Best Poster Award Winners at previous Conferences
The Best Poster awards are acknowledged to the best titles represented by Faculty/ PhD students /Post Docs at ConferenceSeries conferences. It rewards a combination of excellent research, Novelty of the project, Innovation, and way of representation. Every Poster Session will be evaluated by panel of experts.
Awardees are selected on site (posters not attended at their scheduled time will not be considered) and award recipients will be announced during the conference. These awards include a certificate of recognition accredited by the International Organizing Committee. Each best poster winner will get a 70% abatement on the manuscript publication in the relevant journal of ConferenceSeries.
List of Best poster awardees in our previous conferences.
2nd Edition of Graphene & Semiconductors | Diamond, Graphite & Carbon Materials Conference
April 16-17, 2018 LasVegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: A comparison of graphene and graphene oxide fibers in antimicrobial applications
Title:Preparation and characterization of poly (ether-block-amide)/polyethylene glycol composite films for packaging application
International Conference on HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs
October 24-25, 2013, USA
Award Winners
Title: Neurocognitive correlates of HIV/STI-associated sexual decision-making in AA girls
Title:Health education together people with HIV/AIDS: Motion for intervention interdisciplinary
Title: Knowledge and attitudes of youth in relation to provider initiated counseling and testing at the primary health care services in South Africa
2nd International Conference on HIV/AIDS, STDs, & STIs
October 27-29, 2014 Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Molecular Characterization of HIV-1 Infection in Northeast of Brazil reveals the presence of rare subtypes and distinct BF recombinants forms
Title: Adolescent perceptions of sexual health education transmitted via social
International Conference and Exhibition on Antibodies
August 10-11, 2015, Birmingham, UK
Award Winners
Title: A new tool for detecting and destroying Noro-virus
Title: Using Glycp-Express for production of highly active antibodies directed against novel and existing targets
International Conference on Parasitology
August 24-26, 2015 Philadelphia, USA
Award Winners
Title: Evidence of strain-specific variations in gene expression of two Theileria parva isolates
Title: A novel, robust aptamer based gene regulatory system for functional genomics of malaria parasites
International Conference on Innate Immunity
July 20-21, 2015 in Barcelona, Spain
Award Winners
Title: A novel splicing variant in the 5’-UTR of human TLR5 gene
Title:Experimental Chagas’disease: Modulation of innateimmunity response in mice vaccinated with T. rangeli
International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics
July 20-22, 2015 San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: Protective Mechanism of FTY720 in Ischemic Stroke
International Conference on Retroviruses and Novel Drugs
June 08-09, 2015 Chicago, Illinois, USA
Award Winners
Title: A decade of follow-up and therapeutic drug monitoring in HIV-2 immunocompromised patients at St Camille and General Lamizana Military Medical Centers, Burkina Faso, West Africa
Title: Structure-Based Design of Dual inhibitors of HIV Integrase and Ribonuclease H
World Drug Delivery Summit
August 17-19, 2015 Houston, USA
Award Winners
Title: Preparation and pharmaceutical evaluation of Acetaminophen Nano-fiber tablets: Application of solvent-based electrospinning method for tableting
World Congress and Exhibition on Antibiotics
September 14-16, 2015 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Award Winners
Title: The potential of endophytic Actinomycetes of Amphipterygium adstringens as producers of novel antibiotics
International Conference on Clinical Trials
July 27-29, 2015 Orlando-FL, USA
Award Winners
Title: Understanding patients perspective on clinical research in Indian population
2nd International Conference on Past and Present Research Systems of Green Chemistry
September 14-16, 2015 Orlando, USA
Award Winners
Title: Isolation and characterization of heavy metal tolerant bacteria for the purpose of bioremediation
Title: Equilibrium and kinetics studies on the Biosorption of caffeine by hydrogel beads
International Summit on Past and Present Research Systems of Green Chemistry
August 25-27, 2014 Philadelphia, USA
Award Winners
Title: Promoting fermentation in organic synthesis: semi-synthesis of roquefortine C derivatives
Title: Novel polymeric membrane electrode for the potentiometric analysis of Cu2+ in swimming pools using copper ionizers
4th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology
September 28-30, 2015 Atlanta, USA
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
October 05-07, 2015 San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: INTA Thermal control design to MXGS Instrument for the ASIM payload
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
September 08-10, 2014 Philadelphia, USA
Award Winners
Title: Numerical study of two-bucket savonius rotor cluster
International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
September 30-October 02, 2013 Texas, USA
Award Winners
Title: DNS of a turbulent channel flow blowing/suction
International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining
May 04-05, 2015 Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Award Winners
Title: Cuda-Based Parallel Line Integral Convolution On GPU For High-Performance Visualization Of Large Flow Data
International Conference on Prostate Cancer
June 22-24, 2015 Florida, USA
Award Winners
Title: REST mediates androgen receptor actions on gene repression and predicts early recurrence in prostate cancer
Title: Development of Aptameric Sensors for Detecting Prostate Cancer
World Congress on Breast Cancer Aug 03-05, 2015 Birmingham, UK
Award Winners
Title: Diagnostic utility of immunohistochemical staining for basal keratins, K5 and K14, and p63 in the differential diagnosis of malignant glandular lesions
Title: Effect of butylphenylmethylpropional on DNA damage and repair in immortalised non-transformed human breast epithelial cells
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety
August 24-25, 2015 Toronto, Canada
Award Winners
Title:Exposure to music and noise induced hearing loss (NIHL): Among professional pop/rock/jazz musicians
Title: Good work and healthy employee
3rd International Conference on Epidemiology & Public Health
August 04-06, 2015 Valencia, Spain
Award Winners
Title: Successful eradication of 4 years of endemic MRSA following extensive neonatal intensive care unit refurbishment
Title: Disinfecting the stethoscope membrane through a hi-tech UV device: A pilot study
2nd International Conference on Epidemiology & Evolutionary Genetics
August 18-19, 2014 Beijing, China
Award Winners
Title:An epidemiological study of overweight and obesity among women in an urban area of Northern India
Title: Phylogeography, gene exchange, and the evolution of antibiotic resistance in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
4th International conference on Nursing and Health care
05-07 October 2015, San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: Managing the new normal: Assessment and management practices for gynecologic cancer survivors
Title: Knowledge of clinical nurse practitioners regarding notification of notifiable infectious diseases in greater Tzaneen municipality at Mopani district, Limpopo province
Global Healthcare & Fitness Summit
July 20-22, 2015 San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: Influence of soy protein intake on blood isoflavone levels, thyroid and sex hormone concentrations in women
Title: The Four A's of Cultural Diversity for Health Care Providers
3rd Indo-Global Summit & Expo on Healthcare
October 05-07, 2015 New Delhi, India
Award Winners
Title: Assessment of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination and Associated Health Risks in Village People of Darbhanga District of Bihar, India
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Rhinology and Otology
March 18-20, 2015 Dubai, UAE
Award Winners
Title: Clinico pathological profile of sinonasal masses in a tertiary care hospital in South India
Title: Rhinoscleroma: A detailed histopathological diagnostic insight
Title: Outcome of different types of osteotomies in primary and revision Rhinoplasty
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science & Engineering
September 14-16, 2015 Orlando, USA
Award Winners
Title: Low temperature magnetotransport study of pulsed laser deposited Mg0.15Zn0.85O film
Title: Formation of hair follicle using 3D biomimetic nanofibers constructs
Title: Synthesis and thermoluminescence characterization of nano and micro-crystals of LiF doped with Ag
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science & Engineering
October 06-08, 2014 San Antonio, USA
Award Winners
Title: Effect of mechanical fatigue at low-temperature on structural and mechanical properties of cryogenic steels
