International Conferences

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International regulatory standards

As per available reports about 05 relevant journals, 06 Conferences, 05 Workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to Auditing and about 24 articles are being published on  International regulatory standards.

International standards are standards developed by international standards organizations. International standards are available for consideration and use worldwide. One prominent organization is the OMICS International Organization for Standardization. International standards may be used either by direct application or by a process of modifying an international standard to suit local conditions.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies  and Publishes 700+  Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

The adoption of international standards results in the creation of equivalent, national standards that are substantially the same as international standards in technical content, but may have

(i)                 Editorial differences as to appearance, use of symbols and measurement units, substitution of a point for a comma as the decimal marker.


(ii)               Differences resulting from conflicts in governmental regulations or industry-specific requirements caused by fundamental climatic, geographical, technological, or infrastructural factors, or the stringency of safety requirements that a given standard authority considers appropriate.

International standards are one way of overcoming technical barriers in international commerce caused by differences among technical regulations and standards developed independently and separately by each nation, national standards organization, or company.

 Technical barriers arise when different groups come together, each with a large user base, doing some well-established thing that between them is mutually incompatible. Establishing international standards is one way of preventing or overcoming this problem.

List of Best International Conferences:

International Conference and Expo on Biopharmaceutics, September 21-22,  Baltimore 2015.

• 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
• International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures (Food Safety-2015)
• XIII International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy
• 3rd Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy

Societies and Associations on oral products:

• International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)

• International Chili Society

• IDRL Guidelines - International Federation of Red Cross ...

• Regulations, Codes and Standards - Society of the Plastics ...

• International Federation of Ophthalmological Societies ...

• International Society for Neurofeedback and Research | ISNR

• Amusement Ride Safety Regulations and Standards – IAAPA

Symposiums on International regulatory standards:

• International Symposium on Fan Efficiency Regulation

• SAE 2015 On-Board Diagnostics Symposium - Europe ..

. • Symposium on New Approaches to International RegulatoryCooperation

• 6th International Symposium on Release of Radioactive Materials from Regulatory Requirements

• 2014 International Nurse Regulator Collaborative Symposium

• Symposium on Changing Regulations and Standards for Medical Device Software and Health Information Systems

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations