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Portugal Meetings

Portugal Content

Conference Series serves scientific network with over 700+ Open Access Journals. Qualified team of 50,000 Editors and reviewers ensures the quality and quick editorial review process with publishing time of just 21 days from the day of manuscript submission. Conference Series organizes conferences on Nursing and focuses on topics like Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Nursing and Healthcare etc. Nursing Meetings organizes conferences throughout the world like Nursing conferences, World Nursing Conference, Global Nursing Conference and many more which are related to Nursing & Healthcare field. It’s a perfect platform where people gather and share their experience and knowledge. The food technology conference aspire to converge the big names around the globe to come down to a common place, share a common podium and extend their knowledge among future researchers, entrepreneurs as well as the farmers who devote their labor and time to provide food to the entire world. The aqua conferences also engage giants from the aquaculture industry to adapt the new findings and technologies which are the result of years of passionate efforts. Conference series is conducting conferences related Infectious diseases every year in the areas like Bacteriology , Infectious diseases, Influenza, HIV/AIDs, Flu, Rare Disease and COPD. Cardiology events have a wide scope globally in guiding cardiology students, cardiologists, scientists, research scholars, medical practitioners, leading medical industries to champion professional and social relationship with sister organizations and actively concur within the analysis and safe utilization of the medicine with honor and ethics.

Portugal Meetings also provides Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits that helps those in the medical field maintain competence and learn about new and developing areas of their field. Through Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development, health care professionals maintain, develop and ensure that they retain their capacity to practice safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice.

Portugal Conferences are highly illustrative events with interactive keynote sessions, plenary and poster presentations, exhibitions, symposia, workshops, comprehensive panel discussions make Conference Series a perfect platform for Global Networking.

Here Conferences and Programs are announced to keep update our clients and to bookmark their dates. However, Registrations are not allowed before 12 months of the conference.