20th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Chemistry

Dear Colleagues,
On Behalf of the Organizing Committee, I welcome all the Materials Chemistry professionals to this signature event of the year 20th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Chemistry in historic Rome, Italy on March 21-22, 2022
Building on the success of previous meetings, the theme for 2022 is A Chemical Breakthrough for Materials Science Innovations, and I look forward to learning the latest results from top industrial, government, and academic scientists on these topics and everything else that is presented. We are indeed in a time of great innovation in materials chemistry, so come and enjoy the research, and report your results!
The program has already shaped up to be excellent, and the networking opportunities will be indeed outstanding. The backdrop of the beautiful and historic city of Rome will add to the pleasure of the meeting and provide lasting memories beyond the science.
I add my best wishes for a successful and fruitful conference and my thanks to all organizers.
We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Materials Chemistry, which will be held in Italy, from March 21-22, 2022.
I will see you soon in Rome, Italy!
Date: March 21-22, 2022
Rome ,Italy
Yours Sincerely
Ephraim Suhir
IEEE and ASME Life Fellow
Departments of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
and Electrical And Computer Engineering
Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA
9th World Congress and Exhibition on Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance

Dear Colleagues,
On Behalf of the Organizing Committee, I welcome all the Antibiotic professionals to this signature event of the year 9th World Congress and Exhibition on Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance in historic Barcelona, Spain on March 07-08, 2022.
Building on the success of previous meetings, the theme for 2022 is Current Research: Tackling Antibiotic Resistance and COVID-19, and I look forward to learning the latest results from top industrial, government, and academic scientists on these topics and everything else that is presented. We are indeed in a time of great innovation in antibiotics, so come and enjoy the research, and report your results!
The program has already shaped up to be excellent, and the networking opportunities will be indeed outstanding. The backdrop of the beautiful and historic city of Barcelona will add to the pleasure of the meeting and provide lasting memories beyond the science.
I add my best wishes for a successful and fruitful conference and my thanks to all organizers
We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Antibiotics, which will be held in Spain, from March 07-08, 2022.
I will see you soon in Barcelona, Spain!
Date: March 07-08, 2022
Barcelona, Spain
Yours Sincerely
Christian Mugabo
Rwanda Ministry of Health
Daffodil International University
7th International Conference & Expo on Euro Optometry and Vision Science

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of Ophthalmology and Optometry department, I am glad to invite all the Eminent scientists, academicians, young researchers, business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the 7th International Conference & Expo on Euro Optometry and Vision Science which is going to take place in both Online and in Person at Berlin, Germany during March 28-29, 2022 widely known as Euro Optometry 2022.
Euro Optometry 2022 is a specially designed cluster conference with a theme “Accelerating Innovation of Optometry and Vision Science by Both Online and Physical Participation” which covers a wide range of critically important sessions. It would lay a platform for the interaction between experts around the world and aims in accelerating scientific discoveries
The 2 days conference enhances keynote, plenary talks and poster presentations with both academic and industrial scientific sessions. We sincerely hope to have you accept my invitation and join the elite conference in March, 2022 at Berlin. If you are unable to attend the conference in person, I encourage you to give your presentation as online session or as an e-Poster.
I am eagerly anticipating to an excellent meeting with brilliant scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Ophthalmology and Optometry which will be held on March 28-29, 2022.
Date: March 28-29, 2022
Berlin, Germany
Yours Sincerely
Doctor. Sameena Anjum Sheriff
Advanced Centre for Daycare Surgery (ACDS), UAE
9th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the ConferenceSeries LLC Ltd Conferences, it is my pleasure to invite all the great scientists, academicians, young researchers, Business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Infectious Diseases from February 07-08, 2022 at London, UK.
Infectious Diseases conference shares an insight into the recent research and cutting-edge technologies, which gains immense interest with the colossal and exuberant presence of adepts, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities.
Infectious Diseases meeting’s goal is to bring together, a multi-disciplinary group of scientists from all over the world to present and exchange break-through ideas relating to the infectious diseases. It promotes top level research and to globalize the quality research in general, thus making discussions, presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent outstanding achievements in the field of infectious diseases.
Since this conference covers very global aspects on infectious diseases from very fundamental issue to Recent Outbreaks, Advanced Technologies in Treatment & Research of Infectious Diseases.
We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting research in infectious diseases, which will be held at London, UK, from February 07-08, 2022
Date: February 07-08, 2022
London, UK
Yours Sincerely
Prof. Sherry Layton
Vetanco International, USA
17th Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference

Dear Colleagues and Academic Friends in the Field!
As a Keynote speaker, it is my great honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the 17th Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference which is a CME accredited conference scheduled during February 21-22, 2022 Berlin, Germany.
Over the last 27 years, I have made contributions in research, teaching and practice, resulting in impacts in many sectors of society. At this conference let us celebrate what we, as a professional community, have achieved. Additionally, our future vision is to create even greater value to all corners of the globe. This conference will be one for us to share our thoughts and exchange ideas on how to chart our journey forward to reach new heights.
We have an exciting program at this conference that will allow all faculties & delegates to reflect upon and celebrate our past accomplishments, renew friendships and extend our networks, and jointly explore current and future research directions. We hope that you will have a productive and fun‐filled time at this very special conference.
I’m pretty sure - this conference will be stimulating and productive. Personally, I hope that you will very much enjoy it and benefit!
Date: February 21-22, 2022
Berlin, Germany
Thanks & Regards
Vikas Leelavati BalaSaheb Jadhav
The Clinical Research Scientist
30th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleague and Friends,
On behalf of Conference Series LLC ltd, it is my please to invite all the great scientists, academic people, industrialists a swell as researchers of Ophthalmology from all over the world to attend the “30th International Conference on Insights in Ophthalmology” which is going to take place in Berlin, Germany during June 07-08, 2021 with the theme “Visualizing Innovation and Advancement in Ophthalmology” widely known as Ophthalmology Summit 2021.
This Conference previously held on June 17-18, 2020 Online on Cisco Webinars which brought together a unique and international leading universities and clinical research institutions making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.
The topics of the Conference truly reflect the current trends, recent advances and new approaches in ophthalmology areas. The Summit will cover among others: Glaucoma, Retina And Retinal Detachment, Cornea Disorders and Treatments, Cornea Disorders and Treatments, Ocular Oncology, Cataract, Macular Degeneration, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Dry Eye, Eye tumours, Neuro - Ophthalmology, Medicine in Ophthalmology, Ophthalmic Genetics and Gene Therapy, Refractive Errors In Children, Strabismus, Uveitis. The Conference offers unique scope for young scientists starting their research activity in the ophthalmic area across the world to present and recognize their achievements. I am cordially inviting the eminent scientists, Doctors and Professors from Ophthalmology platform to participate in this prestigious event.
We are looking forward to another excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in ophthalmology treatment which will be held in Berlin, Germany from June 07-08, 2021. Do not miss out on taking part.
Date: June 07-08, 2021
Yours Sincerely
Prof. Herbert L Gould
New York Medical College, USA
16th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am honored to invite you to participate in 16th Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference.
The 16th Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference is a colossal platform for dissemination of knowledge, for networking, for innovations, for unique concepts and for collaboration. Young researchers deserve the best future and better opportunities in the related field and we trust that you can make it happen.
Let’s join hands for the future of this world, for the Next-gen of mankind, for the prospective and collective efforts to change what is within our reach and means. Our collaborative efforts have the power to change the destiny. So friends, let’s live up to their expectations and participate in this Event.
Date: April 26-27, 2021
London, UK
Yours Sincerely
Yury Marakhouski
Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition
8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the ConferenceSeries LLC Ltd Conferences, it is my pleasure to invite all the great scientists, academicians, young researchers, Business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Infectious Diseases from February 15-16, 2021, as Webinar.
Infectious Diseases conference shares an insight into the recent research and cutting-edge technologies, which gains immense interest with the colossal and exuberant presence of adepts, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities.
Infectious Diseases meeting’s goal is to bring together, a multi-disciplinary group of scientists from all over the world to present and exchange break-through ideas relating to the infectious diseases. It promotes top level research and to globalize the quality research in general, thus making discussions, presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent outstanding achievements in the field of infectious diseases.
Since this conference covers very global aspects on infectious diseases from very fundamental issue to Recent Outbreaks, Advanced Technologies in Treatment & Research of Infectious Diseases.
We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting research in infectious diseases, which will be held as Webinar, from February 15-16, 2021.
Date: February 15-16, 2021
Yours Sincerely
Prof. Shahryar Eghtesadi
Azad University, Iran
13th World Congress and Expo on Recycling, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a great pleasure to invite you to join conference on 13th World Congress and Expo on Recycling, which will be held on November 15-16, 2021 Madrid, Spain.
This is a great opportunity to gather with many researchers and to be a part of the discussions and presentations by leading experts in the world about the new advances and innovations in the waste management field.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Madrid Spain
Date: November 15-16, 2021
Madrid, Spain
Yours Sincerely
Doctor of Science (Blological Soil Science) Valery Petr. Kalinitchenko
Institute of Fertility of Soils of the South Russia, Persianovka, Russia (Director)
Russian Phytopathology Research Institute, Big Vyazyomy, Russia (Leading
16th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo" on Bioenergy 2021 Conference
Dear Colleagues,
Dr Valasia lakovoglou Honored to be part of the Organizing Committee member on the upcoming Webinar 16th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo" on April 26-27, 2021.
You are all welcome to this Great International Scientific gathering informing you on the Up To Date most innovative research worldwide on the theme "Bioenergy for Sustainable Development
Looking forward interacting with all of you on this Outstanding upcoming scientific event
Date: April 26-27, 2021
Yours Sincerely
Dr Valasia lakovoglou
International Hellenic University
16th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo on Bioenergy 2021 Conference
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is great pleasure to invite you to join webinar on the 16th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo, which will be held on April 26-27, 2021.
This is great opportunity to gather with many researchers and to be a part of the discussions and presentations by leading experts of the world about the new advances and innovations in the field of bioenergy.
Looking forward to welcome you !!
Date: April 26-27, 2021
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Luls Cortez
Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials - CNPEM
12thWorld Congress and Expo on Recycling 2020 conference
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of organizing Committee, it is great pleasure to invite you to Join Webinar on 12th World Congress and Expo on Recycling, which will be held on April-20-21, 2020. This is a great opportunity to gather with many researchers and to be a part of the discussions and presentations by leading experts in the World about the new advances and innovations in the waste management field.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin.
Date: April-20-21, 2020
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Lorena De Medina Salas
Universidad Veracruzana
15th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo on Bioenergy 2020
Dear Colleagues, Friends, Sponsors and Exhibitors,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure and honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend and participate in the 15th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo (Bioenergy 2020) to be held on April 20- 21, 2020 in the attracting city of Berlin, Germany.
The World Bioenergy Conference has become the premier platform not only for the presentation of new science and application, but also for unique networking opportunities. Building on the success of previous Conferences, the 2020 Conference will be a great international gathering of researchers and scientists in the field of renewable energy and sustainable development. With delegates from more than 30 countries attending, this Conference will provide the ideal forum to discuss the latest findings, put them into context and really understand how they affect your practice day to day,
We encourage researchers, experts, engineers and scientists as well as businessman in the renewable energy field and those interested in any aspect of sustainable development to attend this Conference, It is only through an exchange of the widest variety of research that we can offer the best program and benefits to our members and the nature.
The Conference program will be both exciting and ground-breaking in its wide ranging and multidisciplinary content. In addition to traditional abstract presentations and keynote lectures by world renowned invited speakers, we will be offering workshops and interactive sessions 35 well as several exhibitors.
We look forward to Welcoming you to an inspiring educational, and enjoyable program in historical, art and multicultural Berlin.
Date: April 20- 21, 2020
Yours Sincerely
Prof flajvan Pet, Pla. D
School of EnvironmentAl Science and Engineerine
Shanciong Uiiversity: China
2nd International Conference on Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders

As Mayor of Phoenix, I take great pride in welcoming all the attendees of the 2nd International Conference on Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders. Parkinson’s is one of the most common neurological disorders, impacting 15-20 people out of every 100,000. The number may seem small, but the disease has an immense impact on these families, with annual cost above $10,000 per patient. There are, however, many people working to fight the disease. To help find a cure, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke awarded $90 million to Parkinson’s disorder research, supported by the National Institute of Health. With approximately 500 neurologists, psychiatrists and neurosurgeons in Phoenix alone dedicated to researching and fighting Parkinson’s disease, Phoenix is part of the solution. On behalf of the residents of Phoenix, I welcome you to our city, and wish you a successful conference.
Date: December 05-07, 2016
Phoenix Airport Marriott
1101 North 44th Street Phoenix
Arizona 85008 USA
Greg Stanton
City of Phoenix
International Conference on Physics

