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Recommended Conferences for Angling


As per available reports about 2 open access articlesconference proceedings, 10 upcomig conferences, 4 national symposiums, 1 editor, 9 speakers, are presently dedicated exclusively to Angling.

Angling is a method of fishing by means of an "angle" (fish hook). The hook is usually attached to a fishing line and the line is often attached to a fishing rod. Fishing rods are usually fitted with a fishing reel that functions as a mechanism for storing, retrieving and paying out the line. The hook itself can be dressed with lures or bait. A bite indicator such as a float, and a weight or sinker is sometimes used. Angling is the principal method of sport fishing, but commercial fisheries also use angling methods such as longlining or trolling. Catch and release fishing is increasingly practiced by recreational fishermen. In many parts of the world, size limits apply to certain species, meaning fish below and/or above a certain size must, by law, be released.

OMICS International is the one which is organizing the global wide international conferences in field of multiple research topics in all subjects, and exploring the scientific knowledge throughout the globe. And conducting 1000+ conferences & expos per year. Also having 700 open access journals, only 21days of rapid review process, 50000 eminent personalities in the editorial board from round of globe, 100000 flowing from Facebook, publication immediately after acceptance, Quick and quality editorial review process. Well organized workshops, Global Events and symposia,Renowned speakers and scientists across the globe, poster presentations and world class exhibitions, Panel discussions & interactive sessions, Perfect platform for global networking, B2B meetings, Alliances and associations, collaborative research opportunities, Supported by reputed associations and societies.

Scope & Importance

A recent study by consultants Gardner-Pinfold and commissioned by ASF determined that angling industry was vitally important to the rural areas in which it occurred. Among the important facts: Value of wild Atlantic salmon was $255 Million Anglers spent $128 Million Value to Provinces in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was $150 Million. The study also determined that wild Atlantic salmon were an important employer: Atlantic salmon supported 3,872 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs in 2010. About 10,500 seasonal jobs depend on income from wild Atlantic salmon; ASF President Bill Taylor explains other aspects of the economic importance of wild Atlantic salmon.

Scope and importance of angling

A founding principle of The Hamilton Project’s economic strategy is that long-term prosperity is best achieved in a changing global economy by promoting sustainable, broadly shared economic growth. One important way to fulfill the goals of this strategy is to encourage the efficient use of our nation’s natural resources. This fall, The Hamilton Project will release new papers and host forums on this topic, with a specific focus on U.S. fisheries in September, and on America’s water crisis in October. We look at the economic impact of fishing in the United States. Both recreational and fishing for food production are huge facets of the American economy. Combined, the jobs they create and the revenue they bring to the table are too large to be ignored. Fishing leaves a direct or indirect footprint on every American’s life, whether they know it or not. Fishing is one of the most popular types of recreation. As mentioned in Part 1, over 33 million U.S. adults participate in the activity each year (1). These angling enthusiasts then invest in equipment, licenses, trips and other fishing-related items or events that contribute over $48 billion annually to the U.S. economy. Adding fishing as a food producing industry increases that number to well over $90 billion – more than the net worth of major companies such as Pfizer and Sony!

List of Best International Conferences

Relevant Companies:

  • Grupoppescanova, ESPANA
  • WWP World Wide Predators, USA
  • Greenpeace, Africa.
  • Fishing International, Loma Rica, CAADSA, USA
  • Americulture Inc, USA
  • Atlantis Aquacultura, USA
  • Aqua Bounty Farms, USA
  • Aquaculture Supply, USA
  • Aqualider, Brazil
  • Aquasafra, Inc, USA
  • Aquaseed, USA
  • Aquavet, Spain
  • Arvo-Kala, USA
  • ASICo Aquatic Stock Improvement Co., USA
  • Bluewater Aquaculture, Canada
  • Ceatech, USA
  • El Rosario S.A, france
  • GenoMar, Germany
  • Gramacan, Spain
  • GrupoGranjas Marinas S.A., Greece
  • High Health Aquaculture Inc.
  • Inland Seafarm Reed Mariculture Inc., Indonesia

Relevant Associations:

  • Acquacoltura, Europe
  • American Fisheries Society, USA
  • Asian Fisheries Society, Singapore
  • American Tilapia Association, USA
  • Aqua Biotechnology, USA
  • Aquaculture Association of Canada, Canada
  • Aquaculture Development Program, UK
  • Aquaculture Engineering Society, China
  • Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, USA
  • California Aquaculture Association, USA
  • Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, Canada
  • Canarian Association of Fish Farmers, Canada
  • China Society of Fisheries, China
  • Dutch Aquaculture Society, Netherlands
  • European Aquaculture Society, Spain
  • European Association of Fish Pathologists, Spain
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation - Fisheries, Italy
  • Federation of European Aquaculture Producers, Turkey
  • Global Aquaculture Alliance, USA
  • International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Thailand

This page will be updated regularly.

This page was last updated on July 4, 2024

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