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Recommended Conferences for Diesel


As per available reports about 5 relevant journals, 140 Conference proceedings,23 National symposiums and 1500 Open access articles are being published on fields related to Diesel.

 Diesel fuel in general is any liquid fuel used in diesel engines, whose fuel ignition takes place as a result of compression of the inlet air mixture (without spark) and then injection of fuel. Diesel engines have found broad use as a result of higher thermodynamic and thus fuel efficiencies. This is particularly noted where diesel engines are run at part-load; as their air supply is not throttled as in a petrol engine, their efficiency still remains high. Topics like Carnot engine, refrigeration, hydrocarbon number are of interest.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance

The most common type of diesel fuel is a specific fractional distillate of petroleum fuel oil, but alternatives that are not derived from petroleum, such as biodiesel, biomass to liquid (BTL) or gas to liquid (GTL) diesel, are increasingly being developed and adopted. To distinguish these types, petroleum-derived diesel is increasingly called petrodiesel. Ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) is a standard for defining diesel fuel with substantially lowered sulfur contents. As of 2006, almost all of the petroleum-based diesel fuel available in UK, Europe and North America is of a ULSD type. In the UK, diesel fuel for on-road use is commonly abbreviated DERV, standing for diesel-engined road vehicle, which carries a tax premium over equivalent fuel for non-road use (see Taxation).In Australia diesel fuel is also known as 'distillate'.

AADS was founded in the mid-1970s by a group of New South Wales diesel fuel injection specialists. They sat down together after a training school and decided that the industry should have an association to share common problems. It was also their vision that the people in the industry would get to know each other and work together for the benefit of the industry. Some of these individuals remain involved in the Association's activities to this day. The first AADS convention was held in Albury, New South Wales and a convention has been held every year since.

The objects of AADS are:

•To provide a meeting place where persons connected with any facet of the diesel industry throughout Australasia can discuss problems and matters of common interest, exchange experiences and technical knowledge and where new equipment, developments and technical advances can be presented and explained.

•To establish standards so that all members engaged in the precision overhaul of diesel fuel injection equipment, turbochargers and/or allied ancillary equipment operate with premises, personnel and test equipment of a standard that will ensure that all components serviced by them can be set in accord with the relevant manufacturer's specifications.

•To establish the association as the accreditation body for any persons engaged in the industry.

•To encourage members to employ the highest standards of workmanship and/or trade ethics for the benefit of the industry and the protection of its customers.

•To improve the image of the industry by encouraging co-operation and courtesy between all sectors of the membership especially those members engaged in the fields of parts supply, servicing and repairs. To stimulate further research and development of procedures, training, equipment and materials and to distribute the results to all association members.

Market analysis:

More than 70% of global diesel demand is used in transportation, with this expected to rise above 80% of total diesel demand by 2030 as transportation uses grow rapidly and non-transportation demand declines somewhat due to greater efficiency and fuel substitution. Transportation diesel demand is expected to grow around 7.5 MMB/D from 2013 to 2030, supported by the industrializing trends of the emerging markets. This global increase will actually be a combination of higher demand in emerging markets offset by decreases in the U.S. and Canada from natural gas substitution, as well as declines in Europe from greater efficiency, weak demand for vehicle travel, and some electrification of the vehicle fleet. In Europe, diesels make up more than half the light vehicle fleets in some countries, so diesel demand is much more closely linked with personal transportation than in the U.S., where it is primarily a commercial transportation fuel. Thus, trends reducing personal vehicle fuel demand in Europe, such as more stringent fuel efficiency standards and changing demographics, will have a large impact on diesel. One area of demand increase across all regions is vessel bunkers, which will grow with domestic and international trade. The composition will change from high sulfur fuel oil more towards low sulfur fuel oil and gasoil/diesel in line with tightening sulfur regulations, first with the implementation of Emission Control Areas (ECAs) within 200 miles of the U.S., Canadian, and Northern European coasts and, after 2020, with a global limit of 0.5% sulfur in bunker fuels. Low natural gas prices in the U.S. and Canada will give an extra incentive, on top of sulfur regulations, to substitute LNG for oil in bunker use (mostly for LNG tankers and for vessels that travel mostly within ECAs). But overall the impact will be to increase diesel demand within shipping.

List of best conferences:

 Biofuels & Bioenergy,Conference
  August 25-27, 2015 Valencia, Spain

  Green Energy & Expo
  September 21-23, 2015 Orlando, FL, USA

  Biodiesel Congress & Expo
  December 8-10, 2016 San Antonio, USA

  Oil and Gas Conference  
  November 16-18, 2015 Dubai, UAE

  Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference,
  November 30-December 02, 2015 Atlanta, USA

  Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Conference
  September 14-15, 2015 Baltimore, USA

  Biomass Conference
  August 01-03, 2016 Birmingham,

  Modern Depositional Systems as Analogues for Petroleum Reservoirs
  21-23 April 2016, Wellington, New Zealand

  Basic Petroleum Geology for the Non-Geologist
  December 2-4, 2016, Houston, Texas, USA.

  8th Petroleum Geology of Northwest Conference 2016
  September 28-30, 2016, London

Relative  Associations:
• Malaysian Petrochemicals Association (MPA)
• Japan Petrochemical Industry Association
• Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
• Association of Energy Service Companies (AESC)
•AAPL - American Association of Professional Landmen
• International Association of Drilling Contractors

Relative Companies
•Suncor Energy

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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