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Recommended Conferences for Refractories


As per available reports 7 Conference Proceedings, 5 relevant Journals and 3 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Refractories and about 20 articles are being published on Refractories

Refractories are heat-resistant materials that constitute the linings for high-temperature furnaces and reactors and other processing units. In addition to being resistant to thermal stress and other physical phenomena induced by heat, refractories must also withstand physical wear and corrosion by chemical agents. Refractories are more heat resistant than metals and are required for heating applications above 1000°F (538°C). Topics like Optical Materials, Materials Characterization, Energy Harvesting and Storage shall be discussed.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance

The Scope of refractory products, in final shape, resemble a typical construction brick. However, there are many different shapes and forms. Some refractory parts are small and may possess a complex and delicate geometry; others are massive and may weigh several tons in the form of precast or fusion cast blocks.Refractories are produced from natural and synthetic materials, usually nonmetallic, or combinations of compounds and minerals such as alumina, fireclays, bauxite, chromite, dolomite, magnesite, silicon carbide, zirconia, and others.In general, refractories are used to build structures subjected to high temperatures, ranging from the simple to sophisticated, e.g. fireplace brick linings to reentry heat shields for the space shuttle. In industry, they are used to line boilers and furnaces of all types--reactors, ladles, stills, kilns--and so forth.Depending upon the application, refractories must resist chemical attack; withstand molten metal and slag erosion, thermal shock, physical impact, catalytic heat and similar adverse conditions.

Market Analysis:

Refractories are non-metallic materials that have property to retain its structure even at high temperatures of above 1000 °F. Refractories are used in linings of furnaces, incinerators and reactors in many of the industries. Refractories find application in vessel lining construction of unshaped products, prefabricated elements and bricks in the industries. The key end-user industries for refractories include iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic minerals; and non-metallic materials such as glass. Multiple refractory layers and additional insulation materials are necessary to protect the steel structure in the furnaces from aggressive processing conditions. Iron and steel was the largest end-user industry for refractories accounting for about 75% of total market in 2013.

There are basically two categories of refractories in terms of form type namely bricks and shapes and monolithic. The bricks and shapes was the largest refractories segment in 2013 by form type, however, monolithic segment is expected to grow at a higher rate during 2014-2010. In terms of materials type, refractories can be classified into clay and nanoclay. Clay was the largest and fastest growing segment in the refractories market. The total global production of refractories in 2012 was observed to be 45.7 million tons and it is expected to cross 55 milion by 2020. The refractories industry in the recent few years have been observed engaged in some serious research and development which is also being in the development of new generation of refractories termed as Eco Refractories. These types of refractories will be used in furnances for alternative energy production including solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, hydrogen, nuclear and biomass.   

List of Best International Conferences

1.Ceramics Conference

August 17-18, 2015, Chicago, USA

2.2nd Ceramics and Composite Materials Conference

July 25-27, 2016, Berlin, Germany

3.Musculoskeletal Regeneration Conference

May 05-06, 2016, Chicago, USA

4.ICRHM 2016 : 18th International Conference on Refractories and Hard Materials

June 27-28,  2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.

5.2nd International Conference on Refractories and Hard Materials (RHM 2016)

 July 25 to 27, 2016, Suzhou, China.

6.Advances in Refractory and Reactive Metals and Alloys

January26-27, 2016, Mumbai, India.

Associations and Societies

1.ANH Refractories

2.ACE Refractories

3.TRL Krosaki Refractories

4.Sarvesh Refractory

5.North American Refractories Company

6.Dalmia Refractories

7.Raasi Refractories

8.Riverside Refractories

9.SERP Refractories

10.Orient Refractories

Related Companies

1.ANH Refractories

2.ACE Refractories

3.TRL Krosaki Refractories

4.Sarvesh Refractory

5.North American Refractories Company

6.Dalmia Refractories

7.Raasi Refractories

8.Riverside Refractories

9.SERP Refractories

10.Orient Refractories

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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