International Conference and Exhibition on
October 15-17, 2012 DoubleTree by Hilton Chicago-Northshore, USA
 Otolaryngology - 2012

    Previous Events
    Participants List from Academia
    University of Texas at Arlington, USA

    Stanford University School of Medicine, USA

    Mahidol University, Thailand

    Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

    Hamdard University, India

    Yeshiva University, USA

    University of Macau, China

    Monash University, Australia

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    University of Denver, Colorado

    University of Toronto, Canada

    Zagazig University, Egypt

    Banaras Hindu University, India

    Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

    University di Messina CNISM, Italy

    University of Tasmania, Australia

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

    Sogang University, Korea

    University of Edinburgh, UK

    Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, USA

    Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Eve University, Turkey

    University of Delhi, India

    Isfahan University of Technology(IUT), Iran

    Taif University, Saudi Arabia

    University Medical Center, Netherlands

    University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    University Paris 13, France

    Participants List from Business
    Cadila Pharmaceuticals, India

    Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter, Hungary

    3S-Pharmacological Consultation & Research GmbH, Germany

    Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Australia

    Psoriasis and Cutaneous Inflammation Research Laboratory, USA

    Alcon Laboratories Inc., USA

    National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

    Grup de Recerca de Reumatologia (IRHVH), Spain

    Bayer Health Care, Richmond, USA

    Crown Bioscience Inc., China

    Hammersmith Hospital, London

    Van Drie Research LLC, USA

    Dr.Reddy's labs, India

    Merck Research Laboratories, USA

    National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), India

    AstraZeneca R&D Boston, USA

    Abbott Laboratories, USA

    Hutchison MediPharma Limited, China

    Sage Bionetworks, USA

    Central Drug Research Institute, India

    Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India

    National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST) , India

    Novartis Campus, Austria

    Upcoming Conferences
    Day 1
    Scientific Program
      Day 2
    Scientific Program
      Day 3
    Scientific Program
    International Conference and Exhibition on Otolaryngology, will be organized around the theme "Current Concepts in Diagnosis and Management of Otolaryngology."

    Otolaryngology-2012 is comprised of 11 tracks and 58 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Otolaryngology-2012.

    Submit your abstract to any of the following tracks.

    Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
    Abstract Submission   Register
    Renowned Speakers
    speaker Paul F. Castellanos
    University of Alabama at Birmi , USA

    speaker Robert H. Ossoff
    Vanderbilt Medical Center, USA

    speaker Quintin Pan
    Ohio State University, USA

    speaker Xiaorui Shi
    Oregon Health & Science University, USA

    speaker Steven J. Wang
    University of California, USA

    speaker Charles Bishop
    University of Mississippi, USA

    speaker Ivan H. El-Sayed
    University of California, USA

    speaker Marcos Paiva
    University of California, USA

    Track 1: Head and Neck Surgery
    Track 1-1: Head and neck cancer
    Track 1-2: Skull base surgery
    Track 1-3: Radical neck dissection
    Track 1-4: Hypopharyngeal cancer
    Track 1-5: Glottic cancer
    Track 1-6: Thyroid carcinoma
    Track 2: Pediatric Otolaryngology
    Track 2-1: Pediatric genetic hearing loss
    Track 2-2: Overlap between Sleep Apnea and ADHD
    Track 2-3: Tonsillectomy treatment for pediatric patients
    Track 2-4: CPAP in children
    Track 2-5: Cholesteatoma
    Track 2-6: Tympanostomy tubes
    Track 3: Laryngology and Voice
    Track 3-1: Laryngoscopy: Rigid transoral and flexible techniques
    Track 3-2: Laryngeal electromyography & transnasal esophagoscopy
    Track 3-3: Functional endoscopic evaluations of swallowing
    Track 3-4: Imaging studies of the larynx, trachea and esophagus
    Track 3-5: Neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the larynx
    Track 4: ENT Infectious Disease
    Track 4-1: Ramsay hunt syndrome
    Track 4-2: Fungal laryngitis in immunocompetent patients
    Track 4-3: Implications for gonococci detection
    Track 4-4: Antimicrobial resistance profiles of ocular & nasal flora
    Track 4-5: Mucormycosis in immunocompetent patients
    Track 5: Anatomy and Physiology
    Track 5-1: Research on organs of hearing & balance
    Track 5-2: Audiovocal behaviours
    Track 5-3: Comparative physiology
    Track 5-4: Defense physiology
    Track 5-5: Nasal and sinus disease
    Track 6: Otology and Neurotology
    Track 6-1: Earlobe keloids
    Track 6-2: Anatomy of chorda tympani
    Track 6-3: Congenital cytomegalovirus
    Track 6-4: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for tinnitus
    Track 6-5: Stapedectomy
    Track 7: Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders
    Track 7-1: Graves' disease
    Track 7-2: Hashimoto's thyroiditis
    Track 7-3: Hypercalcemia
    Track 7-4: Hypothyroidism
    Track 7-5: Thyroid nodules
    Track 8: Hpv in Head and Neck Cancers
    Track 8-1: Rhinoplasty
    Track 8-2: Tympanomastoidectomy
    Track 8-3: Ossicular reconstruction
    Track 8-4: Reconstruction of complex nasal dorsal & sidewall defects
    Track 8-5: Current role of the crest flap in mandibular reconstruction
    Track 9: Anesthesia and Pain Relief
    Track 9-1: Anesthetic system for micro laryngeal surgery
    Track 9-2: Anesthesia for ENT surgery
    Track 9-3: Anaesthetic techniques for middle ear surgery
    Track 9-4: Anaesthesia in pediatric otolaryngology
    Track 9-5: Anesthesia in thoracic surgery
    Track 10: Tracheal Diseases
    Track 10-1: Congenital tracheal anomalies
    Track 10-2: Tracheal neoplasm
    Track 10-3: Tracheostomy
    Track 10-4: Tracheal agenesis and atresia
    Track 10-5: Complications of tracheal reconstruction
    Track 11: Spotlight on New Research and Technologies in Otolaryngology
    Track 11-1: Is there a link between acid reflux (GERD) and upper airway cancer?
    Track 11-2: Do hearings tests help indicate increased risks for heart disease?
    Track 11-3: Robotics in Surgery: Do they have the magic touch?
    Track 11-4: Heavy metals exposure and effect on adolescent hearing loss
    Track 11-5: Gene therapy and stem cell research for SNHL
    Track 11-6: Cochlear implants
    Conference Secretariat: Otolaryngology-2012, OMICS Group Conferences
    5716 Corsa Ave, Suite 110, Westlake, Los Angeles CA 91362-7354, USA
    Phone: +1- 650-268-9744 l Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    Toll free: 1-800-216-6499 (USA & Canada)
    Email: otolaryngology2012@omicsgroup.com

    Operated by: Editors - Journal of Otolaryngology and Journal of Anatomy & Physiology

    The Organizers reserve the rights to make changes and adjustment to the information in this website
    Copyright© 2008-2012 OMICS Group - All rights reserved
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