Title: Cleaner technologies for conservation of selected environmental parameters
Title: Corrosion fatigue of magnesiumalloys for biodegradable implant applications
2nd International Conference & Exhibition on Materials Science & Engineering
October 07-09, 2013 Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Starch-stabilized silver nanoparticles for use in Layer-by-Layer films
Title: Quantum confinement effect in optical properties of CdSe quantum dots
Title: Designing Crystalline Micro-Structures at the Polymer-CNT Interphase via Process Control for Composite Fabrication
World Congress on Industrial Automation
July 20-22, 2015, San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: Multi criteria decision making for choosing a robot for the evolving industrial setting
Nanotechnology Congress & Expo
August 11-13, 2015 Frankfurt, Germany
Award Winners
Title: Defect-induced plating of lithium metal within porous graphene networks
International Conference and Exhibition on Biopolymers and Bioplastics
August 10-12, 2015 San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: polymerizations of ε-caprolactone, lactides and epoxides
International Congress and Expo on Biofuels & Bioenergy
August 25-27, 2015 Valencia, Spain
Award Winners
Title: Kinetics of diesel / biodiesel fuels oxidation and evolution of oxidation products formed at different stages of oxidation
Title: Production of biodiesel from animal fat using supercritical ethanol
Title: Energy analysis of thermo chemical and biochemical pathways for bioethanol production
World Congress on Hepatitis
July 20-22, 2015 Orlando, USA
Award Winners
Title: Establishment of Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma Drug Screening Platform in Zebrafish
5th International Conference on Clinical & Experimental Dermatology
July 13-15, 2015 New Orleans, USA
Award Winners
V.A.Rakhmanov, Russia
Title: The combined therapy «PUVA + interferon-α» in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma treatment
Title: Chromoblastomycosis treated with intravenous fluconazole as a first line therapy
Title: Anesthetic blister induction to identify biopsy site prior to mohs surgery
Title: Microchimerism in chronic idiopathic urticaria
Title: Acquired lymphangioma circumscriptum of vulva
4th International Conference on Clinical & Experimental Dermatology
April 14-16, 2014 San Antonio, USA
Award Winners
Title: Ataxia telangiectasia with abnormal cellular immunity
Title: Endostopic thoracic sympathectomy for the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis in 45 cases: Two years follow-up
Title: Outcome analysis of T4 sympathicotomy in the treatment of primary palmar hyperhidrosis
Title:Case presentation: A challenging diagnosis of primary cutaneous follicle centerlymphoma
Title:Susceptibility of clinical isolates of Leishmania aethiopica to miltefosine, paromomycin, amphotericin b and sodium stibogluconate using amastigote-macrophage in vitro model
Title:Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practice towards cosmetics use and its adverse effect among medical college students in Gondar City, North West Ethiopia
Title:Serum vascular endothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor-beta1 and nitric oxide levels in patients with psoriasis vulgaris: Their correlation to disease severity
Title:Documentation of vancomycin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) among children with atopic dermatitis in the qassim region
2nd World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering
October 27-29, 2014 Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Fracture flow control
Title: The mechanisms of gas generation during coal deformation
World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering
November 18-20, 2013 San Antonio, USA
Award Winners
Title: Kinetic investigation of the catalytic oxidation of dibenzothiophene to dibenzothiophene-sulfone using TiO2
Title: New Methods of direct desulphurization of crude oil
5th World Congress on Cell & Stem Cell Research
Award Winners
8th Euro Biotechnology Congress
August 18-20, 2015 Frankfurt Germany
Award Winners
3rd International Conference on Genomics & Pharmacogenomics
September 21-23, 2015, San Antonio, USA
Award Winners
World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology
August 18-20, 2015 Frankfurt, Germany
Award Winners
Title: Real-time Detection of Adenovirus and Faecal Indicator Bacteria in the Discharged Final Effluents of two wastewater Treatment Facilities in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.
