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Recommended Conferences for Multiferroic Materials

Multiferroic Materials

As per available reports 3 Conferences, 5 relevant Journals and 9 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Multi ferroic Materials and about 50 articles are being published on Multi ferroic Materials

Multi ferroic materials, also known as magneto electric or ferro electromagnetic materials, exhibit both a magnetization and dielectric polarization in a single phase. This can result in the magneto electric effect due to the coupling of the magnetic and dielectric ordering. The magneto electric effect is an induction of magnetization by an electric field or the induction of a dielectric polarization by a magnetic field. This effect has many proposed applications. These might include devices for wave modulators, novel memory devices, switches, optical diodes, spin-wave generators, amplifiers among others. Topics like Multifunctional,   Corrosion and Wear, Thin Film Deposition, Biological Evaluation of Bioceramic Materials shall be discussed.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance

The progress in electronic technology is directly coupled with the advances made in materials science. Within the broad class of materials available today, functional materials provide unique opportunity for developing novel components and devices as their physical and chemical properties are sensitive to changes occurring in the environment such as temperature, pressure, electric field, magnetic field, and so forth. To exemplify, ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials are presently utilized in a wide range of systems. A combination of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials provides a new class of functional materials, termed as magneto electrics. The magneto electric effect can be obtained through various other combinations and even in single-phase materials. The focus of this special issue is on fundamental understanding of the magneto electric (ME) multiferroic composites, their synthesis, and their application in some novel device architectures.

Market Analysis:

A ferroelectric crystal exhibits a stable and switchable electrical polarization that is manifested in the form of cooperative atomic displacements. A ferromagnetic crystal exhibits a stable and switchable magnetization that arises through the quantum mechanical phenomenon of exchange. There are very few 'multiferroic' materials that exhibit both of these properties, but the 'magnetoelectric' coupling of magnetic and electrical properties is a more general and widespread phenomenon. Although work in this area can be traced back to pioneering research in the 1950s and 1960s, there has been a recent resurgence of interest driven by long-term technological aspirations.

List of Best International Conferences:

1.2nd Ceramics and Composite Materials Conference

July 25-27, 2016, Berlin, Germany

2.Automobile Engineering Conference

September 01-02, 2015, Valencia, Spain

3.2nd Automation and Robotics Conference  

June 16-18, 2016, Philadelphia, USA

4.Conference on Influence of Manganese Doping

March 13-15,2015, pune, India

5. Conference on High-field study of multi ferroic BiFeO3  

July 1-3,2014, Spain

6. Multiferroic Materials Gordon Research Conference

August 7-12, 2016, USA.

Associations and Societies:

1.Dynamical systems in single-phase multi ferroic materials

2.Spin dynamics in the multi ferroic materials

3.Super lattice design realizes elusive multiferroic

4.ACS Multi ferroic Materials

Related Companies

1.Parc multiferroic

2.Npg multiferroic

3.Radiant Technologies Multiferroic

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations