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As per available reports about 2 open access articles, 9 conferences, 3 national symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to rhesus macaque and about 5 speakers gave presentations on rhesus macaque.
The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), is one of the best-known species of Old World monkeys. Mainly they are native of south, central and South East Asia most commonly seen in the grasslands and forested areas but close to human settlements.
OMICS International 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.
Due to its wide availability and grasping captivity they are well known to science. They have been extensively used in science research due to similarity with human anatomy and physiology. Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener gave Rhesus factor, to an element in human blood group based on their experiments. They are launched in to outer space during 1950’s and 1960’s by US army and NASA. Rhesus macaques are an important animal model for the study of human disease and the development of vaccines against HIV and AIDS, like other monkey Rhesus monkey carries Herpes B virus which cause Hepatitis but the virus do not harm monkey but it is very dangerous when transmitted into humans. Genome sequencing was also done with Rhesus Monkey, apparently human share about 93% of DNA sequence similar with the Rhesus monkey which is assumed that shared a common ancestor 25000 million years ago. The Rh blood group system is one among the thirty three human blood group systems and most important system after ABO containing 50 defined blood group antigens. The Rh blood group system is mainly used to determine the hemolytic disease in new born. As a part of parentral care, blood test is used to find the blood type of foetus. If Rh is lacking it is Rh negative, if antigen is present it is Rh positive. Mother with Rh negative develops Rh positive to baby. If a small amount of the baby’s blood mixes with the mother's blood, which often happens in such situations, the mother's body may respond as if it were allergic to the baby The mother's body may make antibodies to the Rh antigens in the baby’s blood. This means the mother has become sensitized and her antibodies may cross the placenta and attack the baby’s blood. Such an attack breaks down the fetus’s red blood cells, creating anemia (a low number of red blood cells). This condition is called hemolytic disease or hemolytic anemia.
Populations of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) are most commonly found in western Afghanistan, through India to northern Thailand. This species was abundant historically in southern China and Tibet, but humans have caused drastic decline of populations in these areas over the last sixty years. Because M. mulatta is often used for research, today populations are kept in captivity worldwide. These smallish monkeys have grizzled-brown fur dorsally, with the fur on the ventrum being slightly lighter in color. The hair is short on the head. The face and buttocks of adults are red. Length varies in this species, ranging between 45 and 64 cm. The tail adds an additional 19 to 32 cm to the total length. Males are somewhat heavier than females, weighing between 6.5 and 12 kg. Females weigh a mere 5.5 kg on average.
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