materials


  1. Cima Nanoteck
  2. New Developments in Biomaterials
  3. Vibration Control of Active Structures
  4. ISIS Canada
  5. Smart Structures
  6. Emerging Construction Technologies
  7. Constructing the Future
  8. Smart Structures and Materials

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations