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Bipolar disorder is also called bipolar affective disorder or affective psychosis. It is a type of mental illness which is characterized by periods of elevated mood and depression. This type of elevated mood is significant and is called mania or hypomania depending on the severity. An individual feels or acts abnormally happy, felt very energetic or may feel irritation during mania. Patients often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences. Sleeping time is reduced in these types of cases. They may be cry, suffers from poor eye contact with others and have a negative outlook on life during periods of depression. It has been seen that the risk of suicide among those with the disorder is high at greater than 6% over 20 years.
On the other hand cases of self-harm occur in 30–40% during bipolar disorder. Scientists have also found that other mental health issues such as anxiety disorder and drug misuse are commonly associated. It is well known that bipolar disorder is a real medical illness which is not something we can cure with willpower. That is why taking bipolar disorder medication is just like taking medication for high blood pressure or heart disease. It has been seen that doctors use a number of different classes and brands of drugs to treat bipolar disorder. Lithium, using anticonvulsants, using antipsychotics as well as benzodiazepines are included in the treatment for bipolar mania. Most of the patients who have bipolar disorder keep taking these medications for years or decades after their last manic episode to stay healthy. The taking of medicine for a longer period of time is known as medication therapy of bipolar disorder. You might need other medications during a period of bipolar depression. However mood stabilizers are medicines that treat and prevent highs (manic or hypomanic episodes) and lows (depressive episodes). It has been seen that they also help to minimize the negative effects of mood states on functioning at work or school or in social situations.
However the FDA does not classify medicines as mood stabilizers. But doctors and patients more informally use that term to mean any medicine that has anti-manic or antidepressant properties and does not cause worsening of mood states over time. All the drugs does not have equal anti-manic and antidepressant effects. Many of them like lithium are more effective at treating manias than depressions. Many medicines like lamotrigine may be more useful for depressive than manic symptoms. It has been seen that the term "mood stabilizer" can sometimes be misleading because medicines we call "mood stabilizers" actually are not studied to treat day-to-day or moment-to-moment mood swings. Their primary use is in treating full episodes of mania/hypomania or depression that each lasts for several days or weeks at a time. As compared to other conferences, only few conferences are being organized on bipolar disorder throughout the globe. However there might be increment in conferences as more cases has been reported now a day.
OMICS Group one of the world leader in Open Access Publisher and leading Scientific event Organizer serving the scientific community through its world class Open Access Journals and International Scientific Conferences , meetings, workshops, national symposiums in the arena of Life Science, Engineering, Clinical, Medical and Management. OMICS Publishing group hosts 400 Open access journals with the support of 3000 eminent editorial board members, reviewers and 3.5 million readers. ConferenceSeries Conference hosting 400 International Conferences worldwide with the support of more than 1000 International collaboration with renowned societies. To encourage the young researchers OMICS International initiated the Young Scientist Award which is a unique achievement. OMICS International events are famous for its well organized scientific sessions, plenary lectures, poster competitions, B2B meetings and world class exhibitions. ConferenceSeries Journals are known for their high impact factor journals and a section of ConferenceSeries journals are indexed in the world renowned science database like Medline, PubMed Central, Obscure and Scopus. OMICS acquired as many as 40 reputed journals such as Oral Health and Dental Management and Molecular, genetic Medicine and others.
in the field of neurology ConferenceSeries organizing 3rd International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia . Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, is one of the biggest global public health challenges facing our generation. The aim of the conference is bringing together the professors, researchers, and students in all areas of Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia and to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices in our Medical meetings.
Conferencesrelated to Bipolar Medicine
1. 3rd Annual Conference Surfing Medicine
2. Emergencies in Medicine Vascular Emergencies Conference
3. 7th International Congress for Gender and Sex Specific Medicine
4. Update in Internal Medicine
5. Lung Summit
6. Stem cells in cancer and regenerative medicine
7. 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders
8. 10th International Conference on bipolar disorders (ICBD)
9. 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders
10. 1st Global Conference of Biological Psychiatry
Association/Society related to Bipolar Medicine:br />
1. Bipolar Disorders Society Conference | ISBD 2014
2. Anxiety and Depression Association Of America, USA
3. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, USA
4. American Psychological Association, USA
5. American Psychiatric Association, USA
6. Mental Health America, USA
7. Canadian Mental Health Association, Canada
8. Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder, Canada
9. Even Keel Support Association, Australia
10. Mood Disorders Society of Canada, Canada
11. Alzheimer's Society
Companies related to Bipolar Medicine:
1. Internet Mental Health
2. Mental health and Bipolar disorder Industry
3. Bipolar UK
4. Cigna
5. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc
6. National Alliance on Mental Illness
7. Novartis
8. Mental health foundation
9. Roslin Cells Ltd
10. Alkermesplc
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025