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the ConferenceSeries conferences, it is my pleasure to invite all of the great scientists, academicians, young researchers, Business delegates and students from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Physics from June 27-29, 2016 New Orleans, USA.
Physics conference shares an insight into the recent research and cutting edge technologies, which gains immense interest with the colossal and exuberant presence of adepts, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities.
Physics meeting’s goal is to bring together, a multi-disciplinary group of scientists and engineers from all over the world to present and exchange break-through ideas relating to the physics. It promotes top level research and to globalize the quality research in general, thus making discussions, presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent outstanding achievements in the field of Physics, and future trends and needs.
Since this conference covers very global aspects on physics from very fundamental issue to practical application of the principle of physics, anyone interested in future progress of physics should not miss.
We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and sharing new and exciting results in Physics, which will be held in USA, from June 27-29, 2016.
Date: June 27-29, 2016
Crowne Plaza New Orleans-Airport Hotel
2829 Williams Boulevard, Kenner
LA 70062, United States
Yours Sincerely
Prof. Shuji Nakamura
(Noble Laureate in Physics 2014)
Research Director
For the Solid State Lighting & Energy Electronics Center
University of California, Santa Barabara
2nd International Conference on Clinical Trials

Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the International Conference on Clinical Trials Organizing Committee, and to invite you to attend the International Conference on Clinical Trials to be hosted in Orlando-Fl, USA, 2015.
This conference goes to the heart of all matters relating to clinical trials, and it brings together the best scientists from around the world allowing you to hear and meet those at the forefront of our practice, and is being held in a fun location. There will be delegates not only from US, and other developed countries, but one feature is that delegates come from around the world.
It will feature highly respected internationally renowned speakers who will share, discuss, debate, and dissect significant new developments and scientific advancements that will impact the future of clinical trials, and related fields.
The Clinical Trials 2015 should end with some strong take-home messages. To reach that goal we need multiple sources of evidence and dierent clinical experiences. We need your work to be shared. The Clinical Trials 2015 Conference is a unique and unmissable opportunity to meet face to face with colleagues from different parts of the world. It is a major contribution for the development and consilience of knowledge.
We look forward to welcoming you in Orlando-Fl, USA . We hope you will join us to make International Conference on Clinical Trials 2015 a memorable event!
Date: August 22-24, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Airport
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia,PA 19153, USA
yours sincerely,
Galya Atanasova, MD, PhD
Medical University Hospital of Pleven
2nd International Conference on Clinical Trials

Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the International Conference on Clinical Trials Organizing Committee, and to invite you to attend the International Conference on Clinical Trials to be hosted in Orlando-Fl, USA, 2015.
This conference goes to the heart of all matters relating to clinical trials, and it brings together the best scientists from around the world allowing you to hear and meet those at the forefront of our practice, and is being held in a fun location. There will be delegates not only from US, and other developed countries, but one feature is that delegates come from around the world.
It will feature highly respected internationally renowned speakers who will share, discuss, debate, and dissect significant new developments and scientific advancements that will impact the future of clinical trials, and related fields.
The Clinical Trials 2015 should end with some strong take-home messages. To reach that goal we need multiple sources of evidence and dierent clinical experiences. We need your work to be shared. The Clinical Trials 2015 Conference is a unique and unmissable opportunity to meet face to face with colleagues from different parts of the world. It is a major contribution for the development and consilience of knowledge.
We look forward to welcoming you in Orlando-Fl, USA . We hope you will join us to make International Conference on Clinical Trials 2015 a memorable event!
Date: August 22-24, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Airport
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia,PA 19153, USA
yours sincerely,
Galya Atanasova, MD, PhD
Medical University Hospital of Pleven
2nd International Conference on Hospice and Palliative Care

On behalf of the Palliative Care 2016 organizing committee, I am delighted to welcome all the experts and academics from around the world to Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the 2nd International Conference on Hospice and Palliative Care that will take place from September 29- 01 October, 2016.
While much encouragement and progress is going on these days in the field of palliative care and hospice, both with care as well as cure. Understanding the importance of care the theme of this year's assembling is "Transforming Care Beyond Cure". It will be a great pleasure to join with the doctors, nurses, allied health practitioners, scientists, and scholars from around the globe. You are invited to be stimulated and enriched by the latest in palliative care research and clinical practices, while delving presentations surrounding transformative care provided by a variety of disciplines.
As a music therapist who has worked for over 15 years in this area, I know the importance of holistic care, and it is events such as this, where we can learn about outstanding strides in delivering the most authentic and supportive care to our patients.
As the local secretariat organizer, I want to welcome you to the wonderful, dynamic and international city of Toronto. A sincere thank you to the organizing committee for selecting Toronto to host this landmark event!
1 hope that you will find the conference and your stay in Toronto both valuable and enjoyable.
Date: September 29 - October 01, 2016
Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport
yours sincerely,
Amy Clements-Cortes
President- World Federation of Music Therapy,
University of Toronto,
Music and Health Research Collaboratory Toronto
9th World Drug Delivery Summit

Drug Delivery 2016 conference brings together relevant field experts, professors, clinicians, industry representatives, postdoctoral fellows, and research students from around the world, providing them with opportunity to report, present, share, and discuss scientific questions, achievements, issues and challenges in the field.
Examples of the diverse dug delivery topics that will be covered in this comprehensive conference include “Next generation advancements in Drug Delivery Systems” The meeting will focus on recent advances in drug delivery research in vitro, in vivo and clinical research area all of diseases especially neurodegeneration, cancer, cardio- and cerebrovascular disorders. in Drug Delivery 2016 conference, you will be able to share experiences and experimental results, discuss challenges encountered and solutions adopted and have opportunities to establish productive new academic and industry collaborations.
In association with Drug Delivery 2016 conference, I invite you all to this grand event. I hope the deliberations from various distinguished speakers will benefit the participants to update their knowledge. I extend my best wishes for great success of the conference.
Date: June 30-July 02, 2016
Crowne Plaza New Orleans Airport
2829 Williams Boulevard
Kenner, Louisiana 70062
Gjumrakch Aliev, MD PhD,
President "GALLY" International Biomedical Research Consulting
LLC, San Antonio, TX, USA
Professor of Cardiovascular, Neuropathology and Gerontology
University of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA
9th Euro-Global Summit & Expo on Food & Beverages

Dear Colleagues,
As the Scientific Advisor I am honored and pleased to welcome you to the 9th Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Food and Beverages to take place in Cologne, Germany, June 6-8, 2016. This conference is particularly timely in view of the tremendous importance of science and technology in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs, which replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) this year, will help guide sustainable development efforts during the next 15 years. Improvements in the food and agricultural sectors are essential to achieve these goals and thus improve human and environmental health. This conference will facilitate networking, information exchange and collaboration within and among the private sector, the public sector and civil society; something of great importance to achieve sustainable food security and nutrition goals in a globalized world.
I hope the conference will be of professional and personal benefit to all of us as we proceed with our work towards a future food and agricultural situation that is sustainable and capable of providing food security and good nutrition for all. I hope to meet you in Cologne.
Date: July 11-13, 2016
Radisson Blu Hotel,Köln Messe Kreisel 3,
50679 Köln,Germany
With best regards
Per Pinstrup-Andersen
World Food Prize Laureate
Cornell University
2nd Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries

It is our great pleasure to warmly invite you to the International Workshop on Portunid Crabs Aquaculture and Sustainable Fisheries. The workshop is a pre-conference workshop for the 2nd Global Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries (Aquaculture Summit 2016). The workshop will be held on 28-29 March, 2016 at the Institute of Tropical Aquaculture, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Terengganu, Malaysia. The theme is “Development of Portunid Crabs Hatchery Seeds Production for Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources’. These two days workshop is designed to provide and share the latest information and developments on portunid crabs to all the researchers, culturists and academicians who are involved in portunid crabs aquaculture and fisheries management. This workshop highlights numerous scientific discoveries and major milestones in broodstock management and development, hatchery seeds production, nursery and grow-out culture, fishery restocking program and, resource management and guideline. We are confident that you will enjoy a stimulating workshop here in UMT and your presence and participation will help contribute to this vibrancy and enrich discussions around the theme, developing professional knowledge exchange, insights and collaborations.
Taking this opportunity also, we are honored to invite you to Aquaculture Summit 2016 with the theme “Harvest Future Sustainable Aquaculture”. The conference will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on July 11-13, 2016.
Lastly, we look forward to welcome you to this exciting International Workshop on Portunid Crabs Aquaculture and Sustainable Fisheries and to meeting all of you in person in March 2016 in UMT, Malaysia. We do hope that you will join us in what promised to be a fruitful workshop!
Date: July 11-13, 2016
Ramada Plaza Dua Sentral Kuala Lumpur.
Best regards,
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Mohd Azmi Ambak,
Organizing Committee Chairman,
International Workshop on Portunid Crabs Aquaculture and Sustainable Fisheries,
Pre-conference workshop for Aquaculture Summit 2016.
Institute of Tropical Aquaculture,
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,
Terengganu, Malaysia.
5th International Conference on Agriculture & Horticulture

Dear colleagues and friends,
Allow me to warmly thank the organizers of this important Conference forgiving me the privilege of welcoming and addressing you all. For me it is an honor and a pleasure.
I would also like to thank them for having brought us together in the wonderful city of Cape Town, to discuss one of the main current challenges worldwide which are, without doubt, Agriculture.
Agriculture is, indeed, one of the most ancient professions known from the beginning of civilization. However, it has taken unprecedented prominence today due to a progressive increase of world population- reaching more than 7 billion people- that makes necessary to improve our ability to supply food in view of assuring food security.
These days will be dedicated to cover a wide spectrum of themes related to “Agriculture and Institutional Innovations and Developments” in this field. The Conference, composed of 13 tracks divided in 92 sessions, tackles important topics on agriculture and allied fields.I am sure that each one of you will identify subjects of his/her interest and will benefit from many fruitful and enriching discussions.
As a professor of Microbiology and Plant Pathology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and former Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research of the Union for the Mediterranean, I am very much concerned about the connection between the tertiary agricultural education and the needs of the industry. It seems to me pertinentto launch this topic which could be treated in a transversal way throughout the programmed sessions.
I am particularly happy to be present in this unique event today and to exchange views and share experiences with otherhigh level professors, colleagues and friends, representing many well-known Universities and Research Institutes together with members of relevantinternational organizations.
I congratulate you for your commitment and active participation and wish you all the success. Thank you for your attention.
Date: June 27-29, 2016
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Cape Town - Upper Eastside, 31 Brickfield Rd, Woodstock
Cape Town, 7935, South Africa, Phone:+27 21 404 0570
yours sincerely,
Ilan Chet
Wolf Prize and Max Planck Prize Laureate
Emeritus Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Scientific Committee- Agri 2016
World Congress and Exhibition on Antibiotics

We are delighted to welcome you to the ”Antibiotics- 2015” conference in Las Vegas, USA, September 14-16, 2015. This global meeting will assemble the world leaders in the expanding fields related to the isolation, research and development of antibiotics. We are all acutely aware of the growing crisis associated with antibiotic resistance. Thus it is timely that this meeting will enable you to meet and discuss critical issues in this escalating problem.
We welcome you to this conference and look forward to your participation.
Date: September 14-16, 2015
Embassy Suites, Las Vegas
4315 Swenson St, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United States
yours sincerely,
Glenn S Tillotson PhD, FIDSA, FCCP, FISC
Transcrip Partners LLC, Downingtown, PA
Visiting Distinguished Scientist, PHRI, Newark NJ
5th Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages

I would like to congratulate Conferenceseries Ltd for organizing Euro Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages conference scheduled for June 16-18, 2015 in Alicante, Spain, with the theme “Healthier the Food, Merrier the World.”
It is very unsatisfactory to see that one billion people on our planet are overweight and another billion people are malnourished at the same time. And those malnourished live in developing countries but also in elderly homes or hospitals in our developed societies. We even find obese people that are malnourished because they lack essential healthy ingredients and foods. We see health care systems that are or will not be able to maintain good quality health care because the follow-on costs of our life style diseases is rising steadily. With a distorted age pyramid, we can expect many more dependent living elderly people which again put pressure on care and support systems of our societies.
However, there is also good news because food and beverage innovations can show ways how to deal with these societal concerns and problems. Our understanding of food ingredients as well as final food matrices has grown significantly over the last years. The recommendations for healthy diets have become more precise, better substantiated, and we understand much better their functionality in the human body. We have also understood that life style and life style changes are necessary, accompanying elements of a healthy diet. And we can demonstrate that healthy food or food components can reduce the incidence or the risk of developing diseases. So we will now be able to move from the famous Hippocrates saying “Let Food be Thy Medicine” to good, healthy foods that prevent us from taking medicine.
I sincerely hope that this conference will deliberate and discuss all the different facets of this exciting topic and come up with recommendations that will lead to a better, healthier, merrier world.
I wish the conference great success
Date: June 16-18, 2015
Hotel Meliá Alicante Plaza del Puerto
3, 03001 Alacant, Alicante, Spain
Jens Bleiel
Chief Executive Officer
Food for Health
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology

