Conference on Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy 2012
International Conference on
Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy
November 19-21, 2012 Hilton San Antonio Airport, USA
Gene Therapy-2012

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    Scientific Program
    International Conference on Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy will be organized around the theme "Building on Clinical Progress & Exploring Advances in Gene Therapy."

    Gene Therapy-2012 is comprised of 12 tracks and 62 sessions designed to address current issues in Genetics & Gene Therapy

    Submit your abstract to any of the following tracks.

    Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
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    Renowned Speakers
    Track 1: Gene Therapy
    Track 1-1 Novel technologies for gene transfer
    Track 1-2 Gene transfer to induce cellular reprogramming
    Track 1-3 Molecular cloning in gene therapy
    Track 1-4 Human gene therapy
    Track 1-5 Gene therapy in plants
    Track 1-6 Current research on gene therapy
    Track 1-7 Genetic therapies for neurological disorders
    Track 2: Vectors for Gene Therapy
    Track 2-1 Viral vectors
    Track 2-2 Non viral vectors
    Track 2-3 Hybrid methods
    Track 2-4 Immune response to gene therapy vectors
    Track 2-5 Risk factors and biosafety issues of gene therapy vectors
    Track 3: Cancer Genetics
    Track 3-1 Oncogenes and alleles
    Track 3-2 Tumor suppressor genes
    Track 3-3 Targeted molecular therapies
    Track 3-4 Therapeutic cancer vaccines
    Track 4: Molecular Gene Therapy
    Track 4-1 Bridging therapy
    Track 4-2 Molecular biomarkers for gene therapy
    Track 4-3 DNA vaccination
    Track 4-4 Molecular imaging
    Track 4-5 Uniting stem cells with gene therapy
    Track 5: Developmental Genetics
    Track 5-1 Immunogenetics
    Track 5-2 Neurogenetics
    Track 5-3 Human evolutionary genetics
    Track 5-4 Population genetics
    Track 5-5 Medical genetics and heredity counselling
    Track 6: Genetic Disorders
    Track 6-1 Single gene disorder
    Track 6-2 Multifactorial and polygenic (complex) disorders
    Track 6-3 Prognosis and treatment of genetic disorders
    Track 6-4 Genetic syndrome associated with metabolisms
    Track 6-5 Genomic instability
    Track 6-6 Gene therapy for genetic syndromes
    Track 7: Gene Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases & Epigenetics
    Track 7-1 Hereditary multiple exostoses
    Track 7-2 Adenomatous polyposis
    Track 7-3 Genomic imprinting and related disorders
    Track 7-4 Epigenetics in micro-organisms
    Track 7-5 Induced pluripotent stem cells and potential therapies
    Track 7-6 Transgenerational epigenetic observations
    Track 7-7 Computational epigenetics
    Track 8: Applied Molecular Biology
    Track 8-1 Genetic variation and diversity
    Track 8-2 Molecular evolution
    Track 8-3 Genetic diseases caused by alterations of RNA sequence
    Track 8-4 RNAi mechanisms and miRNAs
    Track 9: Gene Therapy in the Retina
    Track 9-1 Retinal degenerative disorders
    Track 9-2 Vector based strategies for retinal gene therapies
    Track 9-3 Nanoparticles in retinal gene therapy
    Track 10: Clinical Genetics
    Track 10-1 Pharmacogenetics
    Track 10-2 Genetic amniocentesis
    Track 10-3 Reproductive genetics
    Track 10-4 Clinical applications, limitations, and future directions
    Track 10-5 Genetic epidemiology
    Track 11: Foreground Advancements of Gene Therapy and its Applications
    Track 11-1 Gene therapy approaches for red blood cell disorders
    Track 11-2 Pre-implantation genetic screening and diagnosis
    Track 11-3 Self injurious and aggresive behaviour in genetic syndromes
    Track 11-4 Adenovirus targeting for gene therapy
    Track 11-5 Advanced techniques for gene therapy in cardiac disease
    Track 11-6 Molecular therapy to renal diseases
    Track 11-7 Recent advances in insulin gene therapy for diabetes
    Track 12: Genetic Mapping and Linkage Analysis
    Track 12-1 Cloning and expression systems
    Track 12-2 Mobile genetic elements
    Track 12-3 Cellular and organismal genetic engineering
    Track 12-4 Pedigree/ Breeding analysis
    Genetic Conference, Symposium, Genetics Conferences
    Conference Secretariat: Gene Therapy-2012, OMICS Group Conferences
    5716 Corsa Ave, Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA
    Phone: +1-650-268-9744 l Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    Toll free: 1-800-216-6499(USA & Canada)
    Operated by : Editors - Journal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy, Hereditary Genetics and Human Genetics & Embryology
    The Organizers reserve the rights to make changes and adjustment to the information in this website
    Copyright 2008-2012 OMICS Group - All rights reserved
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