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Psychological trauma could be a form of harm to the psyche that happens as results of a severely distressing event.
Trauma, which suggests "wound" in Greek, is commonly the results of an amazing quantity of stress that exceeds one's ability to cope or integrate the emotions committed that have. A traumatic event involves one expertise, or continuation events with the sense of being flooded that may be delayed by weeks, years, or perhaps decades because the person struggles to deal with the immediate circumstances, eventually resulting in serious, long-run negative consequences, typically unnoticed even by mental state professionals: "If clinicians fail to seem through a trauma lens and to gestate shopper issues as connected probably to current or past trauma, they'll fail to envision that trauma victims, young and recent, organize abundant of their lives around repetitive patterns of experience and warding off traumatic reminiscences, reminders, and affects."
Trauma will be caused by a large sort of events; however there square measure some common aspects. there's often a violation of the person's acquainted concepts regarding the planet and of their human rights, putt the person in an exceedingly state of maximum confusion and insecurity. This is often conjointly seen once establishments that square measure depended upon for survival, violate or betray or disillusion the person in some unforeseen manner.
Psychologically traumatic experiences typically involve physical trauma that threatens one's survival and sense of security. Typical causes and dangers of psychological trauma embrace harassment, embarrassment, sexual assault, employment discrimination, police brutality, bullying, force, instruction, being the victim of associate alcoholic parent, the threat of either, or the witnessing of either, notably in childhood, grievous medical conditions, medication-induced trauma. Harmful natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, war or alternative mass violence also can cause psychological trauma. Long-run exposure to things like extreme financial condition or milder sorts of abuse, like verbal abuse, exists severally of physical trauma however still generate psychological trauma.
Some theories recommend childhood trauma will increase one's risk for psychological disorders together with PTSD, depression, and misuse. Childhood adversity is related to heightened psychoneurosis scores throughout adulthood. Childhood abuse tends to possess the foremost complications with long-run effects out of all sorts of trauma as a result of it happens throughout the foremost sensitive and demanding stages of psychological development. It might conjointly cause violent behavior, probably as extreme as serial murder. As an example, Hickey's Trauma-Control Model suggests that "childhood trauma for serial murderers might function a triggering mechanism leading to a human inability to deal with the strain of sure events."
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International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD)
Footprints to Recovery
Art of Redirection Counseling
Trauma Center Association of America
NESTTD (New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation)
Pure Perceptions Limited
Psychological Health Interventions
Sankofa Psychological Services, LLC
Rehabilitation center for stress and trauma Zagreb
Parent and Child Psychological Services, PLLC
Surviving and Understanding Trauma, Liverpool, UK, November 12th, 2014
5th Global Conference: Trauma Theory and Practice, Lisbon, Portugal, 22nd March 2015
Trauma, Grief, Loss: The art of bereavement, UK, 15th May, 2015
Journey to Recovery: The International Conference of Attachment and Trauma Informed Practice, Melbourne, Australia, March 5th 2015
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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025