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Freshwater Ecosystem

OMICS International has published 136 Open Access Articles, 138 Conferences Proceedings, 72 sysmposiums  and 4 Upcoming Conferences related to Freshwater biology.

Freshwater biology is the scientific biological study of freshwater ecosystems and is a branch of limnology. It seeks to understand the relationships between living organisms in freshwater and their physical and chemical environment.Relating to or living in or consisting of water that is not salty; freshwater fish; freshwater lakes. Water that possesses little dissolved minerals such as salt and is defined as fresh water as opposed to salt water found in the oceans. Freshwater environments are created by precipitation and its run off from high altitudes towards the coasts a river or a trough in the landscape in which freshwater collects a lake.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global events Every Year across USA, Europe and Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide

Scope and Importance:

Many of the world’s natural fisheries have been decimated in Freshwater biology. To meet future seafood demands, aquaculture must continue to grow. However, aquatic resources are limited, and aquaculture development must address the serious concerns of resource allocation, environmental impact, and sustainability. Current aquaculture activities in the United States vary by region. Although the North Central Region (NCR) is rich in freshwater resources, Freshwater biology, traditional aquaculture activities (both public and private) have been principally driven toward satisfying the demands for recreational fishing and tourism. Other regions of the United States have specialized in the production of fish and seafood for human food markets (e.g., catfish in the south and salmonids in Idaho). The importance of various species differs from state to state within the region. Cold-water trout production occurs in states with adequate supplies of cold surface water or abundant groundwater. Catfish are most important in the southern portions of the region, including Missouri and Illinois, where the growing season is slightly longer. Other alternative food species sales (including walleye, yellow perch, hybrid striped bass, and tilapia) are becoming significant in a majority of the states in the region.

Market Analysis:

In USA, Freshwater biology or the farming of aquatic organisms continues to expand and intensify, provisions for waste management become very important issues for both producers and environmental regulatory officials. There are a number of types of aquaculture and their environmental impacts are highly varied. For example intensive culture of finfish in tanks or netpens requires the addition of prepared feeds, with attendant waste management problems, but in Europe culture of filter feeding bivalve mollusks or seaweeds may actually cleanse or remove nutrients from effluent waters. A proper waste management plan is needed to maintain the legality, profitability and environmental soundness of any aquaculture facility. Middle East Typical wastes from an aquaculture facility may include feces and nutrients from excretion by aquatic animals, as well as uneaten feeds and chemicals such as therapeutant and cleanser residues. Freshwater biology involves in a significant discharge of waste into lakes, rivers, estuaries or any other receiving waters it may cause adverse environmental impacts. In order to prevent these adverse impacts from occurring, regulations on discharges into receiving waters have been or are in the process of being established. In Asia most cases, aquaculture facilities are not given permits unless there is a waste management plan that meets applicable local, state and federal environmental regulations. The intent of this fact sheet is to: a) describe the waste effluents produced by aquaculture facilities, b) to serve as a guide for water quality regulators and aquaculturists interested in discharge permitting, and c) to provide information for using dilution models in freshwater and coastal water bodies.

List of Best International Conferences

4th Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference, Sept 29- Oct 1, 2016, London, UK
2nd Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference, July 11-13, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference on Food Preservation March 31-April 01, 2016, Atlanta, USA
Plant Science conference October 31-November 02, 2016, Baltimore, USA
8th Global Food Processing conference November 09-11, 2015, Dubai, UAE
7th Food and Beverages conference October 08-10, 2015 New Delhi, India
9th Food and Beverages conference July 11-13, 2016, Cologne, Germany
2nd Conference on Food Safety And Regulatory Measures
June 06-08, 2016, London, UK
5th Agriculture Conference, June 27-29, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa
Food Microbiology Conference August 08-10, 2016, Birmingham, UK
5th Probiotics, Functional And Baby Foods Conference
September 26-28, 2016, Miami, USA
12th Food Technology Conference, October 24-26, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
3rd Oceanography Conference, July 18-20, 2016, Brisbane, Australia
Aquaculture 2016, Las Vegas, USA
Aquaculture Europe2016 , Edinburgh, UK
World Aquaculture 2016 , Surabaya, Indonesia
ICFAEST 2016 : 18th International Conference on Fisheries, Aquaculture Economics and Seafood Trade , Prague, Czech Republic
Aquaculture UK 2016, Scotland, UK
VIV MEA 2016, Abu Dhabi, Dubai
Seafood Expo North America 2016, Boston, USA
5th Global Feed and Food Congress (GFFC), Antalya, Turkey
ILDEX Vietnam Aquaculture Conference 2016, Ho chi Minh, Vietnam
Middle East Aquaculture Forum 2016, Izmir, Turkey
The 2nd Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference (FAC 2016), Xian, China
2nd International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Immunology, Maine, USA
International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture 2016, Sabah, Malaysia
Second International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Aquaculture 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka
EcoSummit 2016, Montpellier, France
ASEAN FishExpo2016, Bangkok, Thailand
AquaVision 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
2016 NCR/WAA Aquaculture Conference, Wisconsin, USA

Relevant Societies/Associations:

1. Acquacoltura, Europe
2. American Fisheries Society, USA
3. Asian Fisheries Society, Singapore
4. American Tilapia Association, USA
5. Aqua Biotechnology, USA
6. Aquaculture Association of Canada, Canada
7. Aquaculture Development Program, UK
8. Aquaculture Engineering Society, China
9. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, USA
10. California Aquaculture Association, USA
11. Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, Canada
12. Canarian Association of Fish Farmers, Canada
13. China Society of Fisheries, China
14. Dutch Aquaculture Society, Netherlands
15. European Aquaculture Society, Spain
16. European Association of Fish Pathologists, Spain
17. Food and Agriculture Organisation - Fisheries, Italy
18. Federation of European Aquaculture Producers, Turkey
19. Global Aquaculture Alliance, USA
20. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Thailand

Relevant Companies:

2. Americulture Inc, USA
3. Atlantis Aquacultura, USA
4. Aqua Bounty Farms, USA
5. Aquaculture Supply, USA
6. Aqualider, Brazil
7. Aquasafra, Inc, USA
8. Aquaseed, USA
9. Aquavet, Spain
10. Arvo-Kala, USA
11. ASICo (Aquatic Stock Improvement Co., LLC), USA
12. Bluewater Aquaculture, Canada
13. Ceatech, USA
14. El Rosario S.A, france
15. GenoMar, Germany
16. Gramacan, Spain
17. GrupoGranjas Marinas S.A., Greece
18. High Health Aquaculture Inc.
19. Inland Seafarm (Reed Mariculture Inc.), Indonesia 20. Island Scallops, Canada


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This page was last updated on January 30, 2025

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