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Recommended Conferences for New Clinical Trials

New Clinical Trials

As per available reports about New Clinical Pathology, OMICS International has 591 Open Access Articles, 1507 Conference Proceedings, 2 Press Releases,1 e-Books, 2 e-Book Chapters, 27 Journals, 3 Upcoming Conferences, 6 Previous Conferences, 867 Editors, 13 Editor PPTs, 824 Speakers.

Clinical trials are research studies that explore whether a medical strategy, treatment, or device is safe and effective for humans. These studies may also show that medical approaches work better for certain diseases or groups of people. Clinical trials produce the best available data for making health care decisions. The purpose of clinical trials is research, so that the studies follow strict scientific standards. These standards protect patients and help produce reliable study results. Clinical trials are one of the final stages of a process of long and careful research.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conferenceseries website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope & Importance:

Clinical trials are a type of research study to explore whether a medical treatment, drug, strategy or device is safe and effective for human use. The purpose of clinical trials is research, so the studies follow strict scientific standards. These standards protect patients and help produce reliable study results.

The process usually begins in a laboratory (lab), where scientists first develop and test new ideas. If an approach seems promising, the next step may involve animal testing. This shows how the approach affects a living body and if it is harmful. However, an approach that works well in the laboratory or animal does not always work well in people. Therefore, research in humans is necessary. For safety reasons, clinical trials start with small groups of patients to determine if a new approach causes no harm. In the final stages of clinical trials, researchers learn more about the risks and benefits of the new approach.

Market Analysis:
There are two types of clinical trials, therapeutic and non-therapeutic research. Therapeutic trials are enrolling patients and provide specific treatment for patients to study its impact on cancer. No therapeutic trials are those who provide treatment to patients, but study the important factors that help to advance the understanding of cancer and its impact. For example, some non-therapeutic studies collect tissue samples to examine the cellular structure of a cancer tumor. Other epidemiological studies tracking information, such as health effects of long-term chemotherapy. Nontherapeutic studies often lead to therapeutic.

In therapy trials there are three different phases which are used to evaluate new treatments. Each phase has a different purpose.
Phase I studies are the most basic of clinical trials. Here, drugs are tested to assess treatment dose, and how often the treatment can be administered (maximum tolerated dose, MTD). As it is not known whether treatment is effective against a particular disease, people with a variety of diseases are enrolled. Drugs are administered in gradually increasing doses until no (dose limited toxicity, DLT) unacceptable side effects.

The Phase II uses the results of the Phase I for MTD and DLT. Treatment is directed to the population of patients who responded more favorably in the Phase I, as it is believed to be promising for this particular group of patients.

Phase III studies are those that receive the majority of children when newly diagnosed. These studies test the standard treatment (current best) against promising alternatives that may increase cure rates and reduce side effects or late effects of treatment.

List of Best International Conferences:   

Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs Congress
      May 12-13, 2016 Chicago, USA
4th Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Congress 
      May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, USA
 2nd Retroviruses and Novel Drugs Conference 
       June 30-July 01, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
2nd Infectious Diseases Congress 
      August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
3rd Hepatitis and Liver Diseases Congress 
      October 17-19, 2016 Dubai, UAE
2nd Flu Conference 
      November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA
6th Euro Virology Congress 
      March 10-12 Madrid, Spain
Conference on Bio threats & Biodefense 
     October 17-19, 2016 Dubai, UAE
 5th Virology Congress
      December7-9, 2016 Atlanta, USA  
20th AIDS Conferences
      August 25-27, 2016 Texas, USA
15th European AIDS Conference 
     August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
Social Work and HIV/AIDS Conference 
      November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA

Associations and Societies related to Clinical Trials

Global Alliance for Rabies Control
Rabies – World Health Organization
North Carolina Animal Rabies Control Association
National Association OF Public Health Veterinarians
Humane Society Rabies
Atlanta Humane Society
Asheville Humane Society
Jacksonville Humane Society
Human Society of Utah
Michigan Humane Society

Companies related to Clinical Trials
Advanced ImmunoChemical, Inc
Bio-Logic Research and Development Corporation
Fuller Labs
Molecular Medicine, LLC
Pfizer Inc
Viral Therapeutics, Inc
Wyoming DNA Vaccine, LLC
Virusys Corporation
ViroStat, Inc

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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