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As per available reports about 3 relevant journals, 14 Conferences, 14 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Liver Transplant and about 53 articles are being published on Liver Transplant.
Liver Transplant means replacement of a diseased liver with some or all of a healthy liver from another person (allograft). The most commonly used technique is orthotropic transplantation, in which the native liver is removed and replaced by the donor organ in the same anatomic location as the original liver.
OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide. OMICS Group Journals encourages original and well researched articles for publication. With the help of a strong 50, 000 experts as editorial board members and reviewers, OMICS Group journals uphold the standard review process. All the articles submitted for publication are subjected to a blind peer review. Upon incorporating the changes the articles are published online. Once approved for publication, these articles remain archived permanently in their respective repositories. OMICS Group Journals follow online tracking system where the authors can submit their articles online and track its status from time to time.
Scope and Importance:
Liver transplantation is potentially applicable to any acute or chronic condition resulting in irreversible liver dysfunction, provided that the recipient does not have other conditions that will preclude a successful transplant. Uncontrolled metastatic cancer outside liver, active drug or alcohol abuse and active septic infections are absolute contraindications. While infection with HIV was once considered an absolute contraindication, this has been changing recently. Advanced age and serious heart, pulmonary or other disease may also prevent transplantation (relative contraindications). Most liver transplants are performed for chronic liver diseases that lead to irreversible scarring of the liver, or cirrhosis of the liver. Some centres use the Milan criteria to select patients with liver cancers for liver transplantation.
There are several advantages of living liver donor transplantation over cadaveric donor transplantation, including:
Transplant can be done on an elective basis because the donor is readily available
There are fewer possibilities for complications and death than there would be while waiting for a cadaveric organ donor
Because of donor shortages, UNOS has placed limits on cadaveric organ allocation to foreigners who seek medical help in the USA. With the availability of living donor transplantation, this will now allow foreigners a new opportunity to seek medical care in the USA.
Screening for donors:
Living donor transplantation is a multidisciplinary approach. All living liver donors undergo medical evaluation. Every hospital which performs transplants has dedicated nurses that provide specific information about the procedure and answer questions that families may have. During the evaluation process, confidentiality is assured on the potential donor. Every effort is made to ensure that organ donation is not made by coercion from other family members. The transplant team provides both the donor and family thorough counselling and support which continues until full recovery is made. All donors are assessed medically to ensure that they can undergo the surgery. Blood type of the donor and recipient must be compatible but not always identical. Other things assessed prior to surgery include the anatomy of the donor liver. However, even with mild variations in blood vessels and bile duct, surgeons today are able to perform transplantation without problems. The most important criterion for a living liver donor is to be in excellent health.
Market Analysis:
The Liver transplantation market able to grow at a rate of 9.36 percent over the period 2014-2019.
International symposium and workshops
1) The Liver Transplant Symposium 2015
2) International liver congress 2015
3) Global viral hepatitis summit
List of Best International Conferences:
1.3rd Hepatitis and Liver Diseases Conference
October 17-19, Dubai UAE
2.2nd Hepatology Conference
May 09-11, Chicago USA
November 17-19, Atlanta USA
4.4th Surgery Conference
October 05-07, Dubai UAE
5.6th Clinical and Experimental Cardiology Conference
November 30-December 02, San Antonio USA
6.Vascular Medicine and Surgeons Meeting Conference
October 24-25, Chicago USA
7.7th World Cardiothoracic Meeting
March 29-30, Atlanta USA
8.8th Global Cardiologists Annual Meeting
July 18-20, Berlin Germany
9.2nd Pediatric Cardiology Conference
September 22-24, Las Vegas USA
10.Primary Healthcare Conference
April 25-27, Dubai UAE
11.Interventional Cardiology Conference
Sept 12-14, Berlin Germany
12.2nd Biomechanics and Implant Design Conference
May 12-14, 2016 Chicago, USA
13.3rd Global Experts Meeting on Weight Loss
September 19-21, Vienna Austria
14.Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Conference
November 3-4, Istanbul Turkey
15.Podiatrist Meeting on Foot and Ankle Surgery
August 15-16, Oregon USA
16.Transplantation Research and Techniques Conference
March 28-29, Atlanta USA
17.Global Summit on Head and Neck Surgery
November 30-December 01, Georgia USA
18.Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Conference
October 03-05, Miami USA
19.5th Orthopedic Surgeons and Rheumatology Conference
March 31-April 01, Valencia Spain
20.Cosmetic Dermatology and Haircare Conference
December 07-08, Philadelphia USA
21.4th Orthopedics and Rheumatology Conference
October 26-28, Maryland USA
22.3rd Rhinology and Otology Conference
April 25-27, Dubai UAE
23.6th Gastroenterology and Gastroenterologists Annual Meeting
June 16-18, Philadelphia USA
24.Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference
October 03-05, Toronto Canada
25.Intestinal and Colorectal Diseases Conference
October 13-15, Manchester UK
26.EASL Special Conference: Addressing End-stage Liver Disease
27.Chinese Society of Gastroenterology Congress 2015
28.European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA) Nordmann
29.The Viral Hepatitis Congress 2015
30.Cost Effectiveness in Liver Disorders: From Prevention to Transplantation Budapest
31.Virology Education - 1st European Hepatitis Cure and Eradication Meeting Frankfurt
32.ILCA International Liver Cancer Association 9th Annual Conference
33.EASL Monothematic Conference: Autoimmune Hepatitis London, United Kingdom
Relevant Society and Associations:-
•International Liver Transplantation Society.
•Addenbrookes Liver Transplant Association.
•European Liver Transplant Association (ELTA)
•American Liver Foundation
•Bristol-Meyers squibb
•OmniGuide Surgical
•Intuitive Surgical Inc.
•NuVasive Inc.
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025