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Recommended Conferences for Laparoscopic gastric banding

Laparoscopic gastric banding

Laparoscopic gastric banding is surgery performed for weight loss. In this procedure a band is placed around the upper part of the stomach which leaves a small pouch for holding the food. The band decreases the amount of food you eat by making you feel full after eating small amounts of food.
Laparoscopic gastric banding is used to treat severe obesity, which is intern related to type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and arthritis. It is performed for people who have tried other weight loss plans without long term results. By the weight reduction process through gastric banding one can get rid of the obesity related problems like high cholesterol, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and diseases of the heart and lungs. Laparoscopic gastric banding may help one to live longer if he didn’t get change in other weight loss procedures. After surgery, the band can be adjusted to make food pass slower or faster through your stomach. Patient will be given general anesthesia before surgery. The surgery is performed by using a tiny camera that is placed in belly. This type of surgery is called laparoscopy. The camera is known as laparoscope. It allows the surgeon to see inside your belly. In this surgery the surgeon will make 1 - 5 small surgical sutures in abdomen. Through these small sutures, the surgeon will place a camera and the instruments needed to perform the surgery. The surgeon lays a band around the upper part of the stomach which separates it from the lower part. This creates a small pouch which is having a narrow opening that goes to lower part of your stomach. The surgery does not involve any cutting or stapling inside the patient’s belly. The surgery may take only 30 - 60 minutes if the surgeon has done a lot of these procedures. When patient eat after having this surgery, the small pouch will fill up faster and feels full after eating just a little amount of food. The food in the small upper pouch will slowly empty into the main part of stomach. Weight-loss surgery may increase your risk for gallstones. It is suggested to remove gall bladder before surgery. Gastric banding procedures have some risks. The performed Gastric band erodes through the stomach .In such cases it is suggested to remove that. Gastric band may slip out of place which is risky. Gastric banding may lead to stomach ulcers, Gastritis, Infection in the port, Injury to your stomach and intestines. It could lead to poor nutrition to the body, Scarring inside the belly. Sometimes the tubing near the access port can be punctured during needle access, and Vomiting from eating more than your stomach can withheld.
For the first 2 weeks, the stomach can only handle small amounts of liquids. Some people feel full after just a few sips of water or other liquid. Other people may not feel larger differences. It is needed to try to sip water throughout the day for not to be getting dehydrated. The patient may notice bowel movements are not regular after the surgery. The resulted weight loss can be 40 - 60% of one's excess weight which will be achieved in two years of time. Actually, most of the patients may be unable to tolerate food like pasta, rice, and fresh bread.
ConferenceSeries is conducting a conference Global Summit & Medicare Expo on Surgical Weight Loss during July 20-22, 2015 at Brisbane, Australia. The theme of the conference is based on “Scientific perspectives for better fitness and to pioneer innovations in Surgical Obesity treatment”.
ConferenceSeries was founded in the year 2007 with the point of making the research on Sciences and engineering Open Access. ConferenceSeries likewise composes 300 International events every year around the globe, where exchange of researches and ideas happens through level headed discussions, round table discourses, publication presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions. OMICS International sorts out Science Congress, World Summits, and International science meetings in USA, Australia, India, Dubai, and Europe. ConferenceSeries Journals energizes unique and good research articles for publication. All the articles sorted for publications are subjected to a peer review. After consolidating the progressions the articles are given to publication. Once sanction for publication, these articles stay chronicled for all time in their separate archives. ConferenceSeries Journals will follow tracking system where the authors can track its status now and again.

ASBP-Obesity Medicine 2015: Recognizing Obesity as a Disease
ASBP-4th Canadian Obesity Summit
ASBP-Overcoming Obesity 2015: Diagnose. Personalize. Treat.
ASBP-Obesity Medicine 2016: Recognizing Obesity as a Disease
ASBP-XIII International Conference on Obesity
2015 Obesity Treatment and Prevention Conference
Texas Association for Bariatric Surgery 2015 Annual Physician Conference
Obesity Medicine 2015: Recognizing Obesity as a Disease
15th Annual Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium MISS
Overcoming Obesity 2015: Diagnose. Personalize. Treat

The International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
Obesity Surgery Society of Australia & New Zealand
American Society of Bariatric Physicians
British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society
Texas Association for Bariatric Surgery - Home
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
American Board of Obesity Medicine
The Obesity Society
Weight Management Council Australia Ltd
Obesity Action Coalition
Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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