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Recommended Conferences for Toxicology


Toxicology is a branch of biology, chemistry, and medicine (more specifically pharmacology) concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. A toxicologist is a scientist or medical personal who specializes in the study of symptoms, mechanisms, treatments and detection of venoms and toxins; especially the poisoning of people.
It also studies the harmful effects of chemical, biological and physical agents in biological systems that establish the extent of damage in living organisms. Basic traditional toxicology is known by the association between dose and its effects on the exposed organism is of high significance in toxicology. The main criterion regarding the toxicity of a chemical is the dose, i.e. the amount of exposure to the substance. All substances are toxic under the right conditions. The term LD50 refers to the dose of a toxic substance that kills 50 percent of a test population typically rats or other surrogates when the test concerns human toxicity.

Factors that influence chemical toxicity:
1. Dosage
Both large single exposures (acute) and continuous small exposures (chronic) are studied
2. Route of exposure
Ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption
3. Other factors
•Individual characteristics

ConferenceSeries is the leading event organizers which host more than 300 International Conferences across the globe. ConferenceSeries organizes scientific conferences on Clinical Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Chemistry and it's an ideal platform for international networking. ConferenceSeries hosts 350 Open Access journals with over 3.5 million readers and therefore the honor and success of an equivalent are often attributed to the robust editorial board that contains over 30000 eminent personalities. These scientific events are emerging as one of the best gathering with the support from 1000 International Collaborations with renowned scientific societies and institutes. ConferenceSeries International events offer exciting chance to showcase the services of your company to the global audience.
ConferenceSeries follows an Open Access publication model that enables the dissemination of research articles to the global community free of cost. Abstracts and full texts (HTML, XML and PDF format) of all articles published by ConferenceSeries are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication. OMICS Scholarly Journals strictly adhere to standard review process. All the articles are subjected to peer-reviewing prior to publication. ConferenceSeries will keep up to date with latest advances in the respective fields and papers published in its journals will reach the readers directly through E-mail. Archived online transactions of ConferenceSeries provide the International scientific community with immediate and permanent access to individual papers. ConferenceSeries accepts online letters from the Editors and brief comments that contribute to the previously published articles or other relevant findings in OMICS field.

Conferences on Toxicology:
• 3rd International Summit on Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology during October 20-22, Chicago, USA
• 4th Global Summit on Toxicology during October 05-07, 2015 Philadelphia, USA
• 50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
• Toxicology And Risk Assessment Conference
• ICT 2014: International Conference on Toxicology
• Advanced Comprehensive Toxicology Presented by the American College of Toxicology (ACT)
• 50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2014)
• American College of Toxicology 35th Annual Meeting
• 1st International Congress of Toxicology Angola
• Carcinogenesis British Society of Toxicological Pathology

List of Companies:
• BASi - Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
• Metrics Contract Services
• BioScience Laboratories, Inc.
• Pacific BioLabs (PBL)
• ToxServices LLC.
• Myriad RBM, Inc.
• Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs)
• Avomeen Analytical Services
• Rules-Based Medicine’s (RBM)
• BIOCIUS Life Sciences, Inc.'s
• The Jackson Laboratory
• Geneva Laboratories, Inc.
• Randox Toxicology

List of Associations and Societies:
• Australasian College of Toxicology & Risk Assessment (ACTRA)
• Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT)
• British Toxicology Society
• European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists
• French Society of Toxicology
• German Society of Toxicology
• Japanese Society of Toxicology
• Mexican Society of Toxicology
• Russian Society of Toxicology
• Society of Toxicology of Canada
• Society of Toxicology, USA (SOT)
• Spanish Association of Toxicology
• Society of Toxicology, India
• Swiss Society of Toxicology (SST)

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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