As Governor of the State of Nevada, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology hosted by Conference Series Ltd. Whether you have traveled a significant distance to be here, or have made the Silver State your permanent home, it is my honor to welcome you. I would also like to thank all of you who have worked on putting this successful convention together.
The Conference Series Ltd through its Open Access initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. Conference Series Ltd Conferences make the perfect platform for global networking as it brings together renowned speakers and scientists across the globe. I commend you for having exciting and memorable events
filled with enlightening interactive sessions. Thank you for bringing this dynamic exposition to our great state. As Governor of the great State of Nevada, I would like to express my appreciation to the Conference Series Ltd for making this extraordinary conference a possibility.
Date: July 21-23, 2014
Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, USA
Sincere regards,
Brian Sandoval
Governor U.S. state of Nevada
2nd Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries

Dear participant Aquaculture Summit, By United Nation, Sustainable development goals provides framework for achieving by humanity peaceful and durable human’s and environment’s friendly development.
The one of the measure challenge becomes to provide the humanity friendly environment.
International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO is focusing on three tracks: hydrological science for policy relevant advice, education and capacity building responding to the growing needs of sustainable development, water resources assessment and management to achieve environmental sustainability. All of this elements are assumption of sustainable aquaculture development and understanding of ecosystem process should by considered as a framework for development sustainability aquaculture, which role on compensation decline of marine fisheries has been still increasing.
Every strategy of success has to been focus on elimination of risks and search opportunities. As following, during this congress we will have to focus on intellectual efforts how to combine measures towards making aquaculture more effective in use natural resources, but on the other hand how can we improve environmental potential by increasing aquaculture output.
I wish inspiring and successful ideas.
Professor Maciej Zalewski
Date: July 11-13, 2016
Ramada Plaza Dua Sentral Kuala Lumpur
International Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences
3 Tylna Str.,
90-364 Lodz, Poland
phone: + 48 42 681 70 07
fax: + 48 42 681 30 69
University of Lodz
12/16 Banacha Str.
phone: +48 42 635 44 38
fax: +48 42 66 55 819
International Conference on Aquaculture & Fisheries
I would like to congratulate ConferenceSeries for organising Aquaculture 2015 conference scheduled for July 20-22, 2015 in Brisbane, Australia, with the theme “Advancing & Expanding Aquaculture Sector Focused on Developmental, Toxicological and Transgenic Scientific Research.”
Fish has been playing a vital role in providing much needed animal protein to vast global population contributing some 20% of animal protein intake for over 3 billion people. In fact, dependence on fish as a source of cheap animal protein is much higher in developing world. With increasing population estimated to cross 9 billion by 2050, various agencies have estimated demand for fish leading to mind boggling figures. With global catch of wild fish supply stagnant as most of the stocks have either reached their maximum sustainable yields or over-exploited, the onus of meeting the demand is on or through aquaculture. One study indicates that to meet the demand for fish BY 2050, aquaculture production need to increase by 133% as compared to 2010 levels of production.
With pressure on land and water increasing and in short supply, it would not be possible for extensive or semi-intensive aquaculture being practised presently in most of the developing countries. As green revolution technologies and hybrid/transgenic crops have contributed to increased cereal and commercial crop production, aquaculture research needs to come up with technological advances that leads not only to increased productions, but should also ensure that intensification of aquaculture will not lead to additional impact on the already stressed environment.
I sincerely hope that this conference will deliberate on various issues that need to be addressed while increasing production and come up with recommendations that will lead to sustainably increasing production without leaving its ecological footprint.
I wish the conference a success.
Date: July 20-22, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
yours sincerely,
Modadugu V Gupta Ph.D, D.Sc (Hon)
World Food Prize Laureate(2005)
Former Assistant Director General, WorldFish Centre, Malaysia
2nd International Conference on Clinical Trials

The Clinical Trials Conference 2015 is projected to be one of the most informative and subject pertinent conferences this year. An array of international and local scientists and clinical experts will present on their areas of expertise.
The many workshops and sessions will have topics of interest for clinical trial personnel on their everyday challenges and solutions from all perspectives.
I look forward to the unique opportunity to learn and network with professionals in this international gathering to learn about the latest trends and processes in the Clinical trials arena today.
Date: August 22-24, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Airport
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia,PA 19153, USA
yours sincerely,
Samina Qureshi
Medical Director: Drug Safety Surveillance
PSI International,Inc.
7th Indo-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages

Esteemed Colleagues,
Being the Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Indo-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages (Food India-2015)”, I am honoured and delighted to welcome you all to the summit going to be held during October 8-10, 2015 at New Delhi, India. I am extremely happy that Food India-2015 has been designedto impart comprehensive knowledge and information to the participants through various range of technical sessions that includes Trends and Emerging techniques in Food Production to Food Processing, Preservation and also on Food Regulatory Affairs. I am highly optimistic that the scientific program of the Food India-2015 will pave a way to gather scientific visionaries through their research talks and presentations and will also put forward many thought provoking strategies for future line of action in the area of Food Science and Technology. I am looking forward to meet all of you in New Delhi in October, 2015 to make Food India-2015 a grand success.
Date: October 08-10, 2015
New Delhi, India
Balraj Singh
Director, National Research Centre on Seed Spices
Founder Secretary, Indian Society for Protected Cultivation
President, Indian Society of Seed Spices
7th Indo-Global Summit and Expo on Food & Beverages

My Dear Fellows,
I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the Summit & Expo going to be held during October 8-10, 2015 at New Delhi, India.
I am extremely happy that Food India-2015 has been designed to offer comprehensive range of sessions that includes Trends and Emerging techniques in Food Production to Food Processing, Preservation and also on Food Regulatory Affairs. I hope you have a good time & opportunity to connect with expertise from scientific community and influential entrepreneurs from industries through their lectures and presentations and will also put forward many thought provoking strategies for future line of action in the area of Food Science and Technology.
We are looking forward to meet all of you in New Delhi in October, 2015 to make Food India-2015 a grand success.
Date: October 08-10, 2015
New Delhi, India
M S Swaminathan
First World Food Prize (1987)
Founder Chairman and Chief Mentor
UNESCO Chair in Eco-Technology
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
2nd International Conference on Food and Beverage Packaging

Dear Colleagues
I am honoured and delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on Food and Beverage Packaging going to be held during June 13-14, 2016 at Rome, Italy. I am extremely happy that Food Packaging 2016 has been designed to offer. comprehensive range of session that includes Novel Food Packaging Technologies, Nanotechnology in Food Packaging, Cost-Effective Packaging Innovation, Bio-based Packaging. I hope you have a good time and opportunity to connect with expertise from scientific community and influential entrepreneurs through their lectures and presentations and will also put forward many thought provoking strategies on the traditional and advanced technologies in the field of Food & Beverage Packaging.
We are looking forward to meet all of you in Rome in June, 2016 to make Food Packaging 2016 a grand success.
Date: June 13-14, 2016
Holiday Inn Rome Aurelia,Via Aurelia, Km8, 400
00165 Rome ,Italy
Helga Naes
Research Director, Food Safety and Quality, Nofimas
International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures

Dear Colleagues,
The provision of sufficient food supply is linked with food safety which is of major concern of regulatory agencies and the general population around the world. The International congress and Exhibition on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures covers uniquely wide scope of related topics including but not limited to:
- microbial and chemical contaminants of food derived from raw materials or evolved during processing or storage;
- residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs;
- new technologies to preserve food;
- adverse effect of food contact materials and environmental contaminants;
- decontamination technologies to reduce or remove toxic substituent's;
- dietary supplements, functional and novel food;
- food allergens;
- application of isotope techniques for improving traceability of food;
- techniques for continuous improvement of hygiene standard of manufacturing plants as part of HACCP;
- analytical methods for determining various hazardous materials in food;
- integrated control of food production from soil management to hygienic practice of supermarkets and restaurants;
- global perspective of international regulatory measures.
- microbial and chemical contaminants of food derived from raw materials or evolved during processing or storage;
- residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs;
- new technologies to preserve food;
- adverse effect of food contact materials and environmental contaminants;
- decontamination technologies to reduce or remove toxic substituent's;
- dietary supplements, functional and novel food;
- food allergens;
- application of isotope techniques for improving traceability of food;
- techniques for continuous improvement of hygiene standard of manufacturing plants as part of HACCP;
- analytical methods for determining various hazardous materials in food;
- integrated control of food production from soil management to hygienic practice of supermarkets and restaurants;
- global perspective of international regulatory measures.
The comprehensive range of sessions provides a special opportunity for academic scientists, researches, industry representatives, analytical chemists, representatives of government agencies and NGOs from all parts of the world to exchange experience, gain new knowledge and establish contacts.
As an added value, the attractive site of the conference guarantees that all participants will have memorable time. The organizers are looking forward meeting all of you in Birmingham in August 2015.
Date: June 06-08, 2016
Crowne Plaza London Heathrow, Stockley Road, West Drayton
Middlesex, UB7 9NA, United Kingdom
Prof. Arpad Ambrus
IUPAC Awardee 2015
Chief Scientific Advisor and Chair for CCMAS
National Food Chain Safety Office
2nd International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures

Dear Colleagues and Partners,
The security, safety and quality of food are always in the front line of the attention of the general public and regulators. The order of importance very depending on the socio-economic conditions. Government officials and producers are continuously facing with newer and newer challenges in assuring the safety of food due to emerging and prevailing risks.
The analysts are playing key role in identifying new substances and detect unexpected old ones which may present hazard for consumers or adversely affect the self-life of food. A few cases from the recent issues (microbial effects of packing materials, monomers, softeners penetrating to food from packing materials; contaminated feed leading to unacceptable residues in animal products, fata microbial contamination spread by propagation materials).
Regulators and official control bodies must be at continuous alert to make timely actions against scrupulous, irresponsible, only profit oriented producers applying unauthorised ingredients in food and feed including those used to protect of plants and livestock.
The technological developments, such as introduction of nanoparticles in food, application of new technologies and packing materials for extending storability and improving the quality of food require close cooperation of researchers, manufacturers and regulators to carefully assess the safety of food produced.
The International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures in 6-8 June 2016 offers a unique forum for all stakeholders to learn from each other’s practice, exchange experience and establish personal contacts. The success of the previous congress held in Birmingham in 2015 guarantees that taking part in the forthcoming conference will provide excellent opportunities for all of these.
Let’s meet in London!
Date: June 06-08, 2016
Crowne Plaza London Heathrow ,Stockley Road, West Drayton
Middlesex, UB7 9NA,United Kingdom
With Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Árpád Ambrus
IUPAC Awardee
Chief Scientific Advisor and Chair for CCMAS
National Food Chain Safety Office, Hungary
2nd International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures

Dear Collegues and Partners,
I would like to congratulate ConferenceSeries for organising Food Safety 2016 conference scheduled for June 06-08, 2016 in London, UK, with the theme “Global Forum for Innovations in Food Safety and Quality.”
A new system of Law has been created in the last twenty years in Europe: Food Law. In the wake of the dioxin crisis and BSE in the nineties, a new Law based on science was required, ensuring that foods placed on the market were safe, information about food was accurate and quality was guaranteed. As a consequence, new legislation has been adopted and brand new specific legal principles have been created regulating aspects such as stricter control of food hygiene, improved safety in the use of ingredients and the use of claims related to health.
Innovation in food requires a clear legal environment allowing new products to be created and placed on the market while, at the same time, protecting the health and interests of the consumer. Food Law is closely related to science and regulates the most important of all human economic and cultural activities, namely the production and trade of foodstuffs.
I sincerely hope that this conference will deliberate on various issues that need to be addressed while increasing production and come up with recommendations that will lead to sustainably increasing production without leaving its ecological footprint.
I wish the conference a success.
Date: June 06-08, 2016
Crowne Plaza London Heathrow, Stockley Road, West Drayton
Middlesex, UB7 9NA, United Kingdom
Vicente Rodríguez Fuentes
European Food Law Association,
Lawyer at Legalagrifood Abogados, Spain
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology

My Dear Fellows,
Being as the Scientific Advisor for the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing& Technology (Food Technology-2014) at Las Vegas, USA from July 21-23, 2014, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to this important and prestigious event.
We expect that this decade will see great advances in food processing & nutrition science. My own achievement “Introducing high-yielding wheat and rice varieties to India starting India’s Green Revolution” is in this field.
Food Technology-2014 depends on generous knowledge donations of experts to promote the scientific discoveries. It will be committed to promote open, transparent, and international scientific exchange on the “Accelerating new research and innovations in Food Processing and Technology” and contribute to the improvement of efforts taken to tackle local, national and global impacts of food science.
Therefore, it is very useful to bring together experts from the field of food processing and nutrition science for discussions of the latest advances and ideas, and to stimulate interdisciplinary interactions. Conferences like this one may help to speed up the development of effective development in food technology, nutrition and public health.
Once again I am delighted to invite you all to take part in this conference and also to make the conference a grand success.
Date: July 21-23, 2014
Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, USA
With Best Regards,
Prof. M S Swaminathan
First World Food Prize Laureate (1987), India
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology

