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LC-MS analysis

Liquid chromatography- Mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is an analytical technique that combines the physical departure potentiality of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis abilities of mass spectrometry. This technique has very high sensitivity and selectivity. The main application is oriented towards the detection and prospective identification of chemicals in the complex mixture. Preparative LC-MS system is applicable for rapid and mass directed distillation of natural-products extracts.

Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis is a precious tool for the categorization of semi- and non-volatile compounds. In mass spectroscopy analysis, the ion trap system is used to distinguish unknown components or impurities. The system also has a UV detector, permitting for a simultaneous assortment of both MS and UV data to examine for all possible components.

OMICS Group International Conferences are known for their pioneering and thought provoking discussions where sessions, poster presentations, EB meetings, Scientific Partnering, workshops, symposium, exhibitions, sponsorships and trade show form part of it.
• 500 peer-reviewed Open Access journals
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American Society for Mass Spectrometry
International Mass Spectrometry Society
Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry (ISMAS)
British Mass Spectrometry Society
Accelerating Clinical Mass Spectrometry
Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry
The South African Association for Mass Spectrometry

Berliner LC/MS/MS Symposium
20th International Mass Spectroscopy Conference
Clinical Applications of Mass Spectrometry

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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