Title: Application of microcosms results in bioremediation of Sludge Farm Soil from a Petrochemical WWTP
Title: Isolation of new cellulolytic clostridia from nature
3rd International conference on HIV/AIDS, STDS & STIS
Nov-30 – Dec-02, 2015 Atlanta, USA
Award Winners
Title: School-based HIV/AIDS risk-reduction intervention programmes among adolescents in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State, Nigeria
Title: Sexuality and reproduction in HIV-positive women: A meta-synthesis of how HIV-positive women’s experiences of sexuality and reproduction have been described in qualitative studies
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Immunology
September 28-30, 2015 Houston, Texas, USA
Award Winners
Title:Antibodies against epitopes on HN domain of botulinum neurotoxin- A protect against toxin poisoning
Title:Novel peptide inhibitors of human tumor necrosis factor-α: Molecular modelling and in-vitro assays
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Clinical & Cellular Immunology
September 29-October 01, 2014 Baltimore, USA
Award Winners
Title: Understanding substrate specificity of activation induced cytidine deaminase
Title: Transcription level of the suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 and 3 in patients with multiple sclerosis
2nd International Conference on Clinical & Cellular Immunology
October 15-17, 2013 Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Celastrol Inhibits the Formation of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
Title: Do Cathepsins play a role in manifestations of Hyper IgE Syndrome
Title: Immunization with Salmonella PrgI and SipD Type III Secretion Proteins protects mice against intestinal infection by Salmonella typhimurium
Title: Encapsulin, an effective antigen-delivery nanocarrier, leads to antigen specific cytotoxic T cell activation and tumor rejection
Title:Novel mechanisms of adjuvanticity implied from in vitro studies with bacterial toxins
3rd International Summit on Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology
October 20-22, 2014 Chicago, USA
Award Winners
Title: In vitro and in vivo inflammatory effects of PAMAM dendrimers nanoparticles
Title: Interaction Between Human Neutrophils And Different Gold Nanoparticles: Reorganisation Of Cytoskeletal Proteins
2nd International Summit on Toxicology
October 07-09, 2013 Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Exposure assessment to fumonisin B1 by LC/MS determination of fumonisin FB1 levels in human hair from residents of Pirassununga, Brazil
Title: Effect of Green tea and EGCG on Liver: In vivo and In vitro study
Title: Assessment of nanohydroxyapatite toxicity on mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
7th Indo Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo
November 23-25, 2015 Bangalore, India
Award Winners
Title:Indirubin-3'-oxime inhibits protein kinase R: Antiapoptotic and antioxidant effect in rat cardiacmyocytes
Title: Dietary Antioxidants Induces Differential Gene Expression of Oxidative stress pathway Genes in L6 Cell Line under diabetic condition
Title: Allantoin ameliorates biochemical, behavioural and electrophysiological deficit in streptozotocin (STZ) induced peripheral neuropathy in diabetic rat
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Obesity and Weight Management
December 07-09, 2015 Atlanta, USA
Award Winners
Title: Efficacy through narrative: A sweetened beverage intervention involving 5th graders
5th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems
March 16-18, 2015, Dubai, UAE
Award Winners
Title: Design of modified release multi particulate drug delivery system for Antiparkinson’s drugs
Title: Formulation, optimization and evaluation of Atorvastatin calcium-fenofibrate loaded PLGA nanoparticles
Title: Evaluation of physical stability of lipid emulsions containing various surfactants and co-surfactants for parenteral application
Title: Lipid drug conjugated nanoparticles for the oral delivery of an Antifolate drug
Title: Solid state formulation of therapeutic antibodies using spray drying for reconstitution
Title: Cetirizine fast dissolving tablets for dysphagic and paediatric patients
Title: Preparation and characterization of nanostructured lipid carrier loaded with Saquinavir Mesylate
4th Global Summit on Healthcare
November 09-10, 2015, Dubai, UAE
Award Winners
Title: Perception of breastfeeding among female medical students, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Title: A descriptive study on the pre-gravid food intake among the mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus in a selected hospital in Negeri Sembilan
Adolescent Medicine & Child Psychology
September 28-30, 2015 Houston, USA
Award Winners
Title: Theory of mind difficulties are not specific to autism: An examination of social and emotional communication in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
4th International Conference on Biodiversity
June 15-17, 2015 Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Biodiversity loss associated with oil palm plantations in Malaysia: Serving the need versus saving the nature
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology
August 10-12, 2015 London, UK
Award Winners
Title: Polyphenol profiles of barley sprouts at different growth stages and investigation of their anti-oxidative effects
Title: Multilayered edible coatings from chitosan and sodium caseinate by layer-by-layer assembly
Title: Effect of different homogenization techniques on the particle size of liposomes and storage characterization by NMR Relaxometry
Global Veterinary Summit
August 31-September 02, 2015, Orlando-FL, USA
Award Winners
Title: Hematologic, trace minerals and MDA status in anemic-piroplasmosis infected horses from Egypt
Title: Effects of selenium supplementation on the expression of genes encoding selected selenoproteins in longissimus dorsi muscle and liver of lambs
2nd Indo-Global Summit & Expo on Veterinary
October 26-28, 2015, Hyderabad, India
Award Winners
Title: Economic impact due to theileriosis in dairy cattle
Title: Effects of selenium supplementation on the expression of genes encoding selected selenoproteins in longissimus dorsi muscle and liver of lambs
6th Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages
August 03-05, 2015, Orlando-FL, USA
Award Winners
Title: Hepatoprotective effect of coniferic acid as a food ingredient against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice.