Dear Distinguished Colleagues, Precious Academicians and Our Research Professionals,
As Chair of the Food Technology-2015 organized by ConferenceSeries, USA, firstly it is my pleasure to welcome one and all to participate in this significant and prestigious event. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is honors of the hosting you at London, UK at August 10-12, 2015.
ConferenceSeries Conferences have a great platform for global networking and ConferenceSeries Food Conferences deal with the best quality considerations in food science, nutrition, health and food technology. I would like to thank all of you who have worked on putting our extraordinary conference together; I would also like to express my appreciation to the ConferenceSeries for elegant configuration.
Dear renowned speakers concerning food science, food technology, health sciences and nutrition from formidable universities and institutions of USA, Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia; I cordially invite you to our 3 days program for 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology. Our main theme will be “Food Technology: Trends and Strategies for Innovation of Sustainable Foods” in current conference.
I hope that it will be sharing your rewarding projections, plans and data with our participants through Food Technology 2015.
I hope that the experiences in this event will be engraved in your memory.
Have a great conference time…
Date: August 10-12, 2015
Crowne Plaza London Heathrow, Stockley Road, West Drayton Middlesex, UB7 9NA, United Kingdom
With Best Regards
Ozlem Tokusoglu
Conference Chair
4th International Conference and Exhibition onFood Processing & Technology

My Dear Fellows,
Being as Scientific Advisor, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology during August 10-12, 2015 London, UK.
I am extremely happy that Food Technology-2015 is being held at an important time in our desire to achieve zero hunger by 2025. Food technology is the pathway for value addition to primary food products as wells to protect them from post-harvest losses. I am confident that the participants will find Food Technology-2015 a very valuable experience. I wish the Conference great success.
I hope you have a good time and opportunity to connect with expertise from scientific community and influential entrepreneur from industries. Best of luck for the future so that you can collaborate with people and society to make a great development in food processing, health and nutrition.
We are looking forward to meet all of you in London and show the world a great trend setting conference in Food Technology-2015.
I wish the conference a great success.
Date: August 10-12, 2015
Crowne Plaza London Heathrow, Stockley Road, West Drayton
Middlesex, UB7 9NA, United Kingdom
With Best Regards
Prof. M S Swaminathan
First World Food Prize laureate (1987)
15th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology

Dear Friends and Colleagues!
Congratulation to ConferenceSeries for successful completion of Food Technology-2015 at London, UK.
Welcome to 15th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology during November 07-09, 2016, at Istanbul, Turkey. On behalf of Organizing Committee and as the Scientific Advisor it is my pleasure and privilege to invite you to participate in Food Technology-2016.
I am extremely joyful that Food Technology 2016 carrying its legacy of good work and committed over the oath to achieve zero tolerance over hunger. Over the past few years the advancements in Food Technology have spreads wings to ascertain sustainable food development, committed to feed 8 billion people and also created tremendous impacts in improving public health as well as in employment generation.
Conference Series Ltd’s Food Technology conference has become a premier conference among academic, industry and business leaders. This conference will provide great opportunity to all the attendees in publishing their research result, sharing the knowledge, networking with hundreds of delegates. This conference also includes key note presentation, oral presentation, poster presentation, workshops, symposiums, panel discussions and special sessions for supporting organizations.
The event has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in Food Processing and Technology. I am confident, that Food Technology 2016 would serve as a catalyst by connecting scientists within and across disciplines under a single roof. It would create an environment, conducive to information exchange, generation of new ideas and acceleration of applications that benefit society.
We are looking forward to converge in Istanbul coming November and take it to the next level to show case a world class Food Technology Conference.
Hope you will have a pleasant stay at Istanbul.
Istanbul Calling!!!
Date: November 07-09, 2016
Crowne Plaza Istanbul - Asia, Yenisehir Mah. Dedepasa Cad. No. 15
Kurtkoy- Pendik, Istanbul,Turkey
Prof. M.S. Swaminathan
First World Food Prize laureate (1987)
15th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology

Dear Colleagues;
As a Chair of the 15th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology to be held from November 07-09, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to participative in this prestigious event organized by ConferenceSeries, USA. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it’s an honour to host this international meet at dream city Istanbul.
Historical, cultural and commercial city Istanbul, also known as Constantinople and Byzantium, is the major populous city in Turkey. Istanbul is transcontinental city in Eurasia, straddling the Bosphorous strait between the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea.
Conferenceseries Ltd organizes 600+ Conferences every year across the globe with support from 1000 more scientific societies. ConferenceSeries Food Technology Conferences have a great platform for global networking and deal with the best quality considerations in food science, nutrition, health and food technology. I would llike to thank all of you who have worked on putting our extraordinary conference together, I would also like to express my appreciation to the ConferenceSeries for elegant configuration.
As a Chair, I cordially invite you to our 3 days programme for 15th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology. Our main themes will be investigating the Interrelationships of Food, Nutrition and Health to Feed our Future.
I hope that it will be sharing your meritorious data and projects regarding food chemistry, food quality, food processing and technology and advanced techniques with our participants through Food Technology 2016 at Istanbul.
Surely, these professional outputs and acquirements in Food Technology 2016 will be leave a mark in your mind…..
Have a great conference time in dream city Istanbul…
Date: November 07-09, 2016
Crowne Plaza Istanbul - Asia, Yenisehir Mah. Dedepasa Cad. No. 15
Kurtkoy- Pendik, Istanbul,Turkey
Ozlem Tokusoglu
Conference Chair-Food Technology-2016
Deppartment of Food Technology
Celal Bayar University
4th International Summit on GMP, GCP & Quality Control

Are you a top manager in a pharma company?
If so, you need to be well aware of cGMP concepts and current regulatory requirements. Top senior managers are responsible to ensure all operations are in compliance with cGMP requirements and create a quality culture within the company. Unfortunately, many CEOs and other senior managers have a high level of business relevant experience and not a quality/production background. Attendance at the GMP Summit 2015 conference would be beneficial for senior managers to hear presentations from GMP experts on a number of topics relevant to operating a GMP-compliant company. And yes, CEOs also need to maintain a GMP training file.
Date: October 26-28, 2015
Hyderabad International Convention Centre Novotel & HICC Complex (Near Hitech City),
Cyberabad Post Office
Peter D. Smith
Vice President – Pharmaceutical Compliance
PAREXEL International
4th International Summit on GMP, GCP & Quality Control

India is one of the top six countries that have achieved eminent global position in pharma sector. The Indian pharmaceutical market is third largest in term of volume and valued at Rs 750 bn for the year ending of March 2014. There are over 3000 pharma companies in India with approximately 10,500 manufacturing units. According to an estimate, India produces 70 per cent of the WHO demand for DPT & BCG and 90 per cent of measles vaccine and export to 150 countries. Approximately 70 per cent of the patients in developing countries receive Indian medicines through various NGOs. The country’s pharmaceutical industry accounts for about 1.4 per cent of the global pharmaceutical industry in value terms and 10 per cent in volume terms. Furthermore, the Indian pharma market size is expected to grow to US$ 85 billion by 2020.
Going forward, better growth and value of Indian Pharma companies in world market will depend on the abilities of companies to align with the Global GMP standards. This will not only be necessary for the sustainable growth of Indian Pharma sector, but also for enhancing the quality of life of those large numbers of patients world-wide who largely consume the Indian medicines.
GMP Summit-2015 thrusts to precisely discuss upon the issues of GMP, GCP and quality control in the pharmaceutical industry for a better world. This Summit would not only bring together the national and international players of phama sector, researchers, entrepreneurs, and other stack holders at a common platform but also would provide a unique opportunity to the policy makers to understand the current trends.
Finally, we hope that the GMP Summit-2015 would be a successful and meaningful event to advance the country towards the 'Pharma Vision 2020' of Government of India aiming at making India a global leader in end-to-end drug manufacture.
Date: October 26-28, 2015
Hyderabad International Convention Centre Novotel & HICC Complex (Near Hitech City),
Cyberabad Post Office
Dr Sunil Kumar Verma
D.Phil (Medical Oncology, University of oxford)
Center For Cellular and Molecular Biology,
Hyderabad, India
2nd International Conference on Past and Present Research Systems of Green Chemistry

The field of Green Chemistry is expanding rapidly, impacting nearly all aspects of the chemical enterprises. This conference is well poised to provide information to people and organizations just beginning their green chemistry journeys, as well as seasoned veterans.
Eminent Perkin Medalist Prof. John C Warner is one of the founders of Green Chemistry and he is a President, Chief Technology Officer, and Chairman for Board of Warner Babcock Institute in Green Chemistry, USA. He will be delivering his valuable keynote talk on “Green Chemistry: An opportunity for growth and competitive advantage” at 2nd International Conference on Past and Present Research Systems of Green Chemistry during September 14-16, 2015 Orlando, USA. We extend a heartfelt welcome on this occasion and see you all at Orlando USA.
Date: September 14-16, 2015
Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport
9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd Orlando,
USA, 32827
Prof. John C Warner
Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry
Co-founder of Green Chemistry
Scientific Committee Chief, Green Chemistry 2015
2nd Indo-Global Summit and Expo on Veterinary

It gives me an immense pleasure to write this welcome message. I was delighted to learn that ConferenceSeries is organizing 2nd Indo-Global Summit and Expo on Veterinary from October 26-28, 2015 at Hyderabad, India with a motto to accelerate scientific discovery. Conferenceseries Ltd, established in 2007, is an amalgamation of Open Access Publications and worldwide international science conferences and events with the sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology Open Access.
ConferenceSeries has chosen India as a venue for summit is very thoughtful decision. India has vast livestock resources of considerable genetic diversity with its large livestock population which is about 11% of the world’s livestock population. India has capacity and capability to manufacture drugs, vaccines and provide feed, fodder, to livestock and poultry. The veterinary profession has been brought under the purview of Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984; the veterinary education standards and practice are regulated by Veterinary Council of India. The available infrastructure in R &D in various institutes in India, manufacturing units, feed mills, dairy units and their GMP/GLP and HACCP standards are internationally acclaimed. India has a great potential for R & D both in terms of man power, research and offers potential for clinical research as well as clinical trials. The country has got good legislation to control import and export of milk, meat, drugs, vaccines, chemicals and biologicals including semen or embryos. India has shown that the vaccination of livestock can finally eradicate the Rinderpest, a fatal viral disease of livestock and OIE recognized India as free from Rinderpest infection on 25th May, 2006. Most of developed nations who claim disease free status have been adopting culling strategy. The Government of India has also launched control programme of FMD, Brucellosis, PPR and Classical swine fever virus. The credit for developing a PPR vaccine, inactivated bluetongue disease and diagnostics for PPR and bluetongue goes to scientists of the country. The knowledge is growing very fast globally and India has to compete globally with international trade, thus, accreditation of laboratories and international harmonization has taken very important place. The Government of India and animal science institutes are equally working on improvement of breeds of cattle and buffalo and modernization of artificial centres in the country.
ConferenceSeries during Indo-Global Summit will provide a wonderful platform for several experts, administrators, policy makers, researchers, pharma and biological experts for a productive mutual exchange of not only knowledge but also sharing their experiences among delegates having varied level of expertise. The Summit will offer ample opportunities to explore collaboration in teaching, research and transfer of technology. I congratulate ConferenceSeries for their excellent efforts. I wish a grand success to the Summit.
Date: October 26-28, 2015
Hyderabad International Convention Centre
Novotel & HICC Complex (Near Hitec City)
P.O Bag 1101, Cyberabad Post Office
Hyderabad - 500 081,
Telangana State, India
Prof. (Dr.) Rishendra Verma
B.Sc.,B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. M.Sc. (UK), M.V.M. (NZ), Ph.D
FNAASc, FNASc, FAO (Fellow)
2nd International Conference on Livestock Nutrition

I take this opportunity to congratulate ConferenceSeries for organising the “ 2nd International Conference on Livestock Nutrition” during July 21-22, 2016 at Brisbane, Australia. The conference theme – Leading Innovation and Sustainability in Livestock Nutrition and Health Worldwide – is very appropriate and most relevant to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2, which aims to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030. Elimination of malnutrition from human population is a daunting task and would require all out global efforts. I believe that livestock sector, an important part of food supply chain for a large section of human society, can make a significant contribution to achieving the goal of ending malnutrition from this world. Foods of animal origin are among the best sources for diversity of micronutrients including vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin, calcium, iron and zinc that are essential for proper growth and development and overall good health.
With growing affluence, consumption of animal-source food including naturally produced dairy products is rising in the developing countries. However, consumption is still very low in the poorest countries where epidemic of malnutrition is widespread and children are the worst affected. With growing human population and decreasing availability of land for feed and food production, it is crucial that livestock production attains highest level of efficiency in resource use and ranks high among preferred sources of high quality and safe nutrition for human population in the developed and developing countries alike. Presently, suboptimal livestock nutrition is a common and widespread problem in poor countries. New tools and technologies are needed to remedy this situation and for increasing the livestock productivity and achieving global food security.
Livestock Nutrition-2016 will be an excellent platform for interaction between experts and various stakeholders and for the exploration of new partnerships for accelerating scientific discoveries in livestock nutrition and health. I sincerely hope this conference will deliberate on various nutrition-related issues and come up with recommendations that will be game changers.
I wish the conference a great success!
Date: July 21-22, 2016
Mercure Brisbane,
85-87 N Quay
Brisbane QLD 4000,
Professor Shashi Sharma PhD
Chair in Biosecurity and Food Security
Department of Agriculture and Food
Western Australia, Australia
Scientific Committee Member, Livestock Nutrition 2016
2nd International Conference on Livestock Nutrition

