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As per available reports about 7
A <http: neurorehabilitation.conferenceseries.com="" "=""> Social Problem Social Problem (also called a social issue or a social illness) is a social condition or a pattern of behaviour that harms some individuals or all people in a society and that a sufficient number of people believe warrants public concern and collective action to bring about change. Social Problem is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual's control and local geographical environment.
OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.
Scope and Importance:
Social Problem Conferences identify the elements of social structure and culture. Social Problem Conferences describe the major research strategies used in social problems. It communicate how legislative, judicial, and administrative systems respond to social problems. Social Problem Conferences critically analyze the assumptions on which social problems rests and solutions created by society.
Market Analysis:
Dubai’s population stood at approximately 1.3 million residents in 2006, of which 99% are concentrated in the city. Dubai in 2010 for the top 10 medical disorders based on the incidence of these disorders and ALOS in the benchmarked countries, According to the World Health Organization, in 2004 total expenditures on health care constituted 2.9 % of gross domestic product (GDP), and the per capita expenditure for health care was US$497. The Dubai health sector has experienced the growth in demand for healthcare with 18.6% increases in outpatient visits and 17.8% in patients between 2011 and 2012. The private health sector accounted for 75.8% of the total outpatient visits and 61.3% of the total inpatients in 2012.
The National Symposium and workshop’s offers a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues from many countries who share the same goals. Symposium covers a rich and diverse range of research topics. Workshop sessions will bring researchers from across the globe together to discuss Social Problem of common interest. National Symposium and workshop’s provides a platform to establish relationships with new colleagues and discuss innovative ideas and solutions and take initiatives to forge better solutions to reduce future risks and threats of climate change and social issues. Around 8 National Symposiums and Workshops are going to be held across the globe which includes International symposium on “Towards a Desirable Future for India in an Increasingly Globalised Society”, “Scale Scope: Social Impact Design Symposium and Workshop”, “The Center for Social Entrepreneurship’s 3rd annual Symposium, Social Entrepreneurship: The Future of Education” and many more.
Relevant Associations and Societies
1. The International Sociological Association (ISA)
2. The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
3. Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP)
4. American Sociological Association (ASA)
5. Canadian Council on Social Development
6. Asian Association of Social Psychology
7. European Association of Social Psychology
8. European Association of Social Anthropologists
9. Social Justice Organizations
10. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
List of Best International Conferences
1. International Conference on Climate Change & Social Issues
2. The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Convention “Social Justice: Research, Action, & Policy”
3. International Conference on Climate Change and Social Issues Conference
4. Biennial Conference on Social Action and Change-Opportunities, Resistance, Inertia and Mobilization
5. ACOSS National Conference “Global problems, local solutions: Tackling inequality in Australia and beyond”
6. Society for the Study of Social Problems(SSSP)"Fifty Years Later: From a War on Poverty to a War on the Poor"
7. Conference on “Education and the State of our Future: Critical issues facing our children”
8. Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting
9. Global Philanthropy Forum Conference “Global Goals Citizen Solutions”
10. National Seminar on Social Work Practice: Concerns and Challenges for the 21st Century
11. Social Policy Association Conference
12. <http: neurorehabilitation.conferenceseries.com="" "=""> Neuro Rehabilitation
Companies Associated with Social Problem
1. MHC International Ltd (MHCI)
2. CSR Finance Institute (CSRFI)
3. Global Issues Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All
4. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
5. Welsh Government
6. The Health and Social Care Act 2008
7. Department of Health-Fairer Charging Policies for Home Care and other non-residential Social Services
8. Green Facts-Facts on Health and the Environment
9. Social Security-Official Social Security Website
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025