International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures
August 17-19, 2015, Birmingham, UK
Award Winners
Title: “An amperometric biosensor based on nanocomposite Titania-Nafion for determining laccase phenol compounds”
Title: “The modification of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) substrates and their improved antimicrobial activity for use in active packaging applications”
International Conference on Aquaculture & Fisheries
July 20-22, 2015 Brisbane, Australia
Award Winners
Title: “The major yolk protein in sea urchin egg yolk granules is a glycoprotein complex”
Title: “Development and growth from newly settled first crab stage to sexual maturation and observation on reproductive biology of the harlequin anemone crab Lissocarcinus laevis”
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products
October 26-28, 2015, Hyderabad, India
Award Winners
Titile: High dose of black tea extract induced prenatal & postnatal changes in experimental animals
Title: Characterization of phenolics by HPTLC and evaluation of antioxidant activity in millet grains
Title: Evaluation of Naringin to prevent the cognitive deficits associated with Doxorubicin induced Chemobrain / Chemofog
Title: Influence of DNA repair on cognitive function and autophagy in stress induced rats and its modulation by shankhpushpi rasayana
Title: Bioenhancer from mother nature and their approach in modern medicine
Title: Prenatal developmental toxicity study of procyanidine polyphenols from Cinnamomum zeylanicum (TAPP-CZ) in rats
Title: Oroxylum indicum bark : Phytochemical investigation and in vitro anti-obesity potential
Title: In vitro and In vivo anti obesity potential of Ferula asafoetida
Title: Topical Application of Calendula officinalis: A Carotenoid Rich Skin Protecting Formulation
Title: Application of microwave-assisted extraction to the fast extraction of plant phenolic compounds in Lafoensia pacari A. St-Hil
8th Euro Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo
November 03-05, 2015 Valencia, Spain
Award Winners
Title: The association of WFS1 gene polymorphisms with the DPP-4 inhibitors treatment response in Type 2 diabetes.
2nd Experts Meeting on Gynecologic Oncology
March 23-24, 2017 Orlando, USA
Award Winners
Title: A detailed analysis of the learning curve for robotic assisted type-I extrafascial pan hysterectomy with pelvic and high paraaortic lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer – Single institution study
Alexis Barfield: USA Dorothy Crumity: USAInternational Conference on Holistic Medicine and Holistic Nursing
July 14-15, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Award Winners
Title: Early detection of diabetic retinopathy among type one diabetic patients
Jihad Albitar Osama: Umm Al Qura University, Saudi ArabiaTitle: Prevalence of suicidal attempts and ideations in patients of major depressive disorder
Irfan Areeb: USA2nd International Conference on Hepatology
May 09-11, 2016 Chicago, USA
Award Winners
Title: Niclosamide blocks glucagon phosphorylation of serine 552 on β-catenin leading to a reduction in cyclin D1 and c-Myc expression in primary rat hepatocytes via PKA signaling
Md Kamrul Hasan Chowdhury: University of New South Wales, Australia3rd International Conference on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
July 11-12, 2016 Brisbane, Australia
Award Winners
Title: Plasma uric acid as a protective factor of respiratory dysfunction and emphysema in female mice and human with obstructive pulmonary diseases
Haruka Fujikawa: Department of Molecular Medicine, Kumamoto University, Japan2ndInternational Conference and Expo on Novel Physiotherapies
June 9-11, 2016 London, UK
Award Winners
Title: Changes in balance control during walking after eight-week dynamic perturbation training in older adults
Jo-En Chien: National Taiwan University, TaiwanInternational Pharmacy Conference
July 14-15-2016, Philadelphia USA
Award Winners
Title: Tacrolimus loaded transdermal therapeutic system: Formulation optimization, ex vivo skin permeation and in vivo anti-arthritic potential
Kashish Aziz: Hamdard University, IndiaWorld Bioenergy Congress and Expo
June 13-14, 2016 Rome, Italy
Award Winners
Title: Syncronous lignin degradation and enhanced reducing sugar production along with fermentation to bioethanol: A single step bioprocessing of mixed lignocellulosic feedstocks
Avanthi Althuri: Indian Institute of Technology, IndiaTitle: Complete saccharification of cellulose through chemoenzymatic hydrolysis
In Taek Hwang: Biorefinery Research Group, Republic of KoreaInternational Conference and Exhibition on Materials Chemistry
March 31-April 01, 2016 Valencia, Spain
Award Winners
Title: Antimicrobial supercritical impregnation of nanocomposites for food packaging
Maria Jose Galotto: Santiago de Chile University, ChileTitle: Improving PLA properties through the incorporation of electrospun nanofibers based on PVA and cellulose nanowhiskers
Carol Lopez de Dicastillo: Santiago de Chile University, Chile4th International Congress on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases
May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, Texas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Molecularly imprinted polymeric nanoparticle: Preparation and characterization
Poonsuk Prasertsan: Prince of Songkla Univeristy, ThailandJoint International Conference and expo on Industrial Pharmacy & 5th Global Pharmacovigilance Summit
April 28-29, 2016 Dubai, UAE
Award Winners
Title: Simultaneous determination of 37 phytochemicals in Achillea species by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
Mustafa Abdullah Yilmaz: Dicle University, TurkeyEuropean Chemistry Congress
June 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy
Award Winners
Title: Tunable magnetic property nd millimeter wave absorption property of ε-Fe2O3 by metal substutution
Asuka Namai: The University of Tokyo, JapanTitle: Photocatalytic decomposition of a nonionic detergent
Hegedűs Péter: University of Pannonia, HungaryTitle: Synthesis of NiO nanoparticles for new nanocomposite materials
Sevil Çetinkaya: Kirikkale University, TurkeyTitle: Characteristics of the different S=O, S-O, N---H, O---H and Na---O bonds into the powerful laxative sodium picosulphate drug and their effects on the properties
Silvia Antonia Brandan: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, ArgentinaTitle: Synthesis of 4-amino-N-4-pyridin-1,8-naphthalimide, a new ligand for complexes and metalorganic frameworks
Ulisses Fiorin Angelo: University of São Paulo, BrazilTitle: Unnatural fluoro-oxindole alkaloids produced by Uncaria guianensis plantlets
Adriana A Lopes: Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, BrazilTitle: Preparation of biological active steroids
Sevinc Ilkar Erdagi: Kocaeli University, TurkeyJoint International Conference and expo on Industrial Pharmacy & 5th Global Pharmacovigilance Summit
April 28-29, 2016 Dubai, UAE
Award Winners
Title: Mesenchymal hamartoma of the larynx: A rare case report and review of literature
Jumana Amir: University of Dammam, KSATitle: Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus: Case report of acute sinusitis with orbital extension in a pregnant lady
Shazma Khan: Aga Khan University Hospital, PakistanTitle: Spondylodiscitis challenging diagnosis in immune competent child: A case report
Yameen Ali: Maternity and Children Hospital, KSAGlobal Summit on Heart Diseases and Therapeutics
Oct 2-4, 2017 Toronto, Canada
Award Winners
Title: Myocarditis mimicking acute coronary syndrome secondary to eosinophilia
Aileen Divinagracia-Alban: Makati Medical Center, PhilippinesTitle: Two episodes of ST-elevation myocardial infarction with different culprit coronary arteries in a single patient occurring two days apart
Aileen Divinagracia-Alban: Makati Medical Center, Philippines15th International Conference on Food processing and Technology
October 27-29, 2016 Rome, Italy
Award Winners
Title: The Biotappo: A new tool for food safety
Maria Anna Coniglio: University of Catania, ItalyTitle: Screening of edible mushrooms to obtain Eritadenine, hypocholesterolemic and hypotensive compound with potential food applications as functional ingredient
Diego Morales: CIAL- Research Institute of Food Science (UAM-CSIC), SpainTitle: The influence of the operating conditions adopted during the extraction on the qualitative and typical characteristics of Tuscan mono-varietal oils (Moraiolo, Leccino, Frantoio).
