International Conferences

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Advanced Manufacturing

As per available reports about 05 relevant journals, 06 Conferences, 05 Workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Auditing and about 24 articles are being published on  Advanced manufacturing.

International standards are standards developed by international standards organizations. International standards are available for consideration and use worldwide. One prominent organization is the OMICS International Organization for Standardization. International standards may be used either by direct application or by a process of modifying an international standard to suit local conditions.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies  and Publishes 700+  Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Advanced manufacturing is the use of innovative technology to improve products or processes. One of the most widely used definitions of advanced manufacturing involves the use of technology to improve products and/or processes, with the relevant technology being described as “advanced,” “innovative,” or “cutting edge.” For example, one organization defines advanced manufacturing as industries that “increasingly integrate new innovative technologies in both products and processes. The rate of technology adoption and the ability to use that technology to remain competitive and add value define the advanced manufacturing sector.”

“Advanced manufacturing centers upon improving the performance of US industry through the innovative application of technologies, processes and methods to product design and production

Finally, a recent survey of advanced manufacturing definitions by the White House and states: “A concise definition of advanced manufacturing offered by some is manufacturing that entails rapid transfer of science and technology (S&T) into manufacturing products and processes.”

Process Technologies:


The manufacturing process technologies described in definitions of advanced manufacturing include:

Computer technologies (e.g., CAD, CAE, CAM) (Paul Fowler, NACFAM; UK Manufacturing Advisory Service Southeast; C.B. Adams, St. Louis, OECD)

• High Performance Computing (HPC) for modeling, simulation and analysis (Council on Competitiveness)

High Precision technologies (Paul Fowler, NACFAM)

• Information technologies (Paul Fowler, NACFAM)

• Advanced robotics and other intelligent production systems (US Department of Labor, ETA; C.B. Adams, St. Louis)

• Automation (UK Manufacturing Advisory Service Southeast; C.B. Adams, St. Louis)

• Control systems to monitor processes (UK Manufacturing Advisory Service Southeast)

• Sustainable and green processes and technologies (US Department of Labor)

• New industrial platform technologies (e.g., composite materials) (UK Manufacturing Advisory Service Southeast)

• Ability to custom manufacture (PCAST; Paul Fowler, NACFAM; Grow Oklahoma Campaign)

• Ability to manufacture high or low volume (scalability) (PCAST; Paul Fowler, NACFAM; Grow Oklahoma Campaign)

• High rate of manufacturing

List of Best International Conferences:

International Conference and Expo on Biopharmaceutics, September 21-22,  Baltimore 2015

9th World Drug Delivery Summit June 30-July 02, 2016 New Orleans, USA

Asia Pacific Drug Formulation & Bioavailability Congress June 06-08, 2016 Beijing, China  

2nd International Conference and Expo on Parenterals & Injectables October 24-26, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey

2nd International Conference and Expo on Drug Discovery & Designing October 24-26, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey

Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Society
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Advanced Manufacturing Science Researchcenter
Manufacturing Innovation Learning Laboratory

Associations :

National Council For Advanced Manufacturing
Association for Manufacturing Technology
National Association of Manufacturers.

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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