Dear Colleagues,
It is a privilege and an honor for me, as the President of the WPSA (World's Poultry Science Association), to welcome you all to The 2nd International Conference on Livestock Nutrition.
Firstly, I would like to express my pleasure at your ever increasing development and contribution as an important international player in the animal nutrition field. I am sure this event will only add to this profile and help further progress in all areas and the challenges faced in maximizing the efficiency of the sector in terms of improving animal nutrition and feed production.
Livestock nutrition has become the core and essential part of any food product chain from animal origin. Human beings are carefully looking for healthier food, with less chemical residues and harmful microorganism contamination. Nowadays, organic type products are integral part of healthy human diet.
The consumption of poultry meat and eggs are increasing all over the world, especially in the developing countries. Increasing prosperity in emerging markets, affordable (lower cost) to everyone, and no religious restriction in its consumption are the key points for its growth. Local and regional markets will play an important role on its development due to consumers’ preference for fresh chicken, government policies to protect domestic production, and adaptation of quality of chicken (breeds, weight, cuts, etc) to local markets.
The WPSA has a long history in stimulating poultry production through research, education and organization. I would like to congratulate all organizing members that have made this event possible.
To all delegates attending this Conference, I encourage all of you to keep supporting and attending the WPSA in the future, remembering that in 2016 we are going to have the 25th World Poultry Congress in Beijing, China.
Once again, I thank you all very much, and wish you all an enjoyable and successful Congress. See you in the near future at one of the WPSA coming events.
Date: July 21-22, 2016
Mercure Brisbane,
85-87 N Quay
Brisbane QLD 4000,
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Edir N. Silva
President of World’s Poultry Science Association(WPSA)
Scientific Committee Member, Livestock Nutrition 2016
4th Global Experts Meeting on Neuropharmacology

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have immense pleasure to note that the Conference Series Ltd is organizing the 4th Global Experts Meeting on Neuropharmacology, Sept 15-17, 2016 in beautiful city of San Antonio, TX, USA.
Neuropharmacology” discipline is one of the fundamental aspects of drug discovery and therapy for neurological diseases of diverse origin e.g., from psychological, traumatic to neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, an International Meeting Organized by Conference Series Ltd will help develop novel aspects of drug development and future therapeutic strategies for treating neurological diseases that are the need of the hour for clinicians, policy makers, researchers and students alike.
I strongly feel that the continued initiatives of Conference Series Ltd for the betterment of mankind by organizing such scientific conferences will be extremely helpful for future research and clinical practices in general and in neurological diseases in particular. Neurological diseases affecting Worldwide e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s’ Disease,Huntington’s Disease, Stroke, Dementia, Brain and spinal cord trauma and related psychosomatic diseases affecting central and peripheral nervous system require urgent attention for researchers and clinicians for developing suitable drugs for therapy. This congress is just a novel addition in this field.
The congress is organized in a beautiful, vivid, cultural city of San Antonio that has a history of several hundred years of welcoming people across the Globe. San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the USA and 2nd largest city of Texas in terms of population. The city is attracting more than 26 million tourists Worldwide every year. I am sure that selecting this city for the congress will add another glamor for social, cultural and touristic attraction while deliberating scientific presentation in a warm nice ambience.
I hope this 3-days scientific discussion and presentations by leading experts in the World as well as new research carried out by young scientist will provide a perfect amalgam for novel drug discovery in both basic and clinical research. The outcome of the congress will pave ways to new developments for drug therapy and raises hope in the victims of neurological disease Worldwide.
I am sure that the delegates, experts, students, researchers, Pharma industries, policy makers and healthcare givers will all tremendously benefit from the deliberation of this congress in a warm and friendly environment.
Your presence and deliberation will make this congress remarkably successful in all aspects of neuropharmacology.
Date: September 14-16, 2016
Hilton San Antonio Airport,
611 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, Texas, 78216,
Hari S Sharma, Ph. D., Dr. Med. Sci., FAIS (New York), FABRI (N. Carolina)
Director, Int. Expt. CNS Injury & Repair;
Prof. Neurobiology (MRC)
University Hospital, Uppsala University
Scientific Committee Chief, Neuropharmacology 2016
Pharma Middle East

Welcome to Dubai to attend the “Pharma Middle East Conference
Our Program Committee has put an exceptional scientific program in the area of pharmaceutical sciences with a blend of Nanotechnology, Pharmacological Sciences, Clinical Pharmacy, Microbiology and Biotechnology aiming at bringing top international scientists together to present cutting-edge research and new discoveries. Participants will be able to get into new therapeutic drugs strategies to manage challenging diseases and infection.
Our coming together at the Pharma Middle East Conference will certainly create excellent possibilities for exchange of ideas, opinions, and the initiation or continuation of collaborative research partnerships. You are so welcomed to honor us by your participation, widening your social and scientific research network and of course enjoy your visit to the Dubai.
Date: November 02-04, 2015
Al Ghurair Rayhaan by Rotana - Dubai,
Umar Bin Al kattab Rd,Deira
Near Al Ghurair Center 185051,
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Hoda El-Shamy
Head of the Department
Microbiology Department,
Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing,
Pharos University ,
Pharma Middle East

On behalf of organizing committee, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to attend the "Pharma Middle East Conference” slated on November 02-04, 2015 in Dubai, UAE. The beautiful city Dubai has been chosen as a venue that guarantees a successful technical conference to increase conscientious awareness of Pharmacists & Pharmaceutical Sciences.
I am truly proud to dawn on you from the Conferenceseries Ltd Conferences window which is a pioneer in scientific event organizer to unveil the novel developments in Science and Technology. I am very pleased to see in Dubai representatives from many neighboring countries, international organizations, project implementers.
We believe that our diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists provided in depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools to brainstorm discover new ideas, search for new skills and a platform to show your capabilities and discoveries to the world. Our speakers representing key decision makers all around the Academic Institutions, Healthcare Institutes, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, CROs supply chain, Logistics, as well as Academic scholars and researchers to share our ideas and find new and more effective ways of action to evaluate the results and impact.
As one of the conference organizing committee, I know that the success of the conference depends ultimately on all members who have worked extremely hard for the details of important aspects of the conference program and social activities. Recognition should go to the Conference Series Ltd for their wise advice and brilliant suggestion on organizing the scientific program; the Program Committee for their thorough and timely reviewing of the abstracts, and Sponsors.
I am looking forward to meeting you all in Dubai in November at what promises to be a most stimulating and enjoyable event. We wish you all the best, hoping that you find the conference informative and worthwhile and continue to be engaged with the Conference Series Ltd.
Date: November 02-04, 2015
Al Ghurair Rayhaan by Rotana - Dubai,
Umar Bin Al kattab Rd,Deira
Near Al Ghurair Center 185051,
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Salwa Elmeligie, Ph.D.
Head of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Department
Faculty Of Pharmacy
Cairo University
Pharma Middle East

I would like to welcome each of you to the Pharma Middle East conference-2015.
This event is a scientific platform to meet fellow key decision makers in universities, healthcare institution, pharmaceutical and biotech industries, to share experience, foster collaborations through the research talks and presentation to put many thoughts provoking strategies for discovering new ideas and new skills, in addition to expose your capabilities and discoveries to many interested colleagues.
Finally, I would like to thank each of you for attending this prestigious conference and bringing your expertise to our gathering.
Date: November 02-04, 2015
Al Ghurair Rayhaan by Rotana - Dubai,
Umar Bin Al kattab Rd,Deira
Near Al Ghurair Center 185051,
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Tawfik Alhussainy.
Professor and chairman of Pharmacology
College of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
University of Petra
8th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems

On behalf of the Organizing Committee I have the great pleasure to welcome all participants to the 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems (“Pharmaceutica 2016”). This conference, being held during March 07-09, 2016 in Madrid, Spain is the continuation of a highly successful series of global meetings about novel drug delivery strategies which is being organized by ConferenceSeries, a renowned and leading organization specialized in launching and managing pharmaceutical conferences throughout the globe.
The development of new and highly efficient means to deliver a drug selectively to its molecular target site is crucial for a significant increase of the therapeutic index of old and new drugs alike. The preclinical and clinical development of any Investigational New Drug should go hand in hand with exploring new approaches towards its delivery on the tissue, cellular and subcellular level. Accordingly and not surprisingly, the global revenue for new drug delivery systems in 2018 is estimated to reach over $173 billion, corresponding to a CAGR of 2.8%.
Pharmaceutica 2016 will be attended by over 300 participants involving academic and industrial scientists, industrial experts and decision-makers. 5 Keynote Speakers and over 50 Plenary Speakers will introduce and discuss cutting edge developments in a large number of areas among them pre-formulation, delivery routes, drug delivery technology including major challenges and relevant physiological considerations, drug targeting, nanopharmaceuticals and diverse applications of nanotechnology in pharmaceutical research and development, drug delivery systems applied to vaccine development, biotherapeutics-drug discovery, smart delivery systems and medical devices, delivery methods for biologics as well as aspects of global drug policy. In addition, this conference also includes more than 20 industrial exhibitors, 14 innovative educational sessions and over 5 workshops.
I am confident all participants, students, experts and policy makers alike me will immensely benefit from Pharmaceutica 2016. I am looking forward to a highly interesting and informative meeting, to critical and above all stimulating deliberations and last but not least to getting to know many new colleagues working in a field dear to all of us.
Date: March 07-09, 2016
Melia Avenida America
Calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 36, Madrid 28027, Spain
Volkmar Weissig, Sc.D., PhD
President World Mitochondria Society
Professor and Chair
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Midwestern University Glendale, USA
2nd Global Summit on Plant Science

The role of plant sciences is going to increase in an era of climate change. There is also great awareness now on the need for moving from food security to nutrition security. This will be possible only if there is dietary diversity including many of the orphan crops like millets. Therefore the 2nd Global Summit assumes great importance in the context of achieving the zero hunger challenge by 2025. I wish the Conference great success.
Date: October 06-08, 2016
Crowne Plaza Heathrow London , Stockley Rd, Drayton, London UB7 9NA,
United Kingdom
On behalf of the Plant Science 2016
Organizing Committee
Founder Chairman and Chief Mentor
UNESCO Chair in Ecotechnology
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
Third Cross Street, Taramani Institutional Area, India
2nd Global Summit on Plant Science

The first Global Summit on Plant Science (September 21-23, 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA) attracted a wide diversity of international scientists from both academia and industry. This led to a rigorous exchange of ideas and discussion involving issues crucial to our times and they resulted in the formation of a number of new scientific collaborations. The next meeting in this series in scheduled for October 6-8, 2016, in London, United Kingdom.
With this message and on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I invite you to attend and actively participate in this important international gathering. World food production and preservation of endangered species are at crucial stages considering the rapidly-expanding population, the increasing incidence of plant diseases and the rising soil, water and air pollution; all of these contribute to reduced food productivity and plant loss.
The interaction of plant scientists from all disciplines are needed to solve these horticultural, agricultural and food protection problems. These and many other issues will be discussed at the London meeting and we look forward to having the benefit of your expertise at the second Global Summit on Plant Science. The meeting will include sessions on all aspects of plant science. I personally look forward to meeting you and your colleagues in London.
Date: October 06-08, 2016
Crowne Plaza Heathrow London , Stockley Rd, Drayton, London UB7 9NA, United Kingdom
Russel J. Reiter, Ph.D.
On behalf of the Plant Science 2016
Organizing Committee
Professor of Cell Biology
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pineal Research
UT Health Science Center
San Antonio, Texas, USA
4th Global Acupuncture and Therapists Annual Meeting

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the 4th Global Acupuncture and Therapist’s annual meeting (2016) in Philadelphia PA, USA. This pragmatic conference is an exuberant event, with paramount invited speakers across the world for oral and poster presentations. We also expect to provide numerous opportunities for informal networking.
By attending the conference, you will become a part of the global Acupuncture Practitioner and Therapist network that will help create a vision for Acupuncturists around the globe!
The success of the conference is defined by the diligent efforts put by many people who have worked to plan and organize both the technical program and supporting social arrangements. These individuals are giving their best to ensure the realization of the potential for this conference, and I thank them for their dedication and hard work.
I look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Date: July 14-16, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton
Philadelphia Airport
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia,
PA 19153, United States
Dr. Jennifer Brett
University of Bridgeport Acupuncture Institute, USA
International Conference on Anatomy and Physiology