Chiara Sanmartin: University of Pisa, Italy11th Global Summit on Food & Beverages
September 22-24, 2016 Las Vegas, USA
Award Winners
Title: Types and sources of environmentally-derived off-flavours in pond-raised channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Kevin K Schrader: Agricultural Research Service-USDA, USA3rd European Food Safety & Standards Conference
October 24-25, 2016 Valencia, Spain
Award Winners
Title: Analysis of glutathione and other low molecular weight antioxidants using colorimetric detection on smartphones
Irena Vobornikova: University of Defense, Czech Republic14th Food Engineering 2016
November 28-29, 2016 Melbourne, Australia
Award Winners
Title: Effect of Probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici MTCC 5101 Supplementation on Hemoglobin levels and Gut Microbiome among Young Anemic Women of Punjab
Tejinder Kaur: Panjabi University, India2nd International Conference on Food and Beverage Packaging
June 13-14, 2016 Rome, Italy
Award Winners
Title: Development of a colorimetric pH sensing film using an agar/potato starch with anthocyanin’s extracted from purple sweet potato
Inyoung Choi: Korea University, Republic of Korea2nd Global Summit on Plant Science
October 06-08, 2016 London, UK
Award Winners
Title: Molecular mapping of adult plant stripe rust resistance in durum wheat
Dr. Naeela Qureshi: University of Sydney, AustraliaInternational Conference on Food Chemistry & Hydrocolloids
August 11-12, 2016 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Award Winners
Title: Investigation of changes in anthocyanins during sulfite treatment
Carol Pow Sang: California State Polytechnic University, USATitle: Citrus sinensis peel: A potential source for functional food development
Faboya Evelyn Taiwo: Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Nigeria16th Euro Global Summit on Food and Beverages
July 11-13, 2016 Cologne, Germany
Award Winners
Title: Fluorescence Spectroscopy Allows to Discriminate between Camel Milk According to Mild Heat Treatment
Mohammad Kamal: Artois University, France14th Annual Conference on Translational Medicine and Oncologists Meet
November 28-30, 2016 San Francisco, USA
Award Winners
Title: The tumor suppressor p16INK4a expression bypasses 17AAG mediated cellular effects in human neuroblastoma,IMR-32
Abhijnya Kanugovi: Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, IndiaTitle: : In Adenocarcinomas (ACs) High Nitric Oxide (HNO) leads to Adaptation of Tumor Stem Cell (TSC)
Juel Chowdhury : University of Illinois, USA19th Global Nursing Education Conference
April 27-28, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Award Winners
Title: Permissive hypotensive resuscitation in adult patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock: A systematic review
Mohammed AL-Breiki: Sultan Qaboos University, Oman16th World Congress on Psychiatry and Psychological Syndromes
April 24-25, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Award Winners
Title: Combined use of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Anti-psychotics (Both clozapine and non-clozapine), in Schizophrenia patients: Meta-Analysis
Ali Mahmood Khan: Dr Tariq Clinic, USAInternational Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials & International Conference on Graphene and Semiconductors
July 17-18, 2017, Chicago, USA
Award Winners
Title: Quantum computation in a solid state diamond C12 with a chain of C13 atoms
Gustavo López Velázquez: Universidad De Guadalajara, Mexico3rd 3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Tissue Preservation and Biobanking
August 23-24, 2017, San Francisco, California, USA
Award Winners
Title: Sonic hedgehog signalling promotes Müller glia reprogramming in regenerating zebra fish/mouse retina: Towards curing retinal diseases
Simran Kaur: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, IndiaTitle: Biological Effects of Low, Medium, and High blue-enriched white light in light emitting diode (LED) on Caenorhabditis elegans
Aldana Aldawsari: Texas Southern University, USAAwards




