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International Conferences

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Recommended Conferences for crystalography



As per available reports about, 61 Conference Proceedings,13 National symposiums,3 Open Access Articles are presently dedicated exclusively to Crystallography.

Crystallography is the science that examines the arrangement of atoms in solids. The word "crystallography" derives from the Greek words crystallon "cold drop, frozen drop", with its meaning extending to all solids with some degree of transparency.


OMICS International Organizes 1000+ Global Events Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 100000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about the conference organize worldwide.

Scope and Importance:

In July 2012, the United Nations recognized the importance of the science of crystallography by proclaiming that 2014 would be the International Year of Crystallography. X-ray crystallography is used to determine the structure of large biomolecules such as proteins. Before the development of X-ray diffraction crystallography, the study of crystals was based on their geometry. This involves measuring the angles of crystal faces relative to theoretical reference axes (crystallographic axes), and establishing the symmetry of the crystal in question. The former is carried out using a goniometer. The position in 3D space of each crystal face is plotted on a stereographic net such as a Wulff net or Lambert net. The pole to each face is plotted on the net. Each point is labeled with its Miller index. The final plot allows the symmetry of the crystal to be established.

Market Analysis:

Health care in Turkey used to be dominated by a centralized state system run by the Ministry of Health. In 2003 the governing Justice and Development Party introduced a sweeping health reform program aimed at increasing the ratio of private to state health provision and making health care available to a larger share of the population. Information from the Turkish Statistical Institute states that 76.3 billion of Turkish Liras are being spent in healthcare, with 79.6% of funding coming from the Social Security Institute and most of the remainder (15.4%) coming from out-of-pocket payments. There are 27.954 medical institutions, 1.7 doctor for every 1000 people and 2.54 beds for 1000 people.


International symposium and workshops

  1. Symposium on Cervical Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa
    2nd - 6th November 2015, Mbeya, Tanzania.
  2. International Conference on Pancreatic and Colorectal Cancer
    March 29-30, 2016 | Atlanta, USA.
  3. 2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer and Treatment
    May 05-07, 2016 | Chicago, USA.
  4. 2nd International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
    June 06-07, 2016 | Dallas, USA.

List of Best International Conferences:

  1. International Conference on Radiography
    November, 17-18. Dubai, UAE.
  2. 5thinternational conference on Radiology and Imaging
    September, 19-20, 2016, Las Vegas, USA.
  3. International conference on nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy
    July 14-15, 2016. Cologne, Germany.
  4. International Conference on Medical Imaging and Diagnosis
    May 9-10, Chicago, USA.
  5. International  Conference on Mesothelioma
    November 3-4, 2016, Valencia, Spain.
  6. International Conference on Leukemia and Bone Marrow Transplantation
    November10-12, 2016Istanbul, Turkey.
  7. 6th world congress on Cancer therapy
    December 1-3, 2016, Baltimore, USA.
  8. Global Neuroscience conference
    November 7-9, 2016. Melbourne, Australia.
  9. 4th Global Summit and Medicare expo on Head and Neck Surgery
    December 1-2, 2016, Chicago,USA.
  10. International Conference and Exhibition on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    October 3-5,2016, Miami, USA.
  11. 5th international conference and exhibition on Surgery
    October, 6-8, 2016, Alicante, Spain.
  12. International Conference on Vascular Medicine and Surgeons Meeting
    October, 24-25, 2016, Chicago, USA.
  13. International Conference and Exhibition on Surgical Oncology
    September, 1-3, 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  14. 13th Global Summit on Cancer Therapy
    October 17-19, 2016, Dubai, UAE.
  15. NGS 2015
    27-28 Oct, 2015, Lund, Sweden.     
  16. Hematologic Cancers - An Introduction
    27-28 Oct2015, Newark, United States.
  17. IBCC — 1st International & 8th Annual Breast Cancer Congress
    28-30 Oct, 2015, Tehran, Iran.
  18. UCC — UAE Cancer Congress 2015
    29-31 Oct,2015. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  19. Master Class — The Sexual Consequences of Cancer & Its Treatment: An Integrated Model of Care for Individuals and Couples
    30 Oct, 2015. London, United Kingdom.
  20. FCS2015 — Frontiers in Cancer Science 2015
    02-04 Nov, 2015. Singapore, Singapore.
  21. Gynecology — Gynecological Study Day
    04 Nov 2015. South Kensington, London, United Kingdom.
  22. Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer's 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Associated Programs
    04-08 Nov 2015. National Harbor, United States.
  23. ABC3 — Advanced Breast Cancer Third International Consensus Conference (ABC3)
    05-07, Nov 2015. Lisbon, Portugal.

Relevant Society and Associations

  1. American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  2. European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics
  3. American Society of Neuroimaging
  4. European Society of Neuroradiology
  5. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
  6. Indian Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
  7. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation American society of pulmonary medicine
  8. European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA)
  9. National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics
  10. Japan Society of Applied Physics
  11. The Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore)
  12. Korean Society of Electron Microscopy


  1. IBA Proton Therapy
  2. Elekta
  3. RaySearch Laboratories
  4. Modus Medical Devices
  5. TiMOTION Technology
  6. Aubo Medical
  7. The Fitzpatrick Company
  8. Microfluidics
  9. Teguar Computers
  10. Lifome Technologies
  11. American Applied Materials Corporation
  12. Ultraray
  13. Diagnostic Imaging Specialists Corp
  14. Naslund Medical Inc
  15. VARIAN Medical Systems Particle Therapy GmbH
  16. Zaber Technologies
  17. QUART X-Ray QA/QC
  18. Piezo Technologies
  19. Remote Dosimetry Services


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This page was last updated on March 14, 2025

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