A little time will pass and we'll meet at the Conference "Anatomy and Physiology. This is a good opportunity for us to present and compare research results. Today, the role and importance of innovative ideas and discoveries are increasing. And it is equally important to be able to use them in purposes of development of economics. But we should not forget the experience of our predecessors and their contribution to the development of science.
In this connection, it is useful to remember the names of physiologists, biologists and physicians, which combine their efforts and knowledge in the interests of space exploration, preparation and implementation of the first manned space flights. Their ideas are applying successfully today for preparation the future interplanetary expeditions, including ensuring of crews protection against long-term adverse influence of factors of space flight. Psychophysiological researches of cosmic orientation integrate the achievements of physiologists, biologists and psychologists.
We wish all of you success, health, happiness and prosperity!
Date: August 11-13, 2016
Crowne Plaza Birmingham NEC, Birmingham,UK
Medenkov A.A.
Professor of Psychophysiology
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia
Leader of Psychophysiology Department
Chief Expert of Psychophysiology in Military Scientific Committe
International Conference on Anatomy and Physiology

I am extremely proud in welcoming our colleagues to this conference. We all feel privileged to have such an opportunity to exchange education and research face to face. We are sure that our knowledge and experience will help us to develop our future. Anatomy and physiology explore structure and function of life, which always include all mechanisms of body. From the structure of cells, tissues, organs, and systems, the functions of cells, tissues, organs, and systems are produced. Only by integration, all of them can work together to be a whole organism. How to integrate? Who is the integrator? I would to be having opportunity to demonstrate an unknown system hidden along our skin, which is an important integrative system. I would like to share this discover with you and hope to share your discover to me.
Date: August 11-13, 2016
Crowne Plaza Birmingham NEC, Birmingham,UK
Li-Yuan Liu
College of Life Science,
Beijing Normal University
World Congress on Industrial Automation

Dear Attendees of Industrial Automation 2015,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to this highly informative conference. It is a very exciting time to be in robotics and industrial automation. Having served many years in this industry I can say it is the most active and promising time I have experienced. The commitments to automation around the world are growing rapidly as automation continues to be lower in cost, easier to use, and more flexible. I hope you learn more about the evolving automation industry, and take away key insights and information from the conference.
Date: July 20-22, 2015
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Francisco Airport
835 Airport Blvd, Burlingame
94010-9949, USA
Dr. Charlie Duncheon
CEO and Co-founder of Grabit, Inc.
2nd World Congress on Automation and Robotics

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The automation and robotics has become an essential part of majority sectors in industry nations and worldwide.
I would like to use this opportunity to welcome you all and wish you a successful meeting, inspiring and motivating discussion in support of research, development and innovation of next generation of automation and robotics technologies.
Your valuable contributions are very important for the economic growth of our nation and will be published in the conference proceedings and related Journals.
Once again warm welcome and best wishes to all of you.
Thank you
Date: June 13-15, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Airport
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia,
PA 19153, USA
Dr. Eduard Babulak
The Institute of Technology and Business
Czech Republic
3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I am pleased to invite you to attend the Conferenceseries Ltd's 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics, to be held from October 20-21, 2014 in Baltimore MD USA. The theme of the conference is “Insight into Advanced Research Technologies in Biometrics and Biostatistics”, and the website is {https://www.omicsgroup.com/biometrics-biostatistics-conference-2014}.
Biostatistics 2014 aims to promote the national and international exchange of ideas among researchers in academia, business, and government. Besides the dissemination of knowledge, this conference is also an opportunity for professional networking, especially for those in the early stages of their careers, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.
For those wishing to give presentations, there are numerous tracks available spanning the gamut from medical/clinical biostatistics to regression analysis to cyber security. As of this writing, there is still plenty of space on the program for additional speakers, so please submit your abstracts via {https://www.omicsgroup.com/biometrics-biostatistics-conference-2014/cfa.php}.
I hope that Biostatistics 2014 is a professionally fruitful and personally enjoyable experience for all who attend, and I look forward to seeing you there.
Best Regards,
Richard Charnigo
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics
Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics
University of Kentucky
Lexington KY USA
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics

Dear Participants,
As a member of the scientific advisory committee, it is my pleasure to humbly invite you to attend the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics and Biostatistics in San Antonio, USA.
As last year’s conference was a great success, this year’s conference will attract attendance from all around the world; the distinguished speakers are from the top notch academic institutes as well as leading pharmaceutical industries from all around the globe. This conference will provide the opportunity and exchange of ideas related with the nuts and bolts as well as the challenging issues concerning within the biomedical fields such as: bioinformatics, biostatistics, Bayesian, biometrics, and etc. This year’s conference will be held in the rendezvous city of San Antonio (Texas) which occupies an important place in both American history and globally.
I am looking forward to meeting you in San Antonio in November it will be a stimulating and enjoyable event!
Hilton San Antonio Airport
611 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78216, United States
Altaf H. Khan
Member (Scientific Advisory Committee Biostatistics 2015)
National Guard Health Affairs
Saudi Arabia
5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices

Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the prestigious “5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology &Aesthetic Practices” to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from April 25th to 27th, 2016.
Following its tradition, this year the conference offers again a broad range of highly interactive sessions with research leaders, lectures from experts sharing their latest knowledge and experience and presentations from editors of highly renowned journals. A comprehensive multidisciplinary program has been assembled and will be presented by a well-selected international faculty. This year the conference will be devoted to the topic “Anticipating the future trends of the aesthetic practices”
The scientific and technical sessions will cover the entire spectrum of Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Hair Care and Transplantation, Cosmetology and Biomedical Sciences. The 5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices is a wonderful event for both professionals and beginners to share research and to learn about recent innovations and new methods of treatment from colleagues from all around the world.
The concept of beauty has changed in the last generation and cosmetic surgery is considered to be a guaranteed way to reduce the signs of ageing as well as a way to improve chances in life.
In their desire for a better appearance patients are increasingly discerning and demanding and it is getting more and more important to perfect the medical art of sculpting and contouring and to create treatments that are tailored specifically to each patient’s needs.
Recent progress in plastic surgery has been rapid and many new techniques have been developed. Reconstructive as well as head and neck procedures, burn treatment and the development of microsurgery have advanced greatly. In aesthetic surgical procedures, significant attention is given to the aim of further improving safety and consistent long-lasting results.
I am convinced that for aspiring professionals this wonderful event will be full of inspiration and exchange of those new contacts will be established that lead to lasting and fruitful collaborations for the benefit of our patients and clients.
Dubai, our hosting city, is a wonderful place to be. Dubai constantly is on the move and striving for perfection and thus it is an excellent platform for this highly scientific and educative event.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to the exciting city of Dubai in 2016.
Date: April 25-27, 2016
Dubai, UAE
Prof. Norbert Pallua, MD., PhD, FEBOPRAS
University Hospital Aachen, Germany
President of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS)
Vice-President of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)
CParliamentarian of the Board of Directors of the International Confederation
for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ISPRAS)
Secretary of the International Society for Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES)
International Conference on Eye and Vision

On behalf of the organizers and the program committee I would like to welcome you to and introduce Eye 2016, the Second International Conference on Eye Disorders and Treatment being organized Sep 26-28th in Miami, USA. During Eye 2016 researchers, clinicians, and scientists from all over the world will cover a broad spectrum of topics that span disciplines in ophthalmology and visual sciences. Those include new research trends in surgical and medical Ophthalmology and optics, external eye disorders, therapeutics and drug delivery systems, among other topics.
Eye 2015 drew attendees from all over the world including the USA, South America, and Asia. We hope Eye 2016 will be an even more encompassing event that will foster scientific innovation and further scholarly collaborations across the globe.
We hope to see you in Miami.
Date: September 26-28, 2016
Double Tree By Hilton Hotel
Hazeltine National Drive,
Albert S Khouri, MD
Program Director, Ophthalmology Residency
Associate Director, Glaucoma Division
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
World Congress on Hepatitis

As a member of the Organizing Committee for the upcoming World Congress on Hepatitis (Hepatitis 2015), I would like to cordially invite you to this important Conference Series Ltd event. It will take place on July 20-22, 2015 in Orlando, Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport, Florida, USA. Unlike many other meetings, this conference will be focused and yet multi-disciplinary, covering topics ranging from patient management to molecular pathogenesis and from drug development to clinical application. In addition to the traditional presentations of scientific and clinical research, the purpose of this meeting will be to raise global awareness about the morbidity and mortality associated with chronic liver diseases and hepatocellular carcinoma. This forum will provide outstanding opportunities that will drive future development of basic, clinical and translational investigations. The meeting will also act as a rostrum for dynamic interactions among leading senior scientists, junior investigators and importantly, students from around the world in a relaxed and comfortable environment. The success of this meeting will depend upon the participation of as many scientists, physicians and advocates like you who are passionate about the management and prevention ofliver disease and liver cancer. Consider this an opportunity to make a lasting impact and together
Date: July 20-22, 2015
Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport
9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd,
Orlando, Florida, USA, 32827
Dr. Mark A. Feitelson
Associate Director
Temple Biotechnology Center
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Global Summit on Herbals & Natural Remedies

Scientists, physicians, policy strategists and social scientists are rediscovering nature and nurture as safer, cost effective health and healing resources. Like many, my re-enchantment with everyday life occurred despite my skepticism. The work of Mark Blumenthal’s American Botanical Council, of Stephen Foster, of David Winston, of Ed Smith’s Herb Pharm, of Joanna Barnes, of Ramamurti Mishra and of Bhante Dharmawara all informed me. Initially my ignorance abounded. Over the past five decades in medicine and science, it has been my privilege to use herbal and natural approaches to help my parents, children, friends, and loved ones. Come and join experts’ experts... who can communicate easily with everyone. Evidence deserves to be reviewed. Experience deserves to be valued. Wisdom deserves attention. Traditional use deserves careful review such as has been, in part, included in the German monographs, particularly Monograph E.
Join us in the re-flowering of natural products including as medications, as remedies, and as part of self care. Enhance all your senses at this meeting of hearts, minds and souls. Those who are helping speed the transition from sick care into healthful caring are welcome. If you practice Western or Eastern Medicine; if you are a nurse, pharmacist, chiropractor, kinesiologist, personal health coach or license health practitioner of any kind this conference is THE conference of 2015.
Come join us in the celebration and communion at Herbals Summit 2015.
Date: October 26-27, 2015
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago,
North Shore Conference Center
9599 Skokie Boulevard,
Skokie Illinois 60077-1314,
Chicago, USA
Dr. Russ Jaffe MD, PhD
Founder / Chief Executive Officer
Fellow, Health Studies Collegium
PERQUE Integrative Health

I am writing to extend a welcome to participants of World Neurology 2016. This meeting builds on the exceptional progress in neurology that is essential to improving population health. World Neurology 2016 provides a platform for researchers, academics, clinicians and industrial professionals from all over the world to openly present and discuss their work offering unique opportunities to advance brain health, and open innovation and further international scientific dialog among new partners.
George Perry, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor
Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology
College of Sciences
The University of Texas at San Antonio
International Conference on Parasitology

Dear Conference Attendees
I am delighted to welcome you to Philadelphia for the “International Conference on Parasitology” which brings together experts and academics from around the world. New trends and challenges to Parasitological Research are being put forward by the rapidly changing social and economic situation in many parts of the world. At the present the implementation of an appropriate control programs towards the reduction of infection in man and animals will be discussed.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any suggestions or questions regarding the organization of this meeting.
Date: August 24-26, 2015
DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Airport
4509 Island Ave, Philadelphia PA 19153, United States
Ingrid Papajova
Deputy Director and Head
Institute of Parasitology of Slovak Academy of Sciences
Annual Summit on Sleep Disorders and Medicine

Welcome to the Annual Summit on Sleep Disorders and Medicine. The conference will be held August 10, 11, and 12 in San Francisco, California. The setup of the three days of the conference will provide the conference attendee with current practices in Sleep Medicine. The presentations vary from Basic Science in the physiological correlates of Sleep Disorders to practice applications involving diagnostic, assessment and treatment of Sleep Disorders. Scientists and Practitioner from around the world will be presenting and in attendance at the conference. We welcome your participation to come learn, discuss and enhance your understanding of Sleep Medicine.
Kathy Sexton-Radek, Ph.D, C.BSM
Suburban Pulmonary & Sleep Associates,
Westmont, IL/Elmhurst College,
Elmhurst, IL ,USA
Editor in Chief Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy
Annual Summit on Sleep Disorders and Medicine

Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of Sleep Medicine 2015, it is my great pleasure and privilege to invite you to join us in San Francisco on August 10th -12th, 2015.
Sleep Disorders and Sleep Therapy is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with the psycological and physical health conditions related to sleep disorders and conventional and advanced sleep therapies. The main goal of Sleep Medicine 2015 is to illuminate the gravity of the topic, how it
affects our day to day lives, prevention and stairway to a healthier tomorrow.
Sleep Medicine 2015 scientific session’s focuses on understanding sleep disorders and sleeping problems, medical conditions associated with sleep disorders, effect of sleep disorders on the human body, conventional sleep medicine and sleep therapy and exciting innovations in every area of Sleep
Disorders and Advanced Sleep Therapies.
Sleep Medicine 2015 encompasses the popularly known causes and types of sleep disorders and also reveals the underlying psychological disorders and other unknown causes for disrupted sleep patterns. Pediatric sleep disorders throws light upon the sleep disorders that can affect children and how it effects their development. Trends in sleep medicine will focus on a variety of medical and surgical specialties including Neurology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Otolaryngology, Dentistry Bariatric Surgery and Nutrition.
The Annual Summit on Sleep Disorders and Medicine will schedule and coordinate all meetings with our Editorial Board across the World. The scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking information and therapeutic techniques related to Sleep Disorders.
The main aim of Sleep Medicine 2015 is to bring awareness amongst the people about the effect of sleep disorders on health, daily routine and lives, Symptoms people normally ignore diseases that can lead to sleep disorders, prevention and therapeutic techniques.
We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.
Alon Y. Avidan MD, MPH
Professor of Neurology
Director, Sleep Disorders Center
Director, UCLA Neurology Clinic
Los Angeles, California, USA
3rd International Conference on HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs

