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Cryosurgery (cryotherapy) is the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or morbid tissue.The term comes from the Greek words cryo ("icy cold") and surgery which means "hand work" or "handiwork". operation has been traditionally used to treat a number of diseases and disorders, particularly a range of benign and malignant skin conditions.
Warts, moles, skin tags, star keratoses, Morton's tumour and tiny skin cancers are candidates for cryosurgical treatment many internal disorders also are treated with operation, as well as liver disease, prostatic adenocarcinoma, carcinoma, oral cancers, cervical disorders and, a lot of unremarkably within the past, hemorrhoids. Soft tissue conditions like region fasciitis (Jogger's heel) and fibroma (benign excrescence of connective tissue) may be treated with operation. Generally, all tumors that may be reached by the cryoprobes used throughout associate operation are treatable. Though found to be effective, this method of treatment is just appropriate to be used against localized disease, and solid tumors larger than one cm. Tiny, diffuse metastases that often coincide with cancers are usually not affected by cryotherapy.
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