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Recommended Conferences for Ceramic Composites

Ceramic Composites

As per available reports about 5 Journals, 6 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to ceramic capacitors and about 142 articles are being published on Ceramic Composites.

Ceramic composites had substantial interest in recent years in fabricating ceramic composites. While there is considerable interest in composites with one or more non-ceramic constituents, the greatest attention is on composites in which all constituents are ceramic. These typically comprise two ceramic constituents: a continuous matrix and a dispersed phase of ceramic particles, whiskers, or short (chopped) or continuous ceramic fibres. The challenge, as in wet chemical processing, is to obtain a uniform or homogeneous distribution of the dispersed particle or fiber phase.

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Scope and Importance

The research and development on fabric reinforced ceramic matrix composites has gained significant importance in the last decades with the aim to use ceramics for high temperature structural applications. Various traditional as well as advanced techniques are being used to develop these composite materials. Among these techniques, preceramics polymer and organometallic routes have several processing advantages over the traditional melt infiltration, powder metallurgy and CVD routes. However, the processing of these matrix precursors and the science of pyrolysis of these preceramics polymers through sol-gel route as well as their composites need to be studied in detail. The research work carried out on formation of their characterization of ceramics as matrices and using their matrices for fabrication of composites and finally their properties are compiled in the thesis is an attempt in this direction.

In processing particulate composites, the issue is not only homogeneity of the size and spatial distribution of the dispersed and matrix phases, but also control of the matrix grain size. However, there is some built-in self-control due to inhibition of matrix grain growth by the dispersed phase. Particulate composites, though generally offer increased resistance to damage, failure, or both, are still quite sensitive to in homogeneities of composition as well as other processing defects such as pores. Thus they need good processing to be effective.

From the technological standpoint, a particularly desirable approach to fabricating particulate composites is to coat the matrix or its precursor onto fine particles of the dispersed phase with good control of the starting dispersed particle size and the resultant matrix coating thickness. One should in principle be able to achieve the ultimate in homogeneity of distribution and thereby optimize composite performance. This can also have other ramifications, such as allowing more useful composite performance to be achieved in a body having porosity, which might be desired for other factors, such as limiting thermal conductivity.

Besides many process improvements, the first of two major needs for fiber composites is lower fiber costs. The second major need is fiber compositions or coatings, or composite processing, to reduce degradation that results from high-temperature composite exposure under oxidizing conditions.

Market Analysis:

The global ceramic matrix composites market has grown significantly during the last few years. It is expected to grow rapidly in the next five years, mainly driven by the growing consumption in Asia-Pacific and North America.

North America is the largest consumer of ceramic matrix composites globally. The ceramic matrix composites market in North America is projected to grow with a CAGR of 14.15% between 2014 and 2019. The U.S., Mexico, and Canada are the leading markets for ceramic matrix composites in North America. The demand for ceramic matrix composites in these markets is fueled by growth in industries, such as automotive, aerospace, energy & power, and defense

This study estimates the global ceramic matrix composites market for 2013 and projects the expected demand of the same by 2019

International symposium and workshops

  1. S13-International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Composites for Sustainable Nuclear Energy and Fusion Energy
  2. Recent Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites - Structural Design, Fabrication, and Long-Term Use

List of Best International Conferences

1.5th Nanotechnology and Expo,
November 16-18, 2015 San Antonio, USA.

2.2nd Smart Materials & Structures,
February 29-March 02, 2016 Philadelphia, USA.

3.Biomaterials Conference
March 14-16, 2016 London, UK.

4.Polymer Science and Engineering Conference
June 23-24, 2016 New Orleans, USA.

5.2nd Ceramics and Composite Materials,
July 25-27, 2016 Berlin, Germany

6.4thMaterials Science & Engineering,
September 14-16, 2015 Florida, USA.

7.3rd Biopolymers and Bioplastics,
September 12-14, 2016 San Antonio, USA.

8.11th Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology,
September 26-28, 2016 London, UK.

9.Rheology Conference
Nov 10-12, 2016 Alicante, Spain.

10.Polymer Chemistry Conference
November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA.

11.5th Nanotechnology and Expo,
November 16-18, 2015 San Antonio, USA.

12.5th International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology,
December 13th, 2015, Langkawi, Malaysia.

13.Electric Field Assisted Sintering and Related Phenomena Far From Equilibrium,
March 6th, 2016, Tomar, Portugal.

14.Annual Conference & Expo on Biomaterials,
March 14th, 2016, London, United Kingdom.

15.International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Chemistry,
March 31st, 2016 Valencia, Spain

List of Societies and Associations

1.The American Ceramic Society

2.The British Composites Society

3.Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies

4.European Ceramic Society

5.Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials

List of Companies

1.3D Nanocomposites Inc.

2.Advanced Fiberglass Technologies Inc.

3.Aero jet Rocket dyne

4.Crawford Composites LLC

5.CTS Composites Inc.

6.LCOA Composites

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations