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Recommended Conferences for Superbug


As per available reports Superbug involves 1 Conference and 27 National symposiums are presently dedicated exclusively to Superbug and about 53 open access articles and 75 Conference Proceedings are being published on Superbug.

Superbug are the bacteria responsible for minor skin infection or ear infections and for more serious and potentially deadly illnesses like meningitis or pneumonia . For Multi-resistant superbugs which are strain of bacteria that has mutated (changed) after coming into contact with an antibiotic. The bacteria then becomes antibiotic resistance which means the antibiotic cannot kill the bacteria or stop them from multiplying. In 2013, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report the US is under threat from 14 superbugs posing an urgent or serious threat, and three causing concern.

OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:
The Superbug Conference providing a global platform for research that affords new insights into Microbiology, Bacterial infections, Molecular bacteriology, Industrial bacteriology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Clinical diagnostic bacteriology. Superbug Conference will provide a perfect platform addressing Laudable talks by the top-notch of the global scientific community.

A superbug is an organism generally a bacteria that is resistant to one or more antibiotics. The term can be existed to any pathogen that is resistant to one more drugs.

Currently the most recognized superbug is MRSA – methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus . Another superbug that is coming to light especially after its emergence in India is NDM-1, New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1. The number of bugs resistant to one or more antibiotics is currently on the rise and scientists around the world are trying their best to curb this problem.

With respect to resistance to chemicals some viruses have also grown resistant to the drugs used to treat them. This can be seen in the H1N1 influenza pandemic. The World Health Organization has isolated around 28 strains that are resistant to the anti-viral oseltamivir. Due the constant threat of influenza virus mutating into a lethal strain WHO recommends caution in administration of such drugs. If the current strains in circulation developed into highly virulent pathogens that are resistant to all forms of treatment we may have a huge pandemic similar to the Spanish Flu pandemic.

Market Analysis:
The increasing incidence of multi-resistant superbugs is emerging as a major global health concern. A multibillion-dollar investment into the global pharmaceuticals industry is needed to ward off the threat of drug-resistant superbugs. According to reports antimicrobial resistance, or AMR, would kill 300 million people prematurely in the next 35 years if unaddressed, leaving global gross domestic product 2% to 3.5% short of what it otherwise would have been by 2050. That would mean $60 trillion to $100 trillion in lost economic output over that 35-year span.

International symposium and workshops

Superbugs and Superdrugs, March 2016, UK.

Antibodies as Drugs (X2), March 6—10, 2016, Canada

Antibody Biology & Engineering, March 20-25, 2016, USA

List of Best International Conferences:

2nd  Flu Conference 
November 17-19, 2016 San Francisco, USA.

4th Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Congress
May 16-18, 2016 San Antonio, USA.

2nd Infectious Diseases Congress
August 25-27, 2016 Philadelphia, USA.

2nd Parasitology Conferences
August 01-03, 2016 Manchester, UK.

2nd Influenza Conferences
September 12-14, 2016 Berlin, Germany.

H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines Conference
July 18-20, 2016 Chicago, USA.

3rd Veterinary Summit
November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA.

Tarvel Medicine and Vaccines Conferences
August 1-2, 2016 Seattle, USA.

2nd Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine Conference
May 09-10, 2016 Chicago, USA.

Children Vaccines Congress
October 10-12, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2nd Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine Conference
May 09-10, 2016 Chicago, USA.

4th Immunology Conference
October 24-26, 2016, Chicago, USA.

11th Vaccines & Vaccination Summit
September  12-14, 2016, Pheonix, USA.

7th Middle East Vaccines & Vaccination Summit
September 28-30, 2015 at Dubai, UAE.

4th Lung & Respiratory Care Conference
August 01-03, 2016 Manchester, UK.

4th Epidemiology and Public Health Conference
October 03-05, 2016 London, UK.

5th Occupational Health & Safety Conference
June 06-07, 2016 Dallas, USA.

13th Asia Pacific Vaccines & Vaccination Summit
November 10-12, 2016 Melbourne, Australia.

Infection Prevention and Control Conferences
August 1-2, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany.

European Infectious Diseases Conference
August 1-3, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany.

Relevant Society and Associations

The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
The Society for Actinomycetes Japan.
Infectious Diseases Society of America.
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
Australian Society for Antimicrobials.
American Society For Microbiology.
Society for General Microbiology.
International Society of Microbiology
Federation of microbiological societies in Europe.
European Mycological Association.
European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV).
International Society for Antiviral Research (ISAR).
Canadian Society of Microbiologists.
Swiss Society for Microbiology.
The Illinois Society for Microbiology.
Society for Applies Microbiology.
Danish Infectious Disease Society.
Society for General Microbiology (SGM).
The Hospital Infection Society.
Sanofi Pasteur.
Eli Lilly & Co.
Immunomic Therapeutics.
bioCSL (CSL).
Bharat Biotech.
Indian Immunologicals.
MedImmune (AstraZeneca).
Crucell (Janssen Pharmaceutical).
Emergent BioSolutions.

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

Conference Series Destinations