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Recommended Conferences for Reservoir Management

Reservoir Management

As per available reports about, 5 journals, conference proceedings, 250 global conferences, 28 National symposiums and 70 articles are being published on fields related to Reservoir management. Petroleum reservoir management is a dynamic process that recognizes the uncertainties in reservoir performance resulting from our inability to fully characterize reservoirs and flow processes. It seeks to mitigate the effects of these uncertainties by optimizing reservoir performance through a systematic application of integrated, multidisciplinary technologies. It approaches reservoir operation and control as a system, rather than as a set of disconnected functions. As such, it is a strategy for applying multiple technologies in an optimal way to achieve synergy. Topics like Mineral oil,  solvents, heating oil, lubricating oil, vegetable oil are of interest


Scope and importance:

Reservoir management consists of processes that require the interaction of technical, operating, and management groups for success. The complexity of the problem and size of the asset dictate the type and number of personnel assigned to the task. Commitments can vary from part-time assignments for technical and operating staff members to the full-time use of multifunctional and, in some instances, multiorganizational teams. The following situations, however, can reduce the effectiveness of reservoir management programs:

Market analysis:

When it comes to making economic decisions around reservoir management, whether it be bid valuations, new field development and operational plans, production estimates, or divestments, there is one thing that today’s E&P operators can be certain about - that there will be a large element of uncertainty in their decisions. That’s not to say, however, that the understanding of reservoirs has not increased dramatically over the last decade. The increased sophistication of reservoir modeling techniques, the dramatic increase in computing speed with multi-million cell reservoir simulation models and the growth in reservoir simulation techniques - both in terms of features and accessibility - have all served to increase one’s knowledge of reservoirs. And expensive alternatives, such as drilling more wells or conducting more thorough reservoir sampling, has also helped reduce uncertainty. However, from velocity models to fluid contact depths to permeability, faults and fracture, knowledge gaps and uncertainty in the reservoir still remain.

List of best conferences:

Geologists Annual Meeting
July 21-22, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

Petroleum and Refinery Congress
July 21-23, 2016 Brisbane, Australia

Oil and Gas Conference
November 16-18, 2015 Dubai, UAE

SPE Artificial Lift Conference & Exhibition – North America
October 6-8, 2016, Houston TX , United States

SPE Wireless Technologies in Well and Reservoir Management
October 7-8, 2016, Austin, Texas , United States

SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition
October 14-16, 2016, Moscow, Russia

May 20-21. 2016

Second EAGE Integrated Reservoir Modeling Conference Uncertainty Management
November 16-19, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Seismic Driven Reservoir Characterization and Production Management
April 20-22, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Relative Companies:
Altinex- optimization and training for all types of oil and gas drilling
Revus Energy AS- focus on reservoir expertise and business development.
Scan power Petroleum Technology AS- Provides software and consultancy services for multiphase flow and reservoir engineering
Wood Group Engineering & Production Facilities- provides valuable reservoir information, allowing customers to optimize production while minimizing the chance of reservoir damage.
Roxar AS- flow meters and products for reservoir management and production optimization  

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This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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