Dear Conference Attendees:
Welcome to the third annual international conference on HIV/AIDS and STIs. I am honored and thrilled to be returning again to serve as the overall conference moderator as well as serve as an organizing committee member. This year I am excited to see that we have many returning faces, and many new faces joining us, as we collectively share research, tools, updates and methods to advance HIV/AIDS research while eradicating stigma. This year is a special year as our conference is held during the globally recognized World AIDS Day. Love, remembrance, hope and unity will glue us together and forge one of the most powerful and impactful conferences in the fight against HIV/AIDS. If you have not registered yet, please do so. Out of all the HIV/AIDS conferences I have participated the Conference Series Ltd Conference on HIV/AIDS is one of the best!!
I look forward to seeing you all in a few months......
Date: November 30-December 02, 2015
Hillton Atlanta Airport 1031 Virginia Avenue N/A, Atlanta, Georgia, 30354, USA
Daniel Bauer
The Alive Inside Foundation
World Congress and Exhibition on Construction and Steel Structure

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee for Steel Structure- 2015, I am honored to welcome you to the first International Conference on Steel Structures held in the glamorous Emirate of Dubai, UAE. Steel Structure-2015 is a forum that brings together researchers from academia and professionals involved in the planning, design, and construction of steel structures.
Structural steel offers unparalleled flexibility to designers and contractors alike in terms of the well-known favorable structural performance and ease and speed of onsite fabrication. Steel is highly recyclable, contributing to the ultimate goal of reducing the environmental footprint of the construction industry. However, performance of steel structures is still being studied to enhance our understanding of the behavior of members and connections under seismic forces, progressive collapse, and fire, amongst other challenges.
Conference participants should expect to see a variety of technical contributions ranging from original research on structural performance of steel systems and components to case studies in modelling, design, fabrication, and planning.
Steel Structure-2015 will host various exhibitors from different countries and industries, including producers, fabricators, design consultants, and software vendors.
The conference is held in Dubai which is conveniently located within easy reach of participants from eastern and western hemispheres, as well as the Middle East and Africa. Dubai emerged as fascinating global city and business hub with many attractions that draws visitors from all over the world. The construction industry is expected to witness significant growth in the United Arab Emirates.
With Best Regards,
Osama Ahmed Mohamed, Ph.D., P.E.
Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, Abu Dhabi University, Dubai
6th International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine

As the Conference Chairman, I take immense pleasure to state that ConferenceSeries is organizing the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine, Sep 14-16, 2016 in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Amsterdam, the capital city of Netherland is known for its artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades; legacies of the city’s 17th-century Golden Age. Cycling is key to the city’s character, and there are 400 km of cycle paths.
Traditional Medicine 2016 is around the corner. High quality keynote speakers: Wen-Long Hu, Xiaochun Yu, Paul Keogh, Yu-Chiang Hung have already accepted our invitation to participate. We are in the process of inviting reviewers to help us with the evaluation of around 1200 expected abstracts.
I hope this 3-days scientific discussion and presentations by leading experts in the World as well as new research carried out by young scientist will provide a perfect rostrum for Traditional & Alternative Medicine research. The outcome of the congress will pave ways to new developments for treatments and will raise hope in the victims of all disease Worldwide.
I am sure that all the delegates, experts, students, researchers, industries, policy makers and healthcare givers will tremendously benefit from the deliberation of this Congress in a warm and friendly environment.
Your presence and deliberation will make this Conference remarkably successful in all aspects of Traditional & Alternative Medicine.
Date: September 14-16, 2016
Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport,
Rijnlanderweg 800
Hoofddorp, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2132 NN
Zhang-Jin Zhang, BMed, MMed, PhD
Traditional Medicine-2016 Conference Committee Chairman
Professor, Associate Director (Clinic), School of Chinese Medicine
Honorary Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Honorary Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care
LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
6th International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine

On behalf of the Traditional Medicine 2016 Organizing Committee, I am delighted to welcome all the delegates and their guests to Amsterdam, The Netherlands for the sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine that will take place from Sept 14-16, 2016. This is Amsterdam’s largest event devoted to the Traditional & Alternative Medicine Experts, & it will give participants an International Forum in which to exchange ideas, discover practice enhancing good opportunities, reacquaint with colleagues, meet new friends, and broaden their knowledge.
Come and join in on Research based conversations designed to enhance your Professional work. Review Evidence-based Health-care Models offered to compliment your Specialty. Experience generates use. Wisdom compels attention. Traditional use deserves careful review (an example, the Particularly Monograph, German monographs.
Join us in the re flowering of Natural Medicine; including Practices, Remedies & Medications as part of Self Care Management. Reward your Senses and Sensibilities at this International Gathering of minds & hearts. Join those helping accelerate the transition from sick care to healthy self-care. If you practice Western Medicine or Eastern Medicine; if you are an M.D, Pharmacist, Nurse, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Physical Therapist, Homeopath, Massage Therapist, Personal Health Coach, or other licensed health practitioner of any kind this is The Traditional Medicine 2016 International Conference to participate in.
Come join us in this Celebration & Collaboration, at Traditional & Alternative Medicine 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands!!!
Date: September 14-16, 2016
Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport,
Rijnlanderweg 800
Hoofddorp, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2132 NN
Frank Yurasek, PhD, MSOM, RH/AHG
Associate Professor, National University of Health Sciences
Vice President, World Federation of Acupuncture Societies
Director of Acupuncture
Cook County Health & Hospital Systems
5th International Conference on Biodiversity
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great honour and pleasure to invite you to participate in the 5th International Conference on Biodiversity to be held in Madrid, Spain, on 10 – 12nd March.
Biodiversity 2016 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Ecology and its associated fields, Evolution of Species, Plant & Animal Biodiversity, Biodiversity Management, Fauna & Flora, Biodiversity & Food Security, Conservation of Endangered Species, Marine Biodiversity, Forestry and Sustainable Energy Development.
One of our aim is generate new investigations and collaboration between scientists. We also are very interested to welcome students and postdoctoral researchers in order to provide them the opportunity to show their investigations about Biodiversity
At this conference more than 30 experts from around the world will show us the main progress in trends of Biodiversity; Conservation; endangered Species; Global Warming; Biodiversity and Ecosystem; Biodiversity and Sustainable Development; Biodiversity models and conservation Methods; Forestry; Biodiversity and food security and Biodiversity market.
We hope that these conferences will be productive and satisfying. Personally, I hope that you have a very enjoyable and entertaining stay here, in Madrid.
Date: March 10-12, 2016
Meliá Avenida América
Calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 36, 28027 Madrid, Spain
Fdo: Prof. Dr. Pablo Refoyo Román
Associate Professor
University of Madrid
5thInternational Conference on Biodiversity

Raise Voice for Biodiversity
Welcome to all those that are engaged in the knowledge and in the conservation of nature and biodiversity. In a very fast changing world due to the severe human alterations, it is necessary to join collaborative and strong efforts to mitigate environmental problems and to keep ecosystems at equilibrium.
Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Biodiversity at Madrid, Spain March 10-12, 2016. Come and join to raise voice for biodiversity.
Date: March 10-12, 2016
Meliá Avenida América
Calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 36, 28027 Madrid, Spain
Professor. Carlos Frederico D. Rocha, PhD
Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology
Universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
World Congress on Breast Cancer

On behalf of the “Senologic International Society - Intenational School of Senology” - SIS/ISS - it is an honor and a pleasure for me to welcome you all to “World Congress on Breast Cancer-2015” during August 3-5 in Birmingham, UK.
Breast cancer is the most common disease among the female population in the western hemisphere and it is curable if diagnosed early and adequately treated with a multi and interdisciplinary approach.
At this event, updated information on the advances in Breast Sciences will be available, enabling professionals interested in breast cancer to enrich their knowledge in the fight to cure this disease.
The SIS-International School of Senology aims to improve the level of care for breast patients throughout the world. It organizes educational programs at national, regional and worldwide levels, promotes and increases interactive communication among breast health professionals, enhances contacts with renowned breast scientists through the SIS-International Scientific Network and develops standards for improving the level of breast care. The SIS/ISS conducts continuous activities aimed to train professionals devoted to breast health care. It has developed the SIS/ISS International Accreditation Program for Breast Centers/Units of its affiliated societies.
We are truly honored to welcome a world-renowned faculty who will encourage Innovation, Educate & Invigorate the attendees.
I am confident that this Congress will greatly contribute to achieving our common goals.
Date: August 03-05, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
International School of Senology, Senologic International Society
2nd International Conference on Gynecology & Obstetrics

Dear Colleagues,
It gives me a great pleasure as a member of the organizing committee and a keynote speaker at the 2ndInternational conference on Gynaecology and Obstetrics, on November 16-18, 2015 at San Antonio, USA. The theme for the conference this year is “Integrating the Milestones in Gynecological Health Globally" promises an outstanding scientific program featuring many well-known and thought provoking speakers.
Although the science and art of Gynecology has evolved over past decades and many technologies and medical advances have elevated the level of care in women’s health, we still witness disparities and inequities globally especially when it comes to maternal health and the social wellness of women in developing and third world countries.
The shift in medicine and healthcare from management of disease towards promoting wellness is a keystone in addressing the upstream caused of disease and ensuring that all women have equal opportunities to a healthy pregnancy and outcome. Therefore it is very appropriate to bring together the experts in the field from all over the globe as we share experiences and knowledge and work together on ensuring a just reproductive health to all women.
I hope that you will join us in San Antonio and share your experience with us.
Date: November 16-18, 2015
611 NW Loop 410, San Antonio
TX 78216, United States
Mouhanad Hammami, MD
County Health Officer & Chief of Health Operations Health and Human Services
Wayne County, Michigan
International Conference on Lipid Science & Technology

Dear Colleagues,
As a member of organizing committee of the International Conference on Lipids Science and Technology at San Francisco, USA from November 30-December 02, it is my pleasure you to this important event.
We expect that this decade will see substantial advances in the field of Lipid biology. My own work in the area of membranes and lipid therapies, and in particular, the use of Lipid Replacement Therapy for Chronic Illnesses showed us the potential medical and anti-aging uses of lipids in this field. Thus I would like to make few remarks on the important stream topics of the conference.
Lipid science conference explores an in depth view of world-class, interdisciplinary research discussion from basic science researchers through clinical investigators to become leaders in research in lipids and their relation to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases, immunological diseases , cancer etc. enhances the knowledge and understanding of the metabolism and associated disorders, lipid- protein interactions, lipid biosynthetic enzymes and the regulation of the genes involving in Lipid related metabolic diseases.
Therefore, it is very useful to bring together experts from field of lipid science for discussion of the latest advances and ideas, and to stimulate interdisciplinary interactions.
Conferences like this one may help to speed up the development of effective therapies for the lipid related disorders. In this part Conference Series Ltd Conferences doing excellent job towards bringing efficient scientists all around the world to a common platform to discuss various streams in Lipid biology.
Am very happy and delighted to participate at this event and anticipate interesting discussions with my colleagues at San Francisco in Lipids 2015.
Once again am delighted to invite you to take part in this conference.
Date: November 30- December 02, 2015
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Francisco Airport
835 Airport Blvd., Burlingame
California, 94010-9949, USA
Professor Emeritus Garth Nicolson
The Institute for Molecular Medicine
4th International Conference on Nursing & Healthcare

It is my honor and privilege, after the success of the previous three International Conferences on Nursing and Healthcare, to be an Organizing Committee Member for the fourth annual Conference (Nursing 2015). The Conference Series Ltd is proud to announce the theme of "Exploring the Possibilities towards Better Healthcare" for this year’s Conference, which will be held October 5-7, 2015 in San Francisco, CA. Both the theme and conference presentations are relevant and timely in today's ever-changing healthcare environment.
This annual Conference brings together clinicians, educators, nurses, and researchers, as well as students and industry representatives from around the world, providing them with a platform to report on, and discuss issues and scientific achievements relative to nursing worldwide. This year's Conference will provide a foundation for networking with prominent Nurse Leaders from more than 40 countries.
The Conference promises to be exciting, with a range of presentations including topics related to Psychiatric-Mental Health, Oncology, Critical Care and Cardiac Care, Emergency, Public Health, and Environmental Health Nursing. Additionally, Clinical Nursing, Nursing Education, and Nursing Research will also be well-represented. Lastly, there will be presentations that cover the lifespan from Pediatric, to Obstetric, to Adult Health Nursing, all covering information that is new and relevant to Nursing and Healthcare.
I want to take this opportunity to encourage your attendance and participation in this unique Conference in order to take advantage of the most recent scientific discoveries and milestones in the field of Nursing. I believe the more you participate, the more you take away from a conference, and I would encourage your active participation by taking advantage of the opportunity to interact with these internationally renowned Nursing Leaders.
I hope to see you in San Francisco and look forward to sharing new information and exciting discoveries with you.
Date: October 05-07, 2015
San Francisco, USA
Ann M. Mitchell, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN
Professor of Nursing
University of Pittsburgh
United States
4thInternational Conference on Nursing & Healthcare

