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Recommended Conferences for Low carbon steel

Low carbon steel

As per available reports about 15 Open Access Articles, 21 Conferences, 22 Journals and  18 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Diversity contents. 

Carbon steel which is also known as plain carbon steel is an alloy which is manufactured using the combination of iron and carbon. Carbon steel is also the term used to refer steel which is not stainless steel. Carbon steel also contains other metals in extremely small quantities. Other alloying metal used in the manufacturing of carbon steel includes manganese, copper and silicon. The proportion of carbon is increased in the steel in order to increase the physical properties of the product. High carbon content in the metal increases the hardness as well as strength of the product. However, increased proportion of carbon reduces the ductility of the product making it extremely difficult to weld. High carbon content usually lowers the steel’s melting point and also its temperature resistance.  The carbon content in the steel varies from 0.1 to 1.5%. However, there are steels that contain above 2% of carbon content but they are rarely used and have extremely specific applications. Carbon steels are mainly classified as low carbon steel, medium carbon steel and high carbon steel depending on the carbon content in the steel alloy. Carbon steel is one of the most widely used steel alloys. Low carbon steel or mild steel is the most common form of carbon steel used owing to its easy availability and cheap price. 

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe and Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members.The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

Steel is essential to the modern world, and its use is critical in enabling man to move towards a sustainable future. Whether in lighter, more efficient vehicles or renewable energy generation, steel is a fundamental part of a greener world. Steel is also necessary for new, highly efficient power stations and the construction of smart electrical grids, transport infrastructure development, energy-efficient residential housing and commercial buildings. More than 1.6 billion tonnes of steel are manufactured and used every year. Currently, 47% of steel is produced and used in mainland China. There will be continuing growth in the volume of steel produced, particularly in developing areas such as Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Indian sub-continent, where steel will be vital in raising the welfare of developing societies. In these regions, more than 60% of steel consumption will be used to create new infrastructure. This continued growth prevents the demand for steel being met by means of recycling of end-of-life steel products alone, hence making it necessary to continue converting virgin iron ore into steel. Continuing to fulfil a positive role in our sustainable future comes with some major challenges.

Market Analysis:

Asia Pacific is the largest manufacturer of carbon steel. Presence of many carbon steel manufacturers in China is expected to boost the overall demand for carbon steel market. Asia Pacific is also the largest consumer of carbon steel. The increase in urbanization coupled with the growing economies in the region is expected to augment the overall demand for carbon steel in the region. Asia Pacific is followed by Europe in terms of consumption of carbon steel. Presence of many automobile manufacturers in the region is expected to boost the demand for carbon steel in the region. The demand for carbon steel is expected to grow rapidly owing to the high demand for the steel alloy in the railway and ship industry. 

List of Conferences on Low Carbon Steel:

  • Smart Materials Conference
     February 29-March 02 2016 Philadelphia, USA
  • Materials Chemistry Conference
     March 31-April 01 2016, Valencia, Spain
  • Chemistry Conference
     June 16-18, 2016, Rome, Italy
  • Materials Science Conference
     September 01-03 2016 Atlanta, USA
  • Structures Conference
     February 29-March 02 2016, Philadelphia, USA
  • Polymer Chemistry Conference 
     November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA
  • Applied Chemistry Conference
     Oct 27-29, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Global Iron ore and Steel Forecast Conference 2016, March 2016, Perth

  • 19th Middle East Iron & Steel Conference, December 2015, Dubai

  • AISTECH 2016, May 2016, USA

  • Americas Iron Ore Conference, November 2016, Rio de Janeir

  •  Dry Cargo Conference & Exhibition 2016, Netherlands

  • Mining Risk and Resilience Solution 2016, Canada

  • International Mining and Resources Conference IMARC 2016, Australia

  • Valuation of Mineral Projects Based on Technical and Financial Modeling 2016, Canada

List of major Associations and Societies around World:

  • American Iron and Steel Institute
  • Asociación Latinomericana del Acero
  • The Japan Iron and Steel Federation
  • World Steel Association
  • Steel Manufactures Association
  • AIST: Association for Iron and Steel Technology
  • ISSDA: Indian Stainless Steel Development Association

List of Companies:

  • Acciaierie Bertoli Safau
  • Acroni
  • Altos Hornos de México
  • ArcelorMittal
  • Arrium
  • BlueScope Steel
  • CELSA Steel Group
  • China Steel Corporation
  • Deutsche Edelstahlwerke
  • Emirates Steel
  • Essar Steel
  • Georgsmarienhütte Holding
  • Gerdau
  • Halyvourgiki
  • JFE Steel Corporation
  • Kobe Steel
  • Metalloinvest
  • NatSteel Holdings
  • Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corporation
  • Nisshin Steel Corporation
  • Nucor Corporation
  • Ovako
  • Pacific Steel NZ
  • Qatar Steel Company
  • Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
  • Ruukki
  • Saarstahl
  • Saudi Iron and Steel Company (Hadeed)
  • SSAB
  • Tata Steel Europe

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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