Let us agree that the more we are exposed to each other, the more capable we become in developing better ideas and learn how we do very well. Also, let us agree that globalization has allowed us to improve our knowledge, thoughts and frontiers. As an organizing committee member and Keynote speaker of the 4th International Conference On Nursing & Healthcare, I take this opportunity to encourage your attendance and participation. In a time of rapidly evolving patterns of healthcare delivery, the role of the nurse is acquiring ever-escalating importance. The challenge for all of us is to be aware of and current with the new information and therapeutic strategies.
The aim of this conference is to learn and share knowledge on Nursing and Healthcare research. Leading world Doctors, Registered nurses, Health innovators, and key scientific researchers from major universities, Medical research institutions, and academic health centers will present a broad spectrum of information in the arena of Nursing, Healthcare & Medicine. The main theme of the conference is “Exploring the Possibilities towards Better Healthcare”.
I hope to have the opportunity to meet with many of you in San Francisco and to share exciting new ideas.
Date: October 05-07, 2015
San Francisco, USA
Chair Scientific Board, RMR Inc.
Honorary Past President, International Menopause Society
United States
5thWorld Congress on Virology

As Mayor of the City of Atlanta, it is my pleasure to welcome Conference Series Ltd and the attendees of the 5th World Congress on Virology.
This year’s meeting brings together more than 300 attendees from all over the country to participate in events and sessions that further their development in the field of Virology. I salute the attendees of the 5th World Congress on Virology for working diligently to be at the forefront of their profession. I am confident this meeting will provide your members with an important forum to network, empower and innovate.
While in our city, I encourage attendees to explore the many attractions Atlanta has to offer including: the Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Center, the Georgia Aquarium, the World of Coca-Cola, CNN Center, Centennial Olympic Park, Woodruff Arts Center, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Children’s Museum of Atlanta, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and many more. We invite you to share in our Southern hospitality, sample cuisine at our many fine restaurants and enjoy the rich and diverse heritage of our city.
On behalf of the people of Atlanta, I wish all of the participants an exciting event.
Date: December 07 - December 09, 2015
Hilton Atlanta Airport 1031 Virginia Ave, Atlanta
GA 30354 United States.
Mayor Kasim Reed
5th International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy

In August 2014, I had the honor to join the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy that was held in Chicago, as a speaker. I was impressed by the quality of the event and by the expertise of the participants. I felt very welcomed, mainly by the illustrious researchers, Kenneth Blum, full Professor of the University of Florida College of Medicine, USA, and Rajendra Badgaiyan, Professor (Tenured) of the University of Minnesota, USA. This year, as a member of the Organizing Committee for the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy, in Florida, I invite researchers and as therapists, who dedicate their efforts towards the matter of addiction, to take part in this outstanding opportunity to learn with scientific experts and to share experiences. I am looking forward to meeting colleagues from different parts of the world, united by the same goal.
Date: October 03-05, 2016
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Elizabeth Halpern
Chief, Health Department of the Central Navy Hospital
5th International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy

As a member of the Organizing Committee for the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research and Therapy, I would like to invite you to share your expertise with the attendees of the meeting. The scientists and therapists at the meeting will cover their broad range of expertise spanning basic science to clinical research and therapy. The meeting provides an outstanding opportunity to update the attendees on the newfangled research and treatments that will drive future directions for basic, clinical and translational investigations. The meeting will act as a rostrum for dynamic interactions among leading senior scientists, junior investigators and importantly, students from around the world in a relaxed and comfortable environment. I strongly encourage you to attend the meeting as you are an eminent person in the field of Addiction Research and Therapy. Previous meetings have generated much enthusiasm, catapulting the number of attendees in every meeting. We look forward to your attendance and the opportunity to learn from you. Share the excitement with us!
Date: October 03-05, 2016
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Bryan Yamamoto
Professor& Chair
University of Toledo, USA
5th International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy

The Addiction Research and Therapy annual conference brings together some of the latest, most thought-provoking researches from around the world. It is a mélange of venerable researchers and clinicians from all corners of the globe who will be able to exchange ideas, share findings and discuss future collaborations. I have personally already begun working on a number of research projects envisaged and developed during my attendance in the last two conferences. I look forward to many more years of direct participation in the conference and the wonderful advances in my own research, and the broader international knowledge-base, that this conference will produce.
Date: October 03-05, 2016
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Adi Jaffe
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Alternatives Behavioral Health, LLC

It is with great pleasure that on behalf of the Organising Committee I invite you to attend our Brain Disorders conference in London, UK (August 24-26th 2015). The conference sessions cover a broad scientific content, and I am sure you will find a suitable session to showcase your latest research and meet other scientists with common interests. With best wishes, Dr Wayne Grant Carter, Organising Committee Member.
Wayne Carter
University of Nottingham Medical School, UK

As understanding and treating brain disorders are both important and current challenges of today’s society, I would like to extend my fervent hope that, for my colleagues and eminent specialists, this prestigious “International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics”, to be held in London in August 2015, will provide them with further fruitful exchange and constructive discussions.
Dr. Georges Chapouthier
Directeur de Recherche Emériteau Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, Paris, France)
International Conference and Exhibition on Dual Diagnosis

My Dear Researchers,
As a member of organizing committee of the International Conference and Exhibition on Dual Diagnosis, It is my pleasure to invite you to this important event during November 11, 2015 at Central Michigan University, USA.
Welcome to an important conference regarding common, problematic drug and alcohol use in psychiatric populations.
We have the opportunity to identify drug and alcohol use and addiction as a cause of psychiatric symptoms. DSM-5 guides us on how to exclude effects of alcohol and drugs before making the correct psychiatric diagnosis. Over 50% of the chronic mentally ill population use drugs and alcohol problematically with adverse consequences. Identification and treatment of alcohol and drug use and addiction are vital to our success in treating these people. We are in a unique position to improve and save lives.
The Conference, hosted by the ConferenceSeries Organization, will include workshops, presentations and forums dedicated to sharing skills and understanding in the treatment of all addictive disorders, including alcohol and other drugs, behavioral addictions, and the emerging field of online compulsive behavior in both adults and children.
A priority aim of this Conference will also be to deepen our understanding around the interrelationship of addictive disorders between each other, as well as with mental health, Addiction Psychiatry, family, community, and culture.
The Conference promotes and encourages participation from all parts of the sector towards a shared appreciation of what medical, psychosocial and peer based approaches can offer, through the experiences of service users, clinicians, and researchers alike.
I am very happy and delighted to participate at this event and anticipate interesting discussion with my colleagues at Chicago in Dual Diagnosis Conference.
Once again I am delighted to invite you to support us in this conference.
Date: July 18-19, 2016
Chicago, USA
With Regards
Norman S. Miller M.D., J.D., PLLC
Director of Addiction Medicine
Michigan State University, USA
5th World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics

Dear Delegates
As Mayor of London I am delighted to welcome you to the 5th World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics which is taking place in London from 14-16 March 2016, organised by ConferenceSeries.
Neurological disorders including dementia will undoubtedly be one of the most significant challenges in the 21st century and I am pleased that we are hosting such a gathering of eminent experts from London and across the globe at this important event. London has a long and proud history of scientific and medical research and the conference will give you an excellent opportunity to network with London’s world class leaders in this field.
While you are here I would also recommend you take in some of London’s rich and varied cultural attractions — galleries, museums, music and theatre.
I hope that the Conference is a fantastic success and would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest good wishes to all connected with the 5th World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics.
Date: March 14-16, 2016
London, UK
Boris Johnson
Mayor of London
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Neurology & Therapeutics

The organizing committee of Neuro-2015 is delighted to invite you to the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Neurology & Therapeutics” that will be held in Rome, Italy on the 27-29th of July 2015.
Neurology 2015 will feature, an exciting scientific program focused on Novel Therapies in Neurosciences and Neurological disorders, with latest developments in early and late stage drug development. The conference will include plenary lectures, symposia, workshops and poster sessions reflecting the state-of-the art research in Neurosciences and clinical practice in major neurological indications.Distinguished specialists from around the world will present their newest research findings and latest achievements in their area of expertise. A dedicated interactiveyoung Neurologists forum will allow for continuous education of young scholars which will further support their clinical development. Novel therapeutics, diagnostics and case studies in variety of neurological disorders will be presented at the plenary session. Neuroimaging and Neurorehabilitation Workshops will provide the meeting with updates in these respective fields.
You will have a unique occasion to meet with colleagues not only in your area of specialty but interact with colleagues from around the world with interest in basic sciences, as well as, a passion for clinical practice and research. This is a unique opportunity to share and exchange with counterparts from different specialties the advancements in your field.
There are at least 4 reasons why you should attend thismeeting: 1.The opportunity to share with others the content of your latest research 2. Hear and learn from others the newest advancements in their own specialty 3. Meet and expand relations with scholars form around the world. 4. The chance to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
The eternal city of Rome, with its fabulous most visited sites like the coliseum, the Trevi fountain and the Sistine chapel, just to name a few, will make your stay an even more enjoyable one.
We look very much forward to meeting you in Rome and wish you all a stimulatingandsuccessful meeting,
Date: July 27-29, 2015 Rome
Marie Trad, M.D
Executive Medical Director
Medical and scientific Drug Development Lead
Neuroscience, Quintiles, France
International Conference on Neuro-Oncology

As a member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Neuro-oncology (July 21-23,2016) at Brisbane, Australia, I am honored to welcome you to this important event.
Neuro-oncology is a very complex field, where multi-disciplinarity is the leading word and it represents the only way to effectively tackle important and still unmet medical needs, such as treatment of brain tumors and management of treatment-related side effects. Innovative treatments, advances in neuro-imaging, improvement in the knowledge of cancer biology, palliative care and preclinical models will be among the main topics of the congress.
My field of research is focused on the side effect of chemotherapy on the peripheral nervous system, a small aspect of neuro-oncology. However, as a neurologist I am well aware of the relevance of the problems more broadly related to the diagnosis and care of brain tumor patients, and of the need of an intensive collaboration with neurosurgeons, radiotherapist, oncologist as well as other healthcare providers in order to optimize our efforts and to maximize their results.
This meeting is intended to allow you, irrespective to your personal expertise, to share opinions and to contact expert in all the multiple aspects of modern neuro-oncology. To this aim several tracks have been identified and the meeting program will be designed in order to facilitate contacts with the several opinion leaders who will guarantee the highest possible scientific level to each session or workshop.
I do really hope you will join us in Brisbane to bring us your knowledge and to learn more on the most up-to-date aspects of the different facets of Neuro-oncology.
Date: July 21-23, 2016
Brisbane, Australia
With best regards
Guido Cavaletti
President, Italian Peripheral Nerve Society
International conference on Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder

As a Member of the Organizing Committee, I wish to extend a warm welcome to the International Conference on Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders at Frankfurt, Germany, August 11-13, 2015.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to this important event.
Even though a new era in the history of Parkinson’s disease started with the discovery of the role of dopamine, the introduction of levodopa and an arsenal of dopamine-supporting drugs more than half a century ago, leading to a dramatic improvement in the patients’ quality of life and longevity, the situation for a Parkinson patient is still far from satisfactory, and the need for further research in this disorder is urgent. Especially, after a varying number of years the presently available drugs start to loose much of their efficiency, with disturbing side effects more and more taking over the scene.
In recent years neuroscience has made impressive advances. Among other things, the mechanisms underlying the successive failure of levodopa therapy have been elucidated. Owing to the short half-life of the drug, the rather dramatic fluctuations in the dopamine levels following each oral dose will gradually derange some basic regulatory mechanisms in the brain. This relatively new insight has sparked some successful efforts to stabilize the exposure to dopamine in various ways, for example by continuous infusion of levodopa via duodenum or parentally. We have good reasons to hope that this new approach will lead to substantial improvements of Parkinson treatment in the not too distant future.
Even though the etiology of Parkinson’s disease remains elusive, some fascinating work on both nature and nurture is underway regarding this and many other movement disorders. Thus our research field is taking new exciting strives, and we have every reason for looking forward to this Conference with great expectations., and I wish to welcome all researchers from the fields of basic neuroscience, neurology, and neurosurgery to contribute with your valuable expertise, and to stimulate interdisciplinary endeavor.
Date: August 11-13, 2015
Frankfurt, Germany
Warm wishes,
Arvid Carlsson